Society for Social Work and Research 14th Annual Conference: Social Work Research: A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES: Author Index K
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Presenter Index
Author Index: K
Kagotho, Njeri
Parenting Behaviors Among Depressed Mothers in the Child Welfare System
Kahana, Eva
The Impact of Transportation Support on the Decision Making of Driving Cessation among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Kahng, Sang Kyoung
Age Variations in the Predictors and Consequence of Health Service Use using the Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging (KLOSA)
Kamata, Akihito
Using IRT to Explore Items on the CESD
Kang, Byungdeok
Community Risk Factors and the Path to Juvenile Crime in GA: Metropolitan vs. non Metropolitan
Community Risk Factors, Child Maltreatment, and Juvenile Crime in Georgia: Path Analysis
Karimli, Leyla
Kasiborski, Natalie
Mothers Exiting Prison: Predicting Child Welfare Outcomes in a Longitudinal Study
Katz, Ellen
Evaluating Performance and Reflection through Objective Structured Clinical Examinations for Social Work
Kavanaugh, Melinda S.
Factors contributing to economic burden in lung cancer caregivers
Kaye, Sarah
Challenges and Opportunities in Working with Large Scale Datasets
Kayser, Karen
Effects of Self-Help Group Participation on Social Inclusion: Perceptions from Vulnerable Women in South India
Kelley-Gillespie, Nancy
Reciprocal Caregiving between Aging Parents and Adult Children with Disabilities
Kelly, Michael S.
Meeting Students' Mental Health Needs: Rethinking the Relationship between Teachers and School Social Workers
School Social Workers as Practitioners: What Is the Approach to Mental Health Outcomes of Students?
Kemp, Susan P.
Parent Engagement in Child Welfare Services: Parent Perspectives
Kennedy, Angie
The Impact of Family and Community Violence on Children's Depression Trajectories: Examining the Interactions of Violence Exposure, Family Social Support, and Gender
Kennedy, Teri
Advancing Competency-Based Gerontological Social Work Education: Expanding the World of Possibilities for Social Work Practitioners
Kernsmith, Poco D.
Fear as a Motivator for Consensual Offenses on Sex Offender Registries
Kernsmith, Roger M.
Fear as a Motivator for Consensual Offenses on Sex Offender Registries
Kessell, Eric
Predicting Recidivism to Psychiatric Emergency Services for System Naive Individuals
Keun, Han Chang
Children Development Accounts (CDAs) in Uganda: Opportunities for Education
Key, Clinton
The Effect of Homeownership on Children's Positive Behavior among Low and Moderate Income Household
Kieffer, Edith
Evaluating the process and ethics of randomizing African American and Latino adults with diabetes to a community health worker intervention
Kietzman, Kathryn G.
Using Mixed Methods to Advance Understanding of Paid Family Caregiver Motivation and Well-Being
Kil, Hyeon Jong
The Geographical Distribution of Nonprofit Human Service Organizations and Residents in a Neighborhood Community
Kim, Ahraemi
Protective and Risk Factors as Predictors of Organizational Commitment Among Social Workers in Public Child Welfare
Predictors of Poverty Duration Among the Poor in Korea
Kim, Bum Jung
Integration of Affective and Behavioral Forms of Elder Respect
Kim, Hae Jung
Child welfare worker stress as a function of cross-level effects: Informing organizational change strategies
Kim, Hansung
Social Work Education, Title IV-E Participation, and Retention in Public Child Welfare Services
Dynamics of Racial/Ethnic Disparity in California: A study of Trajectories of Disparity Index (DI) Scores
Kim, Hyemee
Labor Participation and Depression among the Elderly
Kim, Hyoung Yong
Neighborhood Effects on Collective Action: A Multi-level Analysis
Kim, Hyun-Jun
May I Ask Who Is Calling? Findings on Health Disparities and Sexual Orientation from the Washington State BRFSS, a Population-based Telephone Survey
Kim, Hyunjee
Self-efficacy and functional change among home care recipients
Kim, Jae Yop
The effects of family violence on South Korean adolescents who abuse their parents, and the moderating effect of problem-solving
Kim, Jeongah
Pounding the Yam: HIV�Related Knowledge & Behaviors of Young Ghanaian Market Women
Kim, Jinhyun
The Impacts of Self-Perception of Aging and Self-Efficacy on Depression among Korean Older Persons
Kim, Jinseok
Childhood victimization history and adolescents' sexual behavior development
Maternal and paternal disciplinary style congruity as a predictor of children's behavioral problems
Kim, Johnny S.
Is Employment Associated with Reduced Recidivism? The Complex Relationship between Employment and Crime
Kim, Kevin H.
Predicting Juvenile and Criminal Justice Involvement among Child Welfare-Involved Youth
Kim, Kihyun
The Developmental Course of Depression and Externalizing Behavior: Assessing the Similarities and Differences Between Physically Abused and Neglected Adolescents
Kim, Mi Sung
How Numbers Misbehave: Multivariate Regressions and Structural Equation Modeling
Kim, Seowon
Mediating effects of parent efficacy and parenting behavior between family factors and child abuse of children with developmental disabilities: A survey in South Korea
Kim, Tae Kuen
Poverty Duration and Adult Income Potential
Three types of "the poor": A typology using poverty duration and poverty recurrence
Life satisfaction and social ties among retired adults
Kim, Woo Jong
Use of mental health services among abused Asian and Latino Americans
Kim, Wook-Jin
Economic development of low-income inner-city minority communities: the role of middleman entrepreneurs in the development strategy
Kim, Yoen Soo
The Impact of Acculturative Stress and Perceived Social Support on Depression among Foreign Wives of South Korean Men: A Focus on Direct and Moderating Effects of Perceived Social Support
Kim, You Seung
The positive role of ethnic church involvement on youth development: The buffering effects of church attendance among Korean American adolescents
Kim, Youngmi
Empirical Analyses for Development of Material Hardship Measures in Poverty Studies
Kirkendall, Abbie
How Is End-of-life Care Provided To Older Individuals With Developmental Disabilities Who Live In A Community Residence?
Kjellstrand, Jean M.
Parenting Effects on At-Risk Youth Development
Children of Incarcerated Parents: A Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Parental Incarceration on Adolescent Externalizing Behaviors
Klaus, Jeanine
Dimensions of Support Provided by Doulas to Teenage Mothers during Labor and Delivery
Klika, J. Bart
The Consequences of Unique and Overlapping Forms of Child Maltreatment on Adult Outcomes
Klusaritz, Heather A.
Methadone Maintenance and Intra-Agency Processes of Care: Hospital Admissions for a Traumatic Medical Event and Interruptions in Treatment
Koh, Eun
Achieving legal permanence for children in foster care: Attention to caregivers' characteristics
Kohl, Patricia L.
Role of Mothers in Child Welfare
Parenting Behaviors Among Depressed Mothers in the Child Welfare System
Kolbe, Athena R.
Household Characteristics Associated With Human Rights Victimization in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Kolivoski, Karen M.
Predicting Juvenile and Criminal Justice Involvement among Child Welfare-Involved Youth
Profiles of Youth Aging Out of the Child Welfare System
Understanding Predictive Factors in Prison Misconducts among Juveniles Serving Time in Adult Prisons
Komlo, Chelsea
Factors Associated with Trauma and PTSD among Street Youth in Three U.S. Cities: The Importance of Youth Transience
Kondrat, David C.
Mental Health Stigma
Fighting in the Trenches: The Mitigating Effects of Case Managers Between Consumers' Perceived Stigma and Subjective Quality of Life
Kosberg, Jordan I.
Racial disparities in anticipated housing service use among community-dwelling older adults
Kramer, Betty J.
Factors contributing to economic burden in lung cancer caregivers
Krysik, Judy
Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Through Home Visitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Ku, Jane
The Deep Plunge: Luocha and the Experiences of Earlier Skilled Immigrants from Mainland China
Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott
Mothers Exiting Prison: Predicting Child Welfare Outcomes in a Longitudinal Study
Kuerbis, Alexis
Depression's Moderating Impact on the Effectiveness of Intensive Case Management with Substance Dependent Women Receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Kuhlberg, Jill A.
Mental Health Issues for Child and Adolescent Ethnic Minorities
Suicide attempts, parent-adolescent conflict, familism, self-esteem, and internalizing behaviors in adolescent Latinas
Kulis, Stephen S.
Methodological and Logistical Considerations when Conducting Research in International Settings
The Social Contexts of Drug Offers and Their Relationship to Drug Use of Rural Hawaiian Youth
The Development and Validation of the Hawaiian Youth Drug Offers Survey (HYDOS)
Gender Differences in Drug Offers of Native Hawaiian Youth in Rural Communities: A Mixed Methods Analysis
The Earlier the Better? Effects of Implementing the keepin' it REAL School-based Substance Use Prevention Program in Elementary versus Middle School
Kwon, Hyeok Chang
The Long-Term Labor Market Outcomes of TANF Leavers: Evidence from Wisconsin
Kyriakakis, Stavroula
Exploring Organizational Roles in Domestic Violence Service Systems: A Network Approach