Session: understanding child welfare workforce retention (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

218 understanding child welfare workforce retention

Saturday, January 18, 2025: 9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Jefferson A, Level 4 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
Crystal Collins-Camargo, PhD, University of Louisville
* noted as presenting author
Persistent Impacts of Client Violence: Emotional Health Among Child Protective Services Workers
Melissa Radey, PhD, Florida State University; Dina Wilke, PhD, Florida State University
Enhancing Caseworker Readiness for Change: The Role of Empowerment and Leadership in Child Welfare
Tiberio Garza, PhD, Florida International University; Richard Alboroto, PhD, LMSW, Texas Tech University; Jon McNaughtan, PhD, Texas Tech University
Exploration of Workforce Well-Being and Trauma-Informed Organizational Practices in Child Welfare Agencies
Becci Akin, PhD, University of Kansas; Brennan Miller, PhD, University of Kansas; Shelby Clark, Phd, MSW, University of Kentucky; Whitney Grube, PhD, University of Kansas; Kortney Carr, MSW, University of Kansas; Vickie McArthur, LCMFT, University of Kansas; Erin Gulledge, MSW, University of Kansas
Permanence Begets Permanence: The Influence of Public Child Welfare Caseworker Stability in Supporting Successful Reunification
Michael Hoffmeister, MSW, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jessica Pac, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Lawrence Berger, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Child Welfare Management: Analyzing the Mediating Role of Leadership and Learning Culture
Jon McNaughtan, PhD, Texas Tech University; Richard Alboroto, PhD, LMSW, Texas Tech University; Tiberio Garza, PhD, Florida International University
Child Welfare Workforce Retention: Intentions, Satisfaction, and Supervisor Relationships
Tosin Alabi, BSc, Oregon State University; Brianne Kothari, PhD, Oregon State University-Cascades; Andrew Waugh, Oregon Department of Human Services; Kelly Chandler, PhD, Oregon State University
(WITHDRAWN) vvvvvvvvMeasuring Child Welfare Service Job Aptitude: An Assessment of Construct Reliability and Validity
Jiwon Nam-Speers, PhD, Florida State University; Lauren Stanley, PhD, Florida State University; Lisa Magruder, Florida State University; Dina Wilke, Florida State University
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