Methods: This study utilized a cross-sectional research design and included a convenience sample of 187 homeless young adults aged 18 to 25 years old that completed a self-administered survey. The Youth Experiences Survey (YES) is a 65-item, paper and pencil survey which has been given each year for the past four years to a complex and difficult population to assess. In 2017, during a two-week period in August, homeless young adults from the greater Phoenix, Arizona area and Tucson, Arizona completed the Youth Experiences Survey. Respondents were drawn from four agencies including Tumbleweed a Service of UMOM, Our Family Services, One•n•ten, and Native American Connections.
Bivariate analyses were conducted to compare each of the outcome variables for the sex trafficked LGBTQ homeless youth versus the non-sex trafficked LGBTQ homeless youth. Chi-square tests were used to examine differences for categorical variables.
Results: In 2017, over half (n = 34, 60.7%) of the respondents who identified as having experienced sex trafficking victimization identified as LGBTQ. The findings from this study have demonstrated a consistent increase in LGBTQ identification over the past four years, with the research demonstrating LGBTQ individuals to be two times more likely than heterosexual individuals to report experiencing sex trafficking victimization. LGBTQ participants were increasingly likely over the four years to report being a sex trafficking victim from 38.4% in 2014 to 60.7% in 2017 of the sex trafficked group.
Implications: Future studies are needed to understand and explore the time order of LGBTQ homelessness and sex trafficking experiences. Future studies can include, but not limited to, examining aspects of recruitment, relationship(s) to their trafficker, and whether they self-identify as LGBTQ before or after their sex trafficking experience. Researchers can also focus on pathways into sex trafficking for homeless LGBTQ young adults. New programs and evaluation of innovative treatments for LGBTQ young adults who have been sex trafficked are necessary to meet the needs of this specific population.