Session: ePoster Presentations II (Society for Social Work and Research 22nd Annual Conference - Achieving Equal Opportunity, Equity, and Justice)

49 ePoster Presentations II

Thursday, January 11, 2018: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Marquis BR Salon 6 (ML 2) (Marriott Marquis Washington DC)
* noted as presenting author
Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
School and Out of School Time Experiences among Youth
Shades of Discipline: Colorism and the Pushout of Black Girls from Schools
Tyese Brown, LMSW, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Adolescent Substance Use and Abuse
A State-Wide Comparison between Homeless and Non-Homeless School-Attending Youth on Substance Use Off and on-School Grounds
Ron Avi Astor, PhD, University of Southern California; Hadass Moore, MSW, University of Southern California
Adolescent Sexual Health/Reproduction
A Path Analysis Predicting Contraceptive Use Among Youth Formerly in Foster Care: Intention or Unmet Need?
Katie Massey Combs, MSW, MPH, University of Denver; Inna Altschul, PhD, University of Denver; Samantha M. Brown, PhD, University of Denver; Heather Taussig, PhD, University of Denver
Transition Age Youth/Emerging Adulthood
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration, and Physical and Mental Health Among Young Adults
Seunghye Hong, PhD, University of Hawai`i; Sophia Kim, MSW, University of Hawai`i
Adolescents � Special Populations (Minority/Indigenous Youth)
Adolescent Mental Disorders and Mental Health and Wellbeing
An Examination of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Among Children and Adolescents Referred to Community and Inpatient Mental Health Settings in Ontario, Canada
Philip Baiden, MA, University of Toronto; Shannon Stewart, PhD, Western University; Barbara Fallon, PhD, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency/Homelessness
A Systematic Review of Teen Court Evaluation Studies
Katie Cotter, PhD, Arizona State University; Caroline Evans, PhD, University of Kansas
Adolescent Health
Body Image Among Youth: The Influence of Eating Breakfast and Family Meals
Virginia L. Ramseyer Winter, PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia; Aubrey Jones, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Elizabeth O'Neill, University of Kansas
Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Caregiving for Older Adults
Caregiving for Older Adults
Elder Abuse
Developing Instruments to Assess a NYC APS Caseworker Engagement Training
Caroline Gelman, PhD, Hunter College; Angela Ghesquiere, PhD, Hunter College of the City University of New York; Agnes Halarewicz, MSW, Hunter College; Geoff Rogers, BA, Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Analyzing Factors of Colorectal Cancer Screening Practice Among Older Asian Americans: Implications for Community-Based Interventions
Seok-Won Jin, PhD, Clark Atlanta University; Jongwook Lee, MS, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Global Indigenous Populations (Indigenous Cluster)
American Indian Health Care, indigenous health and health inequities
Factors Associated with American Indian Mental Health Service Use in Comparison with White Older Adults
Heehyul Moon, PHD, University of Louisville; Soonhee Roh, PhD, University of South Dakota; Yeon-Shim Lee, PhD, San Francisco State University
Child Welfare (CW)
Prevention and Intervention
Identifying Families at Risk of Maltreatment Following a CPS Investigation: A Comparison of Families with and without Complex Needs
James Simon, PhD, LCSW, California State University, San Bernardino; Devon Brooks, PhD, University of Southern California
Understanding Child Maltreatment Report Risks: A 14-Year Longitudinal Study
Hyunil Kim, MSW, Washington University in Saint Louis; Melissa Jonson-Reid, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Brett Drake, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis
Exploring Which Factors Can Lead to Successful Reunification: Caseworkers' Perspectives
Merav Jedwab, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Anusha Chatterjee, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Terry Shaw, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Communities and Neighborhoods (C&N)
Neighborhood indicators/effects and community health/well-being
Mapping Community Disadvantage to Better Target Home Visiting Services in Montana
Allison De Marco, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Noreen Yazejian, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Civic Engagement and participation
Community Engagement and Community Partners: Where's the Justice?
Cassandra Simon, PhD, University of Alabama; Josephine Pryce, PhD, University of Alabama; Vicky Carter, MSW, ABD, University of Alabama; Pamela Melton, MSW, ABD, Tulane University
Community capacity building (assets and social capital)
Keeping It Real: Helping Funders Develop Realistic Expectations and Measurable Outcomes for Community Change Initiatives
Amy Cohen-Callow, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Karen Hopkins, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Megan Meyer, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Nicole Mattocks, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Delinquency and Offending
Emotional Regulation Capacities: How Attachment Relationships Play a Role
Melissa Grady, PhD, The Catholic University of America; Joseph Shields, PhD, The Catholic University of America
Disability (D)
Definitions, Measurement, Frameworks and Disability
Family Perspectives on Social-Cognitive Impairment in Verbal Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kristen MacKenzie, BS, University of Pittsburgh; Carla Mazefsky, PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Nancy Minshew, MD, University of Pittsburgh; Shaun Eack, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Gender (G)
Gender Discrimination
Gendered Colorism: Reflections from Black Women in America
Jandel Crutchfield, PhD, School of Applied Sciences; J Camille Hall, PhD, LCSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Health (H)
Health Promotion and Education
Enhancing Chronic Disease Self-Management through Yoga: Effects of Mindfulness and Self-Efficacy for People with Chronic Pain
Jennifer Marie Dickman Portz, PhD, Colorado State University; Amy Hafer, MSW, Colorado State University; Mallory Andrews, MSW, Colorado State University; Alayna Baker, MSW, Colorado State University; Ashley Eidmann, MSW, Colorado State University; Veronica Mendez, MSW, Colorado State University; Paula J. Yuma, PhD, Colorado State University; Arlene Schmid, PhD, Colorado State University
Have You Heard?: Development of a Social Network Peer Leader HIV Prevention Intervention for Homeless Youth
Robin Petering, MSW, University of Southern California; Eric Rice, PhD, University of Southern California; Jaih Craddock, MSW, MA, University of Southern California; Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, MSW, University of Southern California
Inclusion, Access and Disparities
Cumulative Risk and Food Justice: A Food Insecurity Latent Class Analysis
Nicole O'Reilly, PhD, MSSW, Boise State University; Brittany Schuler, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Immigrants and Refugees (I&R)
Immigrant health and mental health
Asylum Seeker's Reflections on the Process of Seeking Asylum
Serena Chaudhry, LCSW, MPH, Tulane University
Immigrant adaptation
Cultural Trauma of Elderly Refugees from Bhutan: Spiral of Loss and Cultural Bereavement in Resettlement
Hyojin Im, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jonah Neff, BSW, Virginia Commonwealth University
Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy (IP&SWP)
Homelessness and Housing
An Evaluation of a Housing First and Assertive Outreach Team Intervention with Chronically Homeless Individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders
Rob Buttters, PHD, University of Utah; Christian Sarver, MSW, University of Utah; Kort Prince, PHD, University of Utah
Homelessness and Housing
Children in Public Housing: The Role of Community on Emotional and Behavioral Development of Young Children
Hyejin Jung, PhD, University of Texas at El Paso; Sharon Lee, MSW, The University of Texas at Austin; Yeonwoo Kim, MA, The University of Texas at Austin
Consequences of inequality and poverty
Nurse Home Visitation Practice with Vulnerable Families in Rural Areas. a Qualitative Casefile Review
Ellie S. Wideman, MSW, Washington University in Saint Louis; Allison E. Dunnigan, MSW, Washington University in Saint Louis; Melissa Jonson-Reid, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis
International Social Work & Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Comparative studies, policy and practice
Child Support Receipt Among Single Mother Families: New Evidence from South Korea
Yiyoon Chung, PhD, Konkuk University; Yeongmin Kim, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Global issues and international social work
Examining the Non-Kin Support Networks of Orphaned Adolescents Participating in a Family-Based Economic Strengthening Intervention in Uganda
Proscovia Nabunya, PhD, New York University; Mark Courtney, PhD, University of Chicago; Fred Ssewamala, PhD, Columbia University; Deborah Padgett, PhD, New York University
Mental Health (MH)
Prevention and Resilience
Evaluation of Safer, Smarter Kids: A Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Curriculum for Kindergartners
Donna Brown, MSW, Florida State University; Bruce Thyer, PhD, LCSW, BCBA-D, Florida State University
Hijab and Depression: Examining the Relationship Among American Muslim Women
David R. Hodge, PhD, Social Work; Tarek Zidan, Indiana University; Altaf Husain, PhD, Howard University
Mental Health Treatment and Services
Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (MSVF)
Combat and deployment trauma and stressors
Vietnam Veterans 50 Years Later: This Is All That We Know! This Is How I Have Been Living!
John Keesler, PhD, School of Social Work; Thomas Chacko, MSW, School of Social Work
Organizations & Management (O&M)
Implementation Science- Evaluation, Diffusion and Sustainment of Policies and Program Practices
Race and Ethnicity (R&E)
Ethnic Minority Wellbeing
Ethnic Minority Groups
Cultural Competency in Social Work Scholarship and Research on Latinos in the United States
Jason Castillo, PhD, University of Utah; Nathan Hadley, PhD, University of Utah; Van Nguyen, MSW, University of Utah
Research Design and Measurement (RD&M)
Community-Based Participatory Research
This Is What Social Work Research Methods Look like
Finn Bell, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Reuben Jonathan Miller, PhD, University of Chicago
Implementation Research
Motivational Interviewing Adherence Tools: A Review of Content Validity
Brad Lundahl, PhD, University of Utah; Rob Butters, PhD, University of Utah; Brian Droubay, MSW, University of Utah; Kalani Nelford, BA, University of Utah
Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
Engaged Teaching and Learning
Engaging Students in Policy Practice: Evaluation of Civic and Academic Outcomes
Younghee Lim, PhD, University of Mississippi; Elaine Maccio, Ph.D., Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge; Trey Bickham, PhD, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge; Mi-Youn Yang, PhD, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge
Educational Outcomes
Citation Impact Factors Among Faculty in Canadian Social Work Programs
Michael Holosko, Ph.D., University of Georgia; John Graham, PhD, University of British Columbia - Okanagan; Faye Mishna, PhD, University of Toronto - Factor Inwentash; Junior Allen, Ph.D., University of Georgia; Cheryl Regehr, PhD, University of Toronto
Engaged Teaching and Learning
Understanding the Multifaceted Nature of Domestic Violence Service Work through the Narratives of Victims' Advocates:Implications for Social Work Education
Ga-Young Choi, PhD, University of Northern Iowa; Hyunkag Cho, PhD, Michigan State University; Soonok An, PhD, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Abigail Jenkins, BA, University of Northern Iowa
School Social Work (SSW)
Access to School-based and Community-based Resources
Opportunity for Equity in the Community: Museum Field Trips for Disadvantaged Children
Elena Delavega, PhD, MSW, University of Memphis; Chelsea Heard, MSW, University of Alabama; Peter Kindle, PhD, CPA, LMSW, University of South Dakota
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI)
Discrimination and Bias
Homophobic Behavior Among High School Students in Switzerland
Patrick Weber, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; Daniel Gredig, PhD, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Health and Well-being
A Resilience-Based Approach to Exploring Non-Binary Identities
Marea Kinney, MSW, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
Social Work Practice (SWP)
Direct Practice
Mindfulness in the Face of Uncertainty: An Opportunity to Enhance Financial Well-Being
Kristin Richards, PhD, Jackson State University; Gilbert Singletary, PhD, Walden University; Thomas Smith, PhD, Florida State University; Lisa S. Panisch, MSW, University of Texas at Austin
Cultural Competence
Intergenerational Forum to Enhance Students' Engagement and Elders' Ehealth Literacy
Othelia Lee, PH D, UNC Charlotte; Do-Hong Kim, UNC Charlotte
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB)
Addictive Behaviors and Co-Occurring Problems
Parental Monitoring, Addictive Behaviors, and School Performance Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Youth: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
Stephanie Diez, MSW, CAP, Florida International University; Wen Li, PhD, Rutgers University; Mario De La Rosa, PhD, Center for Research on US Latino HIV/AIDs and Substance Abuse (CRUSADA)
Epidemiology and Etiology
Adverse Childhood Behaviors and Problem Drinking: A Gender-Specific, Population-Based Study
Lin Fang, PhD, University of Toronto; Sandra McNeil, MSW, University of Toronto
Sustainable Development, Urbanization, and Environmental Justice (SDU&E)
Community adaptation, resilience, and capacity building
Violence against Women and Children (VAWC)
Children Exposed to Violence
Multiple Forms of Early Violent Socialization and the Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence Among Chinese College Students
Jeongsuk Kim, MSW, University of South Carolina; Youn Kyoung Kim, PhD, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge; Sung Seek Moon, PhD, University of South Carolina
Dating Violence
Human Trafficking
A Systematic Review of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Sub-Saharan Africa
Charles Hounmenou, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago; Wonbin Her, MSW, University of Illinois at Chicago
Work, Family, and Family Policy (WF&FP)
Jobs, employment, and the labor market
In Their Own Words: Social Work Faculty and Work Inequity
Diane Hodge, PhD, Radford University; Christina Chiarelli-Helminiak, PhD, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Anna Faul, PhD, University of Louisville; Leslie E. Tower, PhD, West Virginia University
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