Abstract: Fostering General Self-Efficacy in Yi Ethnic Minority of Rural China: Ethnic Identity and Classmate Support (Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference - Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality)

120P Fostering General Self-Efficacy in Yi Ethnic Minority of Rural China: Ethnic Identity and Classmate Support

Friday, January 17, 2020
Marquis BR Salon 6 (ML 2) (Marriott Marquis Washington DC)
* noted as presenting author
Hor Yan Angel Lai, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Cheryl Chui, Assistant Professor, The University of Hong Kong, HK, Hong Kong
Yi ethnic minority youths in Liangshan of rural China are vulnerable (UNDP, 2015). Nearly half of them have lost at least one of their parents due to extreme poverty and illness (Lai et al., 2017).  Such negative experiences will hurt Yi developmental outcomes, as well as widen racial disparities in China (Postiglione, 2017). Since 2006, a non-profit organization has been sponsoring Yi youths to attend local schools. This study focused on the general self-efficacy (GSE) of Yi youths because GSE promoted psychological well-being (Benight & Bandura, 2004). We also wanted to examine if the cultural resources of Yi ethnic identity could be mobilized to promote GSE. To date, no research has been done on the topic. Based on Phinney’s Model of Ethnic Identity Development, this study examined the effects of Yi ethnic identity on the GSE (Aim 1). Because classrooms were the immediate environment that Yi children were nested in, we examined the effect of classmate support on ethnic identity and GSE (Aim 2). Last, the mediating effect of ethnic identity was tested (Aim 3).

Methods. Participants were Yi youths being sponsored by the non-profit organization for schooling in Liangshan(n=584; age=11-19; Female=73.4%). A higher percentage of female students was found because the organization was inclined to sponsored female students. A cross-sectional quantitative design was implemented using data collected in the year 2018. GSE was measured by the 10-item General Self-Efficacy Scale (α= 0.76; Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995). Predictors were: Ethnic identity-exploration and ethnic identity-commitment (Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure;α= 0.92; Phinney,1992), and perceived classmate support (Classmate Support Scale;α= 0.78; Torsheim,2000). Control variables were: Having both parents alive, gender and age. Structural equation modelling was employed using Mplus 8.0. A measurement model with the latent variables of GSE, ethnic identity-exploration, ethnic identity-commitment and classmate support were tested. For the SEM, we tested the direct effects of ethnic identity-exploration, ethnic identity-commitment and classmate support on GSE. Effects of classmate support on ethnic identity were examined. The mediating effects of ethnic identity-exploration and ethnic identity-commitment were tested with the bootstrapping technique. Errors of the control variables were correlated.

Results: Initial measurement model fit statistics were :X²=313.50, p<.05; CFI/TLI=0.96/0.95; RMSEA=0.03; SRMR=0.04. For the SEM, fit statistics were: =492.75, p<.05; CFI/TLI=0.93;0.91; RMSEA=0.04; SRMR=0.04. Ethnic identity-exploration had a direct effect on GSE (b=0.96), but ethnic identity-commitment and classmate support did not. Additional pathways showed that classmate support had direct effects on ethnic identity-exploration (b=0.18) and ethnic identity-commitment (b=0.27).  Ethnic identity-exploration mediated the effect of classmate support on GSE (b=0.22), but not ethnic identity-commitment.

Conclusions and Implications: Ethnic identity-exploration mediates the effect of classmate support on GSE. Results underscore the importance of ethnic identity-exploration in the psychological well-being of Yi children: A willingness to explore their ethnicity can serve as a cultural resource for positive psychological outcomes. Additional research is needed to understand why ethnic-identity commitment is not a mediator. School management can cultivate school social environments that promote ethnic identity-exploration and GSE. Local government can consider celebrating ethnicity to narrow racial disparities in psychological health in rural China.