Methods:I use data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-2011 (ECLS-K: 2011). The ECLS-K is a nationally-representative, longitudinal study; available data follow students from Kindergarten through fourth grade. Detailed data on care arrangements are included. Crucially, the ECLS-K also includes data on the child’s disability status; approximately 10% of the ECLS-K sample reporting having a disability of some kind. I first conduct descriptive analyses to examine the relationship between the key independent variable—parent-report of child’s disability status—and the key dependent variable— a three-category measure of after-school care use (no regular non-parental care; formal, center- or school-based care; or informal care, provided by a friend, relative or other in-home provider). I include analyses by key subgroups such as income and diagnosis. I then use multinomial logistic regression and panel data methods, including child fixed-effects and lagged dependent variables, to further investigate differences in care arrangements between children with and without a disability. I include covariates for income, race, family structure, and parental employment.
Descriptive results indicate that though type of care arrangements does not vary by disability status in the first wave, there is variation in later waves; children with disabilities are more likely to be in any nonparental care overall, more likely to use informal care, and less likely to attend center- or school-based care (p<.001). Some differences in after-school care use by disability status hold in multivariate analyses; a child who has an identified disability in kindergarten, second grade, or fourth grade is more likely to be in any non-parental care in fourth grade than peers without an identified disability.
Conclusions/Implications:This study underscores the unique needs faced by families raising children with disabilities in balancing heightened care and employment responsibilities. Notably, initial findings suggest these families may rely on after-school care for a greater number of years, which highlights the important role of social work in ensuring these families have equitable access to necessary supports as long as necessary. Additionally, findings suggest a comparatively larger proportion of children with disabilities are in non-parental after-school care overall, which emphasizes a central role for social work in ensuring the quality of available care supports for these vulnerable families.