Session: ePoster Presentations III (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

83 ePoster Presentations III

Friday, January 17, 2025: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
* noted as presenting author
Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Adolescent Sexual Health/Reproduction
' I Don't Want to Break His Heart. What Should I Do?': Teens Seeking out Relationship Advice on Reddit
Angela Hall, MSW, MSEd, University of Texas at Arlington; Toni Gallegos, MSW, The University of Texas at Arlington; Erin Nolen, PhD, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Morgan PettyJohn, PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington
Adolescents - Special Populations (Minority/Indigenous Youth)
A Bottom-up Development and Validation of Perceived Youth Barriers Scale (PYBS)
Rana Hong, PhD, Loyola University, Chicago; Philip Hong, PhD, University of Georgia
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency/Homelessness
Youth Disconnection an Unspoken Crisis: Elevating the Voices of Young People
DaVonti Haynes, PhD, Temple University; Brandi Gilbert, PhD, Community Science; Danielle Gilmore, PhD, Community Science; Dontarious Cowans, MA, Community Science
Transition Age Youth/Emerging Adulthood
It's Not What You Say, but How You Say It: African American College Students' Perceptions of Mental Health Messaging
Sha-Lai Williams, PhD, University of Missouri - St. Louis; Stephanie Van Stee, PhD, University of Missouri - St. Louis; Magdalene Beckmann-Petermeyer, MSW, Special School District; Jennifer Culver, PhD, Slippery Rock University
Transition Age Youth/Emerging Adulthood
"Just Talking": The Making and Unmaking of Emotionally Intimate Relationships through Verbal Contract
Melissa Hardesty, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton
Youth Development
The Effect of Material Hardship on Child Social Skills Via Parental Depression and Coparenting: Testing the Family Stress Model
Yiran Zhang, Ohio State University; Susan Yoon, PhD, The Ohio State University; Jingyi Wang, Ohio State University; Juan Benavides, Ohio State University; Yujeong Chang, Ohio State University; Katie Maguire-Jack, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Caregiving for Older Adults
The Contribution of Home Care Workers' Emotional and Social Vulnerabilities and the Older Adult's Functional Condition to Ageism
Lea Zanbar, PhD, Hadassah Academic College; Sagit Lev, PhD, Bar Ilan University; Yifat Faran, PhD, Ashkelon Academic College
Diverse Elders
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Elderly People's Self-Perceptions of Old Age and Its Determinants in Seoul, Korea: Focusing on Characteristics of Economic, Work, and Health Status Using Latent Class Analysis
Haenim Lee, PhD, Dongguk University-Seoul; Seok Cheol Ha, PhD, Seoul Welfare Foundation; Jiho Park, PhD, State University of New York at Albany
Diverse Elders
Mental Health
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Perceived Risk of Solitary Death and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults Living Alone in Seoul: Moderating Role of Social Support
Eunji Nam, PhD, Incheon National University; Seok Cheol Ha, PhD, Seoul Welfare Foundation; Sun Young Lee, PhD, Gangneung-Wonju National University
Asian and Asian-Pacific Islander-Focused Research (AAPIFR)
Health and mental health
Implications of Food Insecurity on the Health and Well-Being of Korean Adults in the United States
Jane Lee, PhD, MSW, University of Washington; Juliann Li Verdugo, MSW, University of Washington; Katie Vo, University of Washington; Lloyd Mancl, PhD, University of Washington; Eunjung Kim, PhD, University of Washington; Donald Chi, PhD, University of Washington
Social services access and utilization
"Moving Here Wasn't Easy": Pasifika Women's Perspectives on Racism and Experiences with Public Assistance Programs in California
Monica De La Cruz, MPH, University of California, Berkeley; Miracle Te'o, University of California, Berkeley; Fine Tuitupou, University of California, Berkeley; Ruta Lauleva Lua’iufi Aiono, University of California, Berkeley; Papali’i Manūfou Liaiga-Anoa’i, University of California, Berkeley; Malie Chand, University of California, Berkeley; Anna Mahina, University of California, Berkeley; Fatima Oliver, University of California, Berkeley; Sophia Tupuola, University of California, Berkeley; Nani Wilson, University of California, Berkeley; Cassondra Marshall, DrPH, MPH, University of California, Berkeley; Deborah Karasek, PhD, MPH, Oregon Health Sciences University; Tina Sacks, PhD, University of California, Berkeley; Anu Manchikanti Gomez, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research (BADFR)
Civic participation
The Impact of State Political Culture on Black American Civic and Political Participation
Austin Conner, MSW, University of Mississippi; Younghee Lim, PhD, University of Mississippi; Saijun Zhang, PhD, University of Mississippi
Passing Down "the Talk:" a Qualitative Examination of Black College Students' Experiences of Intergenerational Racial Socialization
Betty Wilson, PhD, Washington State University; Ashley Jackson, PhD, Rutgers University
Child Welfare (CW)
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Evaluation of Online Training for Court Personnel on Authentically Engaging Child Welfare System-Involved Children and Youth in the Judicial System
John Fowler, PhD, University of Washington; Angelique Day, PhD, University of Washington Seattle; Sierra Wollenhall, MSW, University of Washington
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Exploring Support for Children with Borderline Intellectual Functioning Residing in Group Homes in South Korea
Haeun Kim, MSW, Ewha Womans University, Korea, Republic of (South); Leesun Son, MSW, Ewha Womans University, Korea, Republic of (South); Eunyoung Lee, MSW, Ewha Womans University, Korea, Republic of (South); Ick Joong Chung, PhD, Ewha Womans University
Prevention and Intervention
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Evaluation Findings from a Supportive Housing Intervention for Child Welfare Involved Families
Emily Rhodes, MPP, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago; Amy Dworsky, PhD, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago; LaShaun Brooks, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
Using Geospatial Analyses of Socioeconomic Factors to Inform Racial and Ethnic Disproportionality in Child Welfare
Kristen West, MPA, University of Utah; Meghan Broadbent, MStat, University of Utah; Larissa Shuppy, MStat, University of Utah
Communities and Neighborhoods (C&N)
Community-level intervention research (place-based, identity-based, or interest-based)
Is the Basic Income Project Effective in the Crisis of Local Extinction? Focusing on South Korea's Gyeonggi Rural Basic Income Pilot Project
Jeongha Hwang, PhD, College of Human Ecology, Chonnam National University, South Korea; DaHyun Park, MA, College of Human Ecology, Chonnam National University, South Korea
Community practice including community organizing, community building, community development, and mutual aid
When We Fight, We Win!: Strategic Antagonism in Academic Labor Unionism
Nicolas Juarez, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Night and Day: Racial Disparities in Arrests across Black and Latine Communities in 2020 through the Veil of Darkness
Esmeralda Rubalcava Hernandez, LMSW, University of Texas at Arlington; Bethany Wood, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Christian Vazquez, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington
Hope, Resilience, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Justice-Involved Individuals in Turkey: A Cross-Sectional Study
Burcu Ozturk, PhD, Wichita State University; Kenan Sualp, PhD, University of Central Florida; Bercem Barut Bektas, PhD, Hitit University
Likelihood of Experiencing Houselessness Among System-Impacted Young Adults in Los Angeles
Taylor Reed, MSW, University of California, Los Angeles; Laura Abrams, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles; Elizabeth Barnert, MD, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Disability (D)
Emergent Topics and Methodologies, Measurement, or Frameworks in Disability Research
Disrupting the Criminalization of Students Identified with Emotional Disturbance: A Scoping Review of Theoretical Approaches
Umaira Khan, MSW, University of Houston; Mary Knatchbull Hugessen, MSW, RSW, University of Houston
Inclusive Education and Accessibility in Learning
Website Accessibility in Top U.S. Schools of Social Work
Eli Fresquez, JD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; David Cordova, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Gender (G)
Gender affirming care/gender affirming practice
Social Work and feminism (including historical views)
Representations of Motherhood As Reflected in the Profiles of Celebrity Mothers on the Social Network Instagram in Israel
Shirley Ben-Shlomo, phD, Bar Ilan University; Ayelet Oreg, PhD, Bar Ilan University; Gal Cohen-Madmoni, MSW, Bar Ilan University
Health (H)
Epidemiology, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Chronic Diseases
Adverse Childhood Experiences, BMI, and Diabetes Among U.S. Adults: The Moderating Effect of Sex
Lucinda Okine, MSW, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work University of Southern California; Philip Baiden, PhD, The University of Texas at Arlington; Catherine LaBrenz, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington
Health Equity
Black Maternal Healthcare Experiences in South Carolina
Julisa Tindall, MSW, University of South Carolina
Social Work Roles in Health & Interprofessional Teaming
Collaborative Approaches to Addressing Oral Health Inequities: Social Work's Role and Impact in Dental Education
Melanie Morris, MSSW, Boston University; Jamie Burgess-Flowers, LCSW, High Point University; Lisa de Saxe Zerden, PhD, UNC Chapel Hill School of Social Work
Immigrants and Refugees (I&R)
Immigrant health and mental health
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Wellbeing Among Foreign-Born Immigrants in the U.S
Abena Yirenya-Tawiah, MSW, The University of Texas at Austin; Catherine Cubbin, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; Shetal Vohra-Gupta, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Immigrant health and mental health
Community Health Workers' Perspective on Family Functioning Among Sri Lankan Refugees
Marianne Lund, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jennifer Murphy, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Miriam Kuttikat, Ph.D, Virginia Commonwealth University; Muna Saleh, MSW, Virginia Commonwealth University; Paola Roldan, MA, Virginia Commonwealth University
Immigrant health and mental health
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Professional Help-Seeking Behavior Among Immigrants in Ireland: Moderation of Social Capital
Xuhong Li, MSW, City University of Hong Kong; Juxiong Feng, Hong Kong Baptist University; Pengpeng Cai, MSW, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy (IP&SWP)
Homelessness and housing policies
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Impact of Clinically Focused Housing Navigation Services on Housing and Behavioral Health Outcomes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
Andrea Dakin, PhD, AIDS Foundation Chicago; Nora Bouacha, MPP, AIDS Foundation Chicago; Nick Starkey, BA, AIDS Foundation Chicago
Policy innovations, analysis and evaluation to reduce economic inequality (e.g., minimum wage, student loans)
Guaranteed Income Program Evaluation: Evidence to Address Social Work Challenges
Ethan Evans, PhD, MSW, California State University, Sacramento; Kisun Nam, PhD, California State University, Sacramento; Kyle Caler, PhD, California State University, Sacramento; Mahalia Rose LeClerc, California State University, Sacramento
Social policy and social welfare programs (Social security and safety net programs, such as conditional and unconditional cash assistance, TANF, SNAP, SSI, EITC and tax credits, Medicaid, and others)
What Does Cash Have to Do with It? Learning about the Experience of the Addition of a Time-Limited Unconditional Cash Transfer Among Child Welfare-Affected Families
Ryan Savino, MSW, MPhil, MBA, The Graduate Center, City University of New York; Martha Bragin, PhD, Hunter College; Roula Hajjar, MSW, Hunter College; Emily Eckardt, Hunter College; Michael Lewis, PhD, Hunter College
International Social Work & Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Global Health
Longitudinal Impacts of Body Mass Index on Dysmenorrhea Among Adolescent Girls in Uganda
Flavia Namuwonge, MBA, Washington University in St. Louis; Vicent Ssentumbwe, MPH, Washington University in St. Louis; Samuel Kizito, MD, MS, Washington University in St. Louis; Phionah Namatovu, MPH, International Center for Child Health and Development; Nhial Tutlam, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Proscovia Nabunya, MSW, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Fred Ssewamala, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis
Poverty alleviation
Social Workers Perspectives on Their Practice with Children and Families Living in Poverty
Anat Zeira, PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Yuval Saar Heiman, PhD, Ben Gurion University of the Negev; June Thoburn, PhD, University of East Anglia
LatinX Focused-Research (LXFR)
Health and mental health
Health and mental health
Financial Wellbeing and Mental Health Among Latinas and Latinos during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ezequiel Dominguez, MSW, Arizona State University; David Becerra, PhD, Boise State University
Mental Health (MH)
Long-Term Impact of Maternal Depression on Growth Change of Child Behavioral Issues
Wenjing Shao, MSW, Michigan State University; Kyunghee Lee, Phd, Michigan State University
Mental Health Treatment and Services
Mental Health Treatment and Services
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Navigating Challenges and Strategies for Counseling for Parents of at-Risk Adolescents: A Focus Group Study
Jeongwon Baik, PhD, Korean Youth Counseling and Welfare Institute; Seji Ahn, PhD, Tongmyong University; Dongyeon Kim, Korean Youth Counseling and Welfare Institute; Kyunghee Kim, Korean Youth Counseling and Welfare Institute; Mina Cha, Korean Youth Counseling and Welfare Institute; Sooyoun Soh, Korea Youth Counseling and Welfare Institute; Young Ji Yoon, PhD, Colorado State University Pueblo
Prevention and Resilience
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Effects of Disaster Preparedness Knowledge and Cumulative Disaster-Related Stressors on the Mental Health of College Students, Faculty, and Staff
Renee Rawcliffe, MSW, Adelphi University; Beverly Araujo Dawson, PhD, Adelphi University; Paul Archibald, DrPH, CUNY College of Staten Island; Mayra Lopez-Humphreys, PhD, Hunter College
Trauma Exposure
(WITHDRAWN) Exposure to Lifetime Trauma, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Mental Health: A Scoping Review
Emily Miller, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Kari O'Donnell, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Tomeika Oliver, MSW, Case Western Reserve University; Ethan Martin, Case Western Reserve University
Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (MSVF)
Military and veteran policy (e.g., GI Bill, PACT Act)
Policies Related to U.S. Military-Connected Domestic Abuse: A Scoping Review
Christine Highfill, MSW, University of Texas at Arlington; Elle Covington, MAMC, MSIS, University of Texas at Austin; Charlotte Hambrick, MA, Liberty University
Organizations & Management (O&M)
Race and Ethnicity (R&E)
Racial Policies, Issues, and Gaps
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Structural Racism, Housing, and Intimate and Sexual Violence: A Scoping Review
Stefani Baca-Atlas, PhD, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Michael Baca-Atlas, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Brittany Love, MDiv, Independent Scholar; Erum Agha, PhD, MSW, LCSW, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Trenette Goings, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Racial Policies, Issues, and Gaps
Examining Associations between Mental Health Factors, Environmental Factors, and College Student Motivation
Kenneth Bedell, PhD, Southwest Missouri State University; Mansoo Yu, PhD, University of Missouri
Research Design and Measurement (RD&M)
(WITHDRAWN) Strategies for Recruiting Diffuse Practitioner Groups: Lessons Learned from a National Survey with Mobile Crisis Workers
Thomas Miller, University of Pittsburgh; Leah Jacobs, PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Priya Gupta, University of Pittsburgh; Kathryn Luk, LGSW, MSW, University of Pittsburgh
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Utilizing a Multi-Stage Validation Process with Exploratory Graph Analyses to Examine the Underlying Dimensionality of Factor Structures
Jamie Cage, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University; Chin-Chih Chen, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University; Yuyan Xia, PhD, University of Kentucky; Fa Zhang, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University; Yaoying Xu, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University
Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
Educational Outcomes
Bridging Gaps between Education and Practice: Challenges of the Health Social Workers in Mongolia
Zoljargalan Gantumur, MSW, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences; Sugarmaa Myagmarjav, PhD, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences; Nansalmaa Khaidav, MA, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences; Avirmed Dorjsuren, MA, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences; Denise Burnette, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University
School Social Work (SSW)
School Climate and Culture Conducive to Student Learning and Teaching Excellence
Protective Factors Against Peer Aggression: An Exploration of the Interconnection between School Connectedness, School Climate, and Social Norms
Amber Fischer, MSW, Wayne State University; Poco Kernsmith, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Joanne Smith-Darden, PhD, Michigan State University
School Climate and Culture Conducive to Student Learning and Teaching Excellence
Race and Gender-Based Differences in Perceptions of DEI Among School Students in Michigan
Priyanjali Chakraborty, MA, University of Texas at Arlington; Amber Fischer, MSW, Wayne State University; Poco Kernsmith, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI)
LGBTQIA+ BIPOC experiences
Embracing Diversity: Recognizing Gender Expression, Discrimination, Victimization, and Mental Health Disparities Among LGB Men and Women
Kong Yang, BS, California State University, Fullerton; Juye Ji, PhD, California State University, Fullerton
LGBTQIA+ families
Physical and Emotional Sibling Violence & Adult Attachment in Close Relationships: Comparisons between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Individuals
Kimberly Dressman, MSW, Loyola University, Chicago; Nathan Perkins, PhD, Loyola University Chicago; Brian Kelly, PhD, Loyola University, Chicago; Erik Lees, MSW, Turning Point BHC
Mental health
Social Work Practice (SWP)
Intervention Research
The Potential of Theatre of the Oppressed in Fostering Critical Consciousness Among Gay, Bisexual and Queer Men
David Puvaneyshwaran, MSW, National University of Singapore; Shao Yuan Chong, BA, RainbowAsia; Jungup Lee, PhD, National University of Singapore
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB)
Epidemiology and Etiology
Are States with Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Homelessness Also States with Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Overdose Deaths?
Manuel Cano, PhD, Arizona State University; Morgan Zachmeyer, University of Texas at San Antonio; Luis Salinas, University of Texas at San Antonio; Kristin Ferguson, PhD, Arizona State University
Epidemiology and Etiology
A Scoping Literature Review of Substance Use in Hawaii
Seunghye Hong, PhD, University of Hawai`i; Constance Emory-Khenmy, MPH, University of Hawai`i; Austin Ajimura, University of Hawai`i
Non-Substance Addictive Behaviors: Gambling, Sex, Technology, and Others
(WITHDRAWN) Assessing Risk for Problem Gambling Among Lottery Players: A Machine Learning Approach
Paul Sacco, Ph.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore; Jihyeong Jeong, MA, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Sustainable Development, Environmental and Climate Justice (SDE&CJ)
Climate change, extreme weather events, and disasters
Is the U.S. Ecosocial Safety Net Inequitable?: Evidence from Fema's Disaster Relief Program
Christopher Brown, MSW, University of California, Berkeley; Lenna Nepomnyaschy, PhD, Rutgers University
Violence against Women and Children (VAWC)
Dating Violence
(WITHDRAWN) Incidence of Teen Dating Violence Among Disabled Teens of Color: A Logistic Regression Guided By Discrit
Amber Alaniz, MSW, University of Iowa; Megan Ronnenberg, PhD, University of Iowa
Immigrant/Refugee/Migration and Violence
Unveiling the Unknown: Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Among Immigrants in the United States
Rujeko Machinga-Asaolu, Msc, MSSW, MSCFT, University of Kentucky; Yanghyun Park, MSSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Kathryn Showalter, PhD, University of Kentucky
Intersectionality and Interpersonal Violence
(WITHDRAWN) Maternal Childhood Polyvictimization and Neglected Offspring: Evidence among Salar Muslim Women
Xiaoyuan Han, M.A., The University of Hong Kong; Clifton Emery, PhD, MS, MSW, MA, The University of Hong Kong; Weiyi Xie, PhD, The University of Hong Kong
Intimate Partner Violence
Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs (WWLP&P)
Work/life and worker wellbeing
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) What Part of Well Being Are We Not Getting? Associations of Underemployment with Health, Well-Being, and Work-Family Outcomes after the Pandemic
Jaeseung Kim, PhD, Sungkyunkwan University; Lonnie Golden, PhD, Penn State University-Abington; Hyeri Choi, PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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