Society for Social Work and Research 14th Annual Conference: Social Work Research: A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES: Author Index C
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Presenter Index
Author Index: C
Caballero, Gabriela
Sexual activity among adolescents in Santiago, Chile: An examination of the role of peers, parents, families, and neighborhoods on youth sexual development
Cain, Daphne S.
A Pilot Application of the Circle of Security Parenting Intervention to Child Welfare-Involved Mothers
Calderon, Carlos
Methodological and Logistical Considerations when Conducting Research in International Settings
Campbell, Aimee N. C.
Retention in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network Women and Trauma Study: Implications for Post-trial Implementation
Relationship power and HIV sexual risk behavior among drug-involved women
Campbell, Cynthia I.
Tailoring Treatment to Women in Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment: 1995-2000
Cancian, Maria
"I'm Not Supporting His Kids�: Noncustodial Fathers' Contributions When Mothers Have Children with New Partners
Income Growth among Nonresident Fathers: Recent Evidence from Wisconsin
Cao, Dingcai
Trends in Access to Substance Abuse Treatment for Women and Men: 1995-2005
Capous-Desyllas, Moshoula
Images & Voices: Using the Arts-based Method of Photovoice to Understand the Needs & Aspirations of Diverse Women Working in the Sex Industry
Caron, Matthew
Ethnic-Racial Diversity and Social Support of Senior Center Participants: Results from the Health Indicators Project of New York City
Carr, Summerson
Co-Morbidity, Conversation Analysis, and Disparities in Self Reports
Conversation analysis and motivational interviewing: A new method for understanding the sociolinguistic features of skillful MI practice
Casey, Erin A.
Engaging Men as Anti-Violence Allies
Castillo, Marcela
Self-Reported Discrimination, Mental Health, and Substance Use among Adolescents in Santiago, Chile
Sexual activity among adolescents in Santiago, Chile: An examination of the role of peers, parents, families, and neighborhoods on youth sexual development
The Relative Impact of Crime, Poverty and Physical Environment on Youth Substance Use in Seven Neighborhoods in Santiago, Chile
The relative importance of peer and parental influences on alcohol consumption among adolescents in Santiago, Chile
Cavaleri, Mary A.
Qualitative Findings Reflecting Staff Successes and Challenges in Implementing the Child and Family Clinic Plus Initiative
Examining the Preliminary Impact of the Bridge Program
Cederbaum, Julie
Talking to Daddy's Little Girl About Sex: Daughters' Reports of Sexual Communication and Support from Fathers
Cervantes, Richard
Measuring Substance Abuse Prevention Environmental Strategies and Social Norms Change: Findings on reliability of the Environmental Strategies Indicator Tool
Cesnales, Nicole
The Relationship Between Health Insurance Coverage and Self Rated Health: A Secondary Analysis of the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study
Chacko, Anil
Depression among caregivers who bring their children to community mental health clinics for disruptive behavior disorders
Chan, Cecilia L.W.
A 3-Year Randomized Controlled Trial on the Impact of Brief Psychosocial Interventions on Breast Cancer Survivorship
Chandra, Shweta
Implementing System of Care services for youth with serious mental health challenges: Preliminary findings from Indiana
Chang, Mingway
A Longitudinal Study Of Substance Use And Intimate Partner Violence Among Low-income, Urban Women Seeking Emergency Care
Chanmugam, Amy
Experiences of young adolescents residing in family violence shelters: A qualitative study using life story methods
Chapman, Mimi V.
Adolescent Health and Mental Health Service Use, Settings, and Barriers: Differences by Sexual Minority Status
Charlemagne, Sherma
Predictors and Outcomes of Post-Discharge Service Use Among Youth Psychiatrically Hospitalized for the First Time
Chaskin, Robert
From Public Housing to Mixed-Income Housing In Chicago: Insights about Residents' Decisions to Return
Chatterjee, Arpita
Barriers In Accessing Health Care For Individuals with Severe Mental Illness: A Qualitative Study
Chen, Fang-pei
A Time Limit for Assertive Community Treatment?: Practitioners' Perspectives on Maximizing ACT Utilization
Inside the Black Box of an EBP: Critical Time Intervention from an Implementation Perspective
Chen, Hsing-Jung
Robust protective factors that help youths achieve positive adjustment
Chen, Ji-Kang
The impacts of school violence on self-esteem and depression in a Chinese society (Taiwan)
Chen, Lynn
HIV testing rates and testing locations by race/ethnicity: Data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2005
Chen, Wendy
The Decision of Hospital-Based Child Protection Teams to Report Children and Families to Community Child Protective Services
Chenot, David
Social Work Education, Title IV-E Participation, and Retention in Public Child Welfare Services
Dynamics of Racial/Ethnic Disparity in California: A study of Trajectories of Disparity Index (DI) Scores
Chermack, Stephen T.
Heavy Drinking in a National Sample of Veterans: Racial and Ethnic Differences in Alcohol Consumption
Violence among men and women in substance use disorder treatment: A multi-level event-based analysis
Binge Drinking among Veterans Receiving VA Healthcare: Who Initiates Specialty Substance Use Disorder Treatment?
Findings Regarding the Provision of Psychotherapy in a National Sample of Depressed Veterans: Implications for Policy and Practice
Cheung, Ada
Linking Depressive Symptoms to Help-Seeking Preference among Pakistani Americans
Cheung, Monit
Linking Depressive Symptoms to Help-Seeking Preference among Pakistani Americans
Chiu, Yu-Ling
Allegations of Maltreatment and Delinquency: Does Risk of Juvenile Arrest vary Substantiation Status?
Cho, Hyunkag
Services for Victims of Domestic Violence
Use of mental health services among abused Asian and Latino Americans
Choi, Jeong-Kyun
Nonresident Fathers' Involvement and their Children's Development
Choi, Ji H.
Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and Stress among Elderly with Stroke by Gender �Inspection of Mediation Effect for Social Participation-
Choi, Moon
The Impact of Transportation Support on the Decision Making of Driving Cessation among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Choi, Namkee G.
Depression in Vulnerable Older Adults: Rates, Symptom Severity, and Potential for Intervention
Depressive Symptom Severity and Correlates among Meals on Wheels Recipients
Choi, Sam
Understanding Help Seeking Behaviors and Service Utilization among Kurdish Refugees and Immigrants
Choi, Sunha
Out-of-pocket health care expenditures and the financial burden of health care among older immigrants
Choi, Yoonsun
The positive role of ethnic church involvement on youth development: The buffering effects of church attendance among Korean American adolescents
Choi, Youseok
Complicated Family Structures and Nonresident Fathers' Economic Contributions: Analysis of Nonresident Fathers' Informal Support to Children
Chonody, Jill
The Development and Validation of the Sexual Prejudice Scale (SPS)
Chow, Julian C. C.
Cluster Analysis and Generalized Linear Models for Spatial Data in R: Free Software to Map Client Needs
Chowa, Gina
Building Assets for Low-Income Children and Youth: Emerging Research and Implications for Social Work Policy and Practice
The Effect of Homeownership on Children's Positive Behavior among Low and Moderate Income Household
Coan, April
Impact of a psychosocial intervention on quality of life outcomes in cancer patients
Cochran, Gerald
Cohen, Leslie
Adoption, Guardianship, and Access to Post-Permanency Services
Cohen-Callow, Amy J.
Child welfare worker stress as a function of cross-level effects: Informing organizational change strategies
Cole, Diane
Cognitive and Psychodynamic Mechanisms of Change in Treated and Untreated Depression
Coleman, Daniel
Cognitive and Psychodynamic Mechanisms of Change in Treated and Untreated Depression
Three Suicide Prevention Trainings: Six-Month Effects on Suicide Prevention Knowledge, Confidence and Behavior
Coleman, Elizabeth
The Earlier the Better? Effects of Implementing the keepin' it REAL School-based Substance Use Prevention Program in Elementary versus Middle School
Comartin, Erin
Fear as a Motivator for Consensual Offenses on Sex Offender Registries
Participatory research ain�t easy: Challenges and barriers of doing participatory action research
Conley, Amy
Differential Response: Maltreatment Prevention or Family Support?
Conley, Cynthia L.
The Conceptualization, Development, and Initial Validation of the COPLAG: A Scale to Measure Concerns of Parents of Lesbians and Gays
Cook, Charlene
Exploring factors associated with cyber bullying among middle and high school students
Cooney, Kate
Saving Performance in an IDA for Participants with Disabilities: Do Institutional Characteristics Matter?
Cooper, R. Lyle
Case-Management Increases Retention in Substance Abuse Treatment for Homeless Men
Copeland, Valire
Does Marijuana Use Serve as a Gateway to Nicotine Dependence for African-American Youth?
Corcoran, Kevin J.
Examining Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency
Cornelius, Llewellyn
Embracing Respect for Indigenous Populations as the Basis for Community Based Participatory Research: Lessons learned from the Community Engagement Process with the members of the Maryland Piscataway Conoy Tribe
Coulton, Claudia
Understanding the Implications of Residential Mobility for Poor Families and Neighborhoods
Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Change: New evidence and implications for community initiatives
Courtney, Mark
Employment Outcomes of Foster Youth: The Results from the Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Foster Youth
Receipt of Help Acquiring Independent Living Skills and Outcomes for Foster Youth Making the Transition to Adulthood
Parent Engagement in Child Welfare Services: Parent Perspectives
Child Welfare Workers' Perceptions of Parent Engagement
Parent Engagement in Child Welfare Services: A Comparison of Worker and Parent Perspectives
Craig, Shelley L.
Measuring Resiliency in LGBT Adults: Hardiness as a Function of the Ability to Challenge Social Stigma
The Impact of Individual and Community Social Support and Perceived Discrimination on School Adjustment in Multiethnic Sexual Minority Youth
Crath, Rory
Associations between Disordered Eating, Body Image and Sexual Risk among Gay and Bisexual Men
Craun, Sarah W.
Determining the Percentage of Offenders on the Sex Offender Registry During Their Latest Perpetration of Sexual Abuse
Crea, Thomas M.
Patterns and Predictors of Open Adoptions: Fourteen Years Postadoption
Cross-Hemmer, Amanda
Who Counts? Challenging Whiteness in Data and Decision Making
Crouter, Ann
Economic Patterns of Rural Families in Pennsylvania and North Carolina: Impacts on Home Environments
Csikai, Ellen L.
The Role of Perceived Community Solidarity in Volunteer Participation among Community-dwelling Older Adults in Korea
Cummings, Sherry
Understanding Help Seeking Behaviors and Service Utilization among Kurdish Refugees and Immigrants
Curley, Jami
Social Work Practice in International Context
Children Development Accounts (CDAs) in Uganda: Opportunities for Education
Curran, Laura
Historicizing Knowledge: Historical Perspectives On Social Work Research
Maternal Identity Negotiations among Low-Income Women with Postpartum Depression
Curry-Stevens, Ann
Who Counts? Challenging Whiteness in Data and Decision Making