Session: ePoster Presentations IX (Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference)

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

243 ePoster Presentations IX

Saturday, January 18, 2025: 9:45 AM-11:15 AM
Grand Ballroom C, Level 2 (Sheraton Grand Seattle)
* noted as presenting author
Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Adolescent Mental Disorders and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Comparisons of Suicidality in a Community Sample Including Adolescents with a History of Foster Care Involvement
Amanda Minogue, MSSW, University of Louisville; Anita Barbee, PhD, University of Louisville
Adolescents - Special Populations (Minority/Indigenous Youth)
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency/Homelessness
Moral Engagement: A Protective Factor for Violence Among Youth with Antisocial Behavior
Yohita Shraddha Bandaru, MSW/MSP, Saint Louis University; Michael Vaughn, PhD, Saint Louis University
Transition Age Youth/Emerging Adulthood
"Suicide Prevention Can Do Work Beyond Preventing Suicide": Evaluating a Campus-Wide Suicide Prevention Program
Antonia Alvarez, PhD, Portland State University; Thao Nguyen, MSW, Portland State University
Youth Development
Quality of Interpersonal Relationship Profiles (Same-sex peer, Opposite-sex peer, and Romantic Relationships) Among Adolescents at Risk of Maltreatment
Dalhee Yoon, PhD, Binghamton University-State University of New York; Keisha Wint, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton; Miyoung Yoon, PhD, Pusan National University
Youth Development
From Childhood to Adolescence: Navigating Aggression through the Ecological Lens
Yi-Ping Hsieh, PhD, University of North Dakota; June-Yung Kim, PhD, University of North Dakota
Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Caregiving for Older Adults
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Can Meaningful Activity Mediate the Relationship between Social Support and Cognitive Health Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults?
Eunyoung Lee, PhD, Dongguk University; Jaclyn Williams, PhD, Florida State University
Social Networks & Supports
The Effect of Assets on Life Satisfaction in Old Age and Moderating Effects of Changes in Participation in Social Activities after COVID-19
Manjun Kim, MSW, Florida State University; Jung-Hwa Ha, PhD, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Social Networks & Supports
Asian and Asian-Pacific Islander-Focused Research (AAPIFR)
Civic participation
Racial Discrimination and Anti-Racist Action: The Mediating Effects of Cultural Identities in Asian American Young Adult
Bongki Woo, PhD, University of South Carolina; Michael Park, PhD, Rutgers University; Eunseok Jeong, MSW, University of Chicago; Bryan Gu, University of Chicago; Yoonsun Choi, PhD, University of Chicago; David Takeuchi, PhD, University of Washington
Culture, parenting, and childrearing
The Discourse of Anti-Asian Hate amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Analyzing Youtube Videos
Ga-Young Choi, PhD, California State University, Los Angeles; Sanghee Oh, PhD, Sungkyunkwan University; Heejun Kim, PhD, University of North Texas
Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research (BADFR)
Health and mental health
Exploring the Critical Link between Food Insecurity and Healthcare Access Among African Americans in Alabama’s Black Belt
Hee Yun Lee, PhD, University of Alabama; Woojong Kim, PhD, University of Michigan-Flint; Younghee Lim, PhD, University of Mississippi; Yeonjin Choi, PhD, University of Kentucky
Child Welfare (CW)
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Effectiveness of Education Focused Wraparound Services to Improve Academic Success for Foster Youth: A Pilot Study
Annie Keeney, PhD, San Diego State University; Sarah Glass, MSW, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency; Laura Laura Krzywicki, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency; Ernesto Vizcarra, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency; Loring Jones, San Diego State University
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Dealing with Difficult Cases: Advice Experienced Caseworkers Would Tell Newly-Hired Colleagues
Lauren Stanley, PhD, Florida State University; Sophia Lutz, Florida State University; Michae' Cain, MSW, Florida State University; Jiwon Nam-Speers, PhD, Florida State University; Dina Wilke, PhD, Florida State University
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
Describing the Role of Key Youth-Reported Relationships in Supporting Behavioral Health
Jennifer Blakeslee, PhD, Portland State University; Ellie Roberson, MSW, Portland State University; Hyeyoung Kang, MA, Portland State University; Jamie Jaramillo, PhD, Chestnut Health Systems; Bowen McBeath, PhD, Portland State University
Kinship/Foster Care/Adoption
€Œi Didn't Know That I Could Talk to You Guysâ€�: Negotiating Family Engagement for Caregivers Involved with Child Welfare
Anna Wasim, LMSW, The University of Texas at Austin; Catherine Labrenz, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington; Monica Faulkner, PHD, Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing
Communities and Neighborhoods (C&N)
Community practice including community organizing, community building, community development, and mutual aid
Network Member Perceptions of Community Systems Development Efforts: A Qualitative Study of Early Childhood Networks in Illinois
Karen Tabb Dina, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Brandie Bentley, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Leah Pouw, MA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Beth Shelton, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Gloria Arroyo Sugg, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Neighborhood indicators/effects and community health/well-being
Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Health and Behavioral Health
Employment and Mental Health for Adults on Probation, 2002-2021
Maria Morrison, PhD, Saint Louis University; Audrey Hai, PhD, Tulane University; Yohita Shraddha Bandaru, MSW/MSP, Saint Louis University; Christopher Salas-Wright, PhD, Boston College; Michael Vaughn, PhD, Saint Louis University
Improving Social Networks Increases Successful Community Reentry for Formerly Incarcerated Women
Seth Kurzban, California State University, Los Angeles; Joanna Vlahos, California State University, Los Angeles; Shayna Hahn, California State University, Los Angeles
Disability (D)
Caregiving and Caregiving Supports
Intersectionality and Diverse Experiences
Gender (G)
Difference experiences by gender across various contexts
Health (H)
Health Equity
Healthcare Access Barriers and Facilitators Among Youth Leaving Foster Care: A Scoping Review
Alauna Adams, University of Alabama; Anthony Abshire, University of Alabama; Natalia Smith, LICSW, University of Alabama; Leah Cheatham, PhD, JD, University of Alabama
Social and Structural Determinants of Health
Understanding Homelessness ICD-10 Coding in Medicaid Claims: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Michael Enich, PhD, Rutgers University; Emmy Tiderington, PhD, Rutgers University; Joel Cantor, Rutgers University
Social and Structural Determinants of Health
Childhood Deprivation and Health in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France
Melissa Martinson, PhD, MSW, University of Washington; Yuliya Kazakova, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED); Lidia Panico, Sciences Po; Alice Goisis, University College London
Immigrants and Refugees (I&R)
Immigrant adaptation
Unraveling the Challenges: Child Care Policy Barriers to the Development of Migrant Children in Korea
HeeJoo Kim, PhD, Hyupsung University; Hyemee Kim, PhD, Incheon National University
Immigrant health and mental health
Everyday Discrimination, Psychological Symptoms, and Coping Strategies: Factors Associated with Alcohol-Related Problems Among Southeast Asian Refugees
Isok Kim, PhD, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Wooksoo Kim, PhD, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Immigration policy and enforcement
Scoping Review on the Utilization of the Violence Against Women Act By Immigrant Survivors
Abha Rai, PhD, Loyola University Chicago; Alix Sanchez Gomez, MSW, Loyola University, Chicago; Bushra Sabri, PhD, MSW, The Johns Hopkins University; Kristen Ravi, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy (IP&SWP)
Financial capability and asset building
Homelessness and housing policies
Leveraging Integrated Administrative Data to Enumerate Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Francisca Richter, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Meagan Ray-Novak, MSSA, Case Western Reserve University; Robert Fischer, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Claudia Coulton, Case Western Reserve University; Nina Lalich, MSPH, Case Western Reserve University; Ashley Hajski, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Jeesoo Jeon, MSW, Case Western Reserve University; Joseph Andre, Case Western Reserve University; MIchael Henderson, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Sara Arrojo, Case Western Reserve University; Jiayi Sun, MSW, Case Western Reserve University
Homelessness and housing policies
Overcoming Structural Racism in Housing Stability and Wealth-Building: Laying the Foundation for Community Health and Wellbeing
Allison De Marco, MSW, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Juliet Alegria, BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ramaya Wike, BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Social policy and social welfare programs (Social security and safety net programs, such as conditional and unconditional cash assistance, TANF, SNAP, SSI, EITC and tax credits, Medicaid, and others)
Examining the Effectiveness of Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) in Arkansas
Laura Danforth, PhD, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Lindsay Ruhr, PhD, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; Derek Slagle, PhD, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
International Social Work & Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Poverty alleviation
Exploring Clean Cooking Fuel Adoption in a Smokeless Village of Southern India: A Mixed Methods Study
Smitha Rao, PhD, The Ohio State University; Praveen Kumar, PhD, Boston College; Raksha Balakrishna, MA, Arizona State University; Spencer Sandberg, MSW, Boston College
Sustainable development
Grassroots Governance for Sustainable Development: Examining the Barangay As an Exception Case for Participatory Policy Implementation
Odessa Gonzalez Benson, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Nicolas Juarez, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
LatinX Focused-Research (LXFR)
Health and mental health
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Identifying Mechanisms for Comprehension and Retention of Research Study Consent in Latinxs with Schizophrenia
Ana Flores, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Concepcion Barrio, PhD, University of Southern California; Barton Palmer, PhD, University of California, San Diego
The Effects of the Southeastern Provision ICE Raid on Migrant Communities in East Tennessee: Perspectives from First Responders and Service Providers
Mary Lehman Held, PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Eliza Galvez, MSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Mental Health (MH)
The Association between Interpersonal Factors, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Among Junior High School Students in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana
Enoch Azasu, PhD, Saint Louis University; Abass Babatunde, MPH, Clemson University; Ali Lateef, MD, Washington University in Saint Louis; Portia Nartey, MSW, MSP, Washington University in Saint Louis; Ebow Nketsiah, MSW, Saint Louis University; Graham Zulu, MSW, University of Denver; Dennis Boyd, Washington University in St. Louis
Mental Health Treatment and Services
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Recent Mental Health Emergency Room Usage in Treatment-Seeking, Adult Consumers in One Rural, Community-Based, Outpatient Clinic: Role of Nights Spent Homeless
Michael Clarkson-Hendrix, PhD, State University of New York College at Fredonia; Cassidy Heinen, BSSW, State University of New York College at Fredonia
Mental Health Treatment and Services
Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (MSVF)
School social work with military children
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) A Little Goes a Long Way: Highly Mobile Military-Connected Parents' and Students' Perspectives on School Supports for School Transitions
Renee Spencer, EdD, LICSW, Boston University School of Social Work; Alison Drew, PhD, New York University; Grace Gowdy, PhD, Education Northwest; Juliann Nicholson, PhD, Boston University; Jake Steggerda, PhD, University of Mississippi; Carla Herrera, PhD, Herrera Consulting, LLC; Amy Slep, PhD, New York University; Timothy Cavell, PhD, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Organizations & Management (O&M)
Historical and Archival Studies
Interorganizational and Intraorganizational Collaboration and Networks
Empowerment, Resilience, and Collaboration: Examining Librarians' Readiness for Interdisciplinary Interventions
Saige Addison, University of Iowa; Megan Gilster, PhD, University of Iowa; Megan Ronnenberg, PhD, University of Iowa; Kara Logsden, University of Iowa; Sarah Witry, MSW, University of Iowa
Race and Ethnicity (R&E)
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity Measurement Among a Sample of Non-White Young Adult Immigrants in the United States
Ardith Allison, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Jihyeong Jeong, MA, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Christel Joel Tajouoh, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Research Design and Measurement (RD&M)
Evidence for Shared Parenting Domains, Definitions, and Workforce Items: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Brennan Miller, PhD, University of Kansas; Priya Vanchy, PhD, University of Kansas; Becci Akin, PhD, University of Kansas; Pegah Naemi Jimenez, PhD, University of Kansas
Secondary Data Analysis
Systematic Reviews
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Comparative Scoping Review of the Status and Support for Socially Isolated Youth in South Korea and the United States
Hajin Lee, PhD Candidate, University; Seungjin Lee, PhD Candidate, Ewha Womans University; Hwajo Lee, PhD, University
Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
Engaged Teaching and Learning
Digitalization and ICT in Social Work Education: A Scoping Review
Ishita Kapur, MSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Caroline Sharkey, PhD, State University of New York at Albany; Angela Malorni, PhD, Rutgers University
Engaged Teaching and Learning
Critical Feminisms in Team-Based Academic Research: A Parallel Process
Elin Amundson, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Channel Lowery, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Jessica Toft, PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
School Social Work (SSW)
School Climate and Culture Conducive to Student Learning and Teaching Excellence
The Critical Role of Teacher Wellbeing on Intention to Leave
Anna O'Dell, PhD, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI)
HIV education and prevention
Youth Experiencing Homelessness and HIV Prevention Communication: A Multi-Level Dyadic Network Analysis
Laura Petry, MSW, University of Southern California; Erik Schott, EdD, California State University, San Bernardino; Graham DiGuiseppi, ScM, University of Southern California; Eric Rice, PhD, University of Southern California
LGBTQIA+ legislation
Childhood Predictors of Perceived Structural Stigma in Queer Adults
Jake Leite, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Will Hall, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ankur Srivastava, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Denise Williams, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Pin-Chen Chiang, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Adam Englert, MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Social Work Practice (SWP)
Cultural Competence
Exploring Ways to Enhance Culturally Humble Mental Health Practices for Asian Americans and Latino Populations
Meekyung Han, PhD, San Jose State University; Sadhna Diwan, PhD, San Jose State University; Eva Bernal Campos, San Jose State University; Jackelyn Ho, San Jose State University
Intervention Research
Digging Deeper: An Exploratory Analysis of Telehealth Barriers and Facilitators Among Child Welfare Involved Families
Kiley Liming, PhD, University of Kansas; Whitney Grube, PhD, University of Kansas; Jody Brook, PhD, University of Kansas; Becci Akin, PhD, University of Kansas; Amy Mendenhall, PhD, University of Kansas; Elicia Berryhill, MA, Heartline Oklahoma
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB)
Intervention: Prevention, Treatment, Services, and Recovery
Navigating Implementation Challenges in a Multiregional Test of the 'parenting in 2 Worlds' Program for Urban American Indian Families
Stephen Kulis, PhD, Arizona State University; Monica Tsethlikai, PhD, Arizona State University; Stephanie Ayers, PhD, Arizona State University; Patricia Hibbeler, MA, Confederate Salish and Kootenai Tribe of the Flathead Reservation; Deidra Goldtooth, BA, Arizona State University; Chao-Kai Huang, MSW, Arizona State University; Christine McCaleb, MA, Arizona State University
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors over the Life Course
Healthcare Providers' Attitudes Toward Medications for Opioid Use Disorder during Pregnancy
Aaron Brown, PhD LCSW, University of Kentucky; Aubrey Jones, PhD, University of Kentucky; Beth Harmer, DSW, Western Carolina University; Zakary Amen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Substances: Alcohol, Tobacco, Prescription and Other Drugs
Risk Factors for Hazardous Drinking Based on Gender and Age Groups in Korean Society - Focusing on the Factors of Alcohol Brand Character Marketing
Sujeong Yu, MSW, Yonsei University; Kayoung Park, MSW, Yonsei University; Jiwon Kim, MSW, Yonsei University; In Han Song, PhD, Yonsei University
Violence against Women and Children (VAWC)
Children Exposed to Violence
The Prevalence of Childhood Violence and Psychological Distress Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV in Zimbabwe
Haelim Jeong, MSW, University of Alabama, School of Social Work; Edson Chipalo, PhD, MSW, University of Cincinnati; Simon Mwima, MPH, MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Violet Nkwanzi, PhD, East Tennessee State University; Ikenna Obasi Odii, MSN, The University of Alabama Birmingham
Dating Violence
From Childhood Maltreatment to Dating Violence Victimization Among Youth with Disabilities: The Positive Role of School Social Bonds
Bernadette Ombayo, PhD., MSW., University of Memphis; Jungjoon Ihm, PhD, Seoul National University; Soojin Seo, MA, Seoul National University; Minhae Cho, PhD, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Human Trafficking
Beyond Self-Care: Promoting Collective Care Strategies to Prevent Vicarious Trauma Among Violence Prevention Research Teams
Melissa Ticozzi, BSW, University of Alabama; Sylvia Namakula, Healing and Resilience after Trauma; Luciana Giorgio, PhD, MSW, University of Alabama; Agnes Nabachwa, Healing and Resilience after Trauma; Sophie Namy, Healing and Resilience after Trauma; Catherine Carlson, PhD, University of Alabama
Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Bystander Intervention for Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence: LGBTQ+ Survivor Perspectives
Caro Cruys, MSW, University of Wisconsin- Madison; LB Klein, PhD, MSW, MPA, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Taylan Stulting, MA, MSW, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs (WWLP&P)
Work/family intersection
Household Decision-Making Patterns Among Married Women in India: A Latent Class Analysis
Saumya Tripathi, State University of New York at Binghamton; Fuhua Zhai, PhD, Fordham University
Work/family intersection
Work/life and worker wellbeing
The Mediating Role of Trauma Coping Self-Efficacy in the Association between Firefighter Coping Self-Efficacy and Secondary Traumatic Stress
Joselyn Sarabia, MSW, The Ohio State University; Elinam Dellor, PhD, Ohio State University; Bridget Freisthler, PhD, The Ohio State University
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