Society for Social Work and Research 15th Annual Conference: Emerging Horizons for Social Work Research: Browse by Speaker (R)
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Presenter Index
Browse by Speaker: R
Rachlin, Roxanne
Discharging Nursing Facility Residents with Mental Health Diagnoses to the Community: Who Leaves, Who Returns, and What Is the Role of Social Work
Radey, Melissa
Family Stability, Safety Nets, and Barriers to Self-Sufficiency
Prevention-Based Parenting in Middle Childhood: A Validation Study of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire
Safety Nets of Single Mothers: How Do They Evolve Over Time?
Raiz, Lisa
Predictors of U.S. Heterosexual University Students' Attitudes Toward Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People
Rajabov, Tamerlan
Maternal Empowerment and Its Relationship to Children's Health and Survival
Ramlow, Barbara
Understanding the Relationship Between Learning Problems, Social Stress, and Mental Health in Low-Income Women
Randolph, Karen A.
Abuse Related Research
Prevention-Based Parenting in Middle Childhood: A Validation Study of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire
Rauktis, Mary Elizabeth
Innovation in Child Welfare: Factors That Influence the Adoption and Sustainability of Family Group Decision Making
Aren't They Just Black Kids? Biracial Children in the Child Welfare System
Ray, Diana M.
No Place Like Home: A Comparison of Street-Based and Home-Based Social Network Ties for Homeless Youth
Ray, Nilanjana
Does Domestic Violence Make Women More Vulnerable to Sex Trafficking?
Reiter, Kristin
Performance-Based Contracting, Caseworker Role Overload, and Service Provision in Child Welfare
Resko, Stella M.
Risk Factors for Treatment Dropout Among Women with Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders and PTSD
Reynolds, Arthur J.
How Does Child Maltreatment Beget Youth Violence? An Examination of Mixed-Gender and Gender-Specific Mediator Models
Reynolds, William
Conducting Health Research in Interdisciplinary Settings: Pathways, Pitfalls, and Pearls of Wisdom
Rhew, Isaac C.
Transforming Community Prevention Service Systems to Reduce Adolescent Drug Use and Delinquency
Rhodes, Alison M.
Assessing Cross-Cultural Reliability of a Posttraumatic Growth Scale Among Black and White Survivors of Hurricane Katrina
Understanding the Housing Experience of Former Foster Youth During the Transition to Adulthood
Rhodes, Karin
Safety-Net Social Work: The Imperative for Recognizing and Responding to Economic Disadvantage Among Emergency Department Patients
Rice, Eric
No Place Like Home: A Comparison of Street-Based and Home-Based Social Network Ties for Homeless Youth
Sexual Health Information Seeking On the Internet Among Homeless Youth
Rice, Karen
Back to the Future: Designing and Implementing Social Work Intervention Research
Riedel, Marion
Adapting Evidence-Based Interventions to Reduce Alcohol and Concurrent HIV/STI Risk Behaviors Among Street Sex Workers in Mongolia
Riley, Allison
Examining the Outcomes of a Summer Sport-Based Youth Development Program for Disadvantaged Youth
Rivaux, Stephanie L.
Disentangling Substantiation: The Intersection of Race, Poverty, and Risk On the Substantiation Decision in Child Welfare
Rivera, Maribel
Feasibility and Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Reducing Impulsivity and Affect Lability in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Rivera-Maestre, Rebecca
Narratives of Relational Aggression and Violence in the Lives of Urban Adolescent Girls
Rizo, Cynthia F.
Delivering Therapeutic Parenting and Support Group Services to Legally-Involved IPV Survivors and Their Children in Community-Based Settings
Rodriguez, Nestor
U.S. Citizen Children Left behind: Endgame Policies, Parental Deportation and Re-Migration Patterns
Roe-Sepowitz, Dominique E.
Sex Trafficking and Prostitution
Prostitution Diversion: Survival Analysis for Recidivism in Prostitution
Roff, Lucinda
Typologies of Religiousness/Spirituality: Implications for Health and Well-Being
Roffman, Roger A.
The Men's Domestic Abuse Check-up: Outcomes On Reaching and Engaging Abusive Men Prior to Arrest
Rohan, Elizabeth A.
Conducting Health Research in Interdisciplinary Settings: Pathways, Pitfalls, and Pearls of Wisdom
Rollman, Bruce L.
Prevalence and Correlates of Complicated Grief in Adults Who Have Undergone a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Rolock, Nancy
Building and Maintaining An Effective Information System of Administrative Data at Universities in Partnership with State Agencies
Multi-Morbidity, Serious Mental Illness, and Substance Use Disorders: An Analysis of Factors Related to Medical Complexity
Roman, Paul
Factor Structure of Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Comparison of Four Models
Social Workers' Knowledge, Opinions, and Adoption of Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions for Substance Use Disorders
Social Workers' Knowledge, Opinions, and Adoption of Pharmacological Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Romich, Jennifer L.
Always �Making Ends Meet': Longitudinal Evidence On Low-Income Families' Financial Well-Being
Rose, Julia H.
Predictors of Depressive Symptomatology in Middle-Aged Married Female Cancer Survivors and Their Husbands Compared to Couples without Cancer
Rose, Roderick A.
Future Career Thinking, School Valuing, and the School Success of Vulnerable Middle Grades Students
Residential and Nonresidential Fathers: Implications for Child Well-Being
Rose, Theda
Social Integration and Mental Health Promotion: A Study of Black Adolescents
Roseborough, David
Psychotherapy: Feasibility and Effectiveness
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Quantitative, Longitudinal Perspective
Rosenberg, Karla
A National Survey of Efforts to Promote Evidence-Based Social Work Practice through Partnerships Between Universities and Community-Based Agencies
Rosenzweig, Julie M.
Working Family Caregivers
Resolving Work-Family Issues of Parents Raising Children with Disabilities: A Human Resource Training Intervention
Ross-Sheriff, Fariyal
Exploring the Immigrant Muslim Youth Experience in a Post 9/11 America
Rough, Kathryn
The Association Between Sexual Relationship Power, Sexual Health, and Mental Health: Findings From Asian-American Women's Sexual Health Initiative Project (AWSHIP)
Roungprakhon, Surachet
Heterogeneous Risk Profiles and Discrimination against Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgenders in Thailand: Implications for HIV Prevention
Rowan, Noell L.
Gay & Lesbian Older Adults: Efforts to Reach Challenging Populations in Research
Rubin, Allen
Social Work Practitioners' Views of and Current Engagement in the EBP Process
Evidence-Based Practice Versus Practice-Based Evidence
Validation of the Revised EBP Process Assessment Scale
Ruffin, Beverly A.
The Effect of Religious Coping Practices On the Acculturation Stress of Recent Latino Immigrants
Ruiz, Erika
Barriers to Non-U.S. Born Latinos' Use of Mental Healthcare: Are They What We Think?
Russell, Patricia Logan
Experiences and Effects of Victimization
Rusyidi, Binahayati
Strengthening Public Child Welfare: Evaluation of a Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Social Work Graduates in New York State
Rutledge, Scott Edward
Family Influences On Risk and Protective Factors for Unsafe Sex Among Gay API Men
Attitudes Toward Gays and Lesbians: A Latent Class Analysis of University Students
The Importance of Confirmatory Validation: A Study of the Short Version of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gays (ATLG-S)
Measuring Stigma Among Health Care Providers: The HIV/AIDS Provider Stigma Inventory
Ryan, Joseph P.
Child Outcomes - I
Behavioral and Delinquency Referrals in Child Welfare: Well Served or Wishful Thinking?
The Severity of Substance Abuse and the Effectiveness of Recovery Coaches in Child Welfare
Intensive Case Management for Substance Abusing Mothers in Child Welfare: Timing Matters
Ryman, Audrey J.
El Lado Obscuro: The Dark Side of Social Capital in Aging Mexican-American Heroin-Using Men
Ryu, Jeong Hee
Longitudinal Effects of Food Insecurity On Health Status Among School-Aged Children
Role of Food Insecurity in the Relationship Between Income and Children's Health: Evidence From ECLS-K
Rzepnicki, Tina L.
Uncovering Case Decision Errors in Child Maltreatment Investigations: The Illinois Experience