Methods: This study surveyed 253 employees working in a nonprofit human service agency located in New York City (53% response rate) in Fall 2016. Cronbach’s alphas for the study’s measures were above the accepted cut off and one measure was below at (α =.77). For construct validity, all survey items loaded heavily onto their respective factors above .41. Discriminant validity was established using maximum likelihood estimation with varimax rotation. Procedures by Aiken and West12 were utilized to test the three hypotheses in SPSS 2412. No item cross-loaded on to another factor above .27. Finally, except for two extreme outliers, no violations of OLR regression were noted.
Results: Support was observed for two hypotheses. Significant main effect was found for workload demands (β = .35, p < .05), and gender (β = .08, n.s). And workload demands x gender interaction (β = -.51, p < .05) on the criterion measures was found to be significant. Further, the two-way gender x workload demands interaction term explained 7.6% of the variance in work life conflict, which is 10 times larger than a typical categorical interaction for men and women in the same job.
Conclusion and Implications: Research findings contribute to the social work literature by being the first known empirical work showing that gender moderates the relationship between work demands and work life conflict. In order to reduce work life conflict, nonprofit human service agencies should institute gender sensitive polices; which in turn would increase employees control over their work and home responsibilities. Women who experience higher conflict under increasing workloads with the access to resources could better manage the conflict. This would effectively facilitate gender sensitive practices. Future research would explore replication of these findings in different social work settings like hospitals and child welfare reporting high work life conflict.