Contents: This workshop will: (a) review the different missing data mechanisms (i.e., MCAR, MAR and NMAR); (b) introduce the multiple imputation and maximum likelihood methods in regression modeling and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method; and (c) illustrate using R (free software) and Stata (commonly used in social work research) to analyze real data from social work studies and compare the consistence from different software.
Pedagogical Techniques: This workshop will use a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the statistical principles of missing data in regression analysis, and will show to the participants how to conduct the multiple imputation and maximum likelihood in R/Stata with real data examples from social work research. Handouts with R/Stata syntax of running multiple imputation and maximum likelihood will be provided to the participants.
Significance: This workshop aims to address the missing data problem in social work research by reviewing the existing statistical methods. Real data analysis using R/Stata will be illustrated. The proposed approach will help to advance scientific knowledge, improve the rigorousness of quantitative research in social work areas, and provide more accurate guidance for social work practice.