Session: ePoster Presentations XIII (Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference - Ending Gender Based, Family and Community Violence)

345 ePoster Presentations XIII

Sunday, January 20, 2019: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Continental Parlors 1-3, Ballroom Level (Hilton San Francisco)
* noted as presenting author
Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Adolescent Mental Disorders and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Social Work's Role in the Mental Health of Black Boys
Ed-Dee Williams, MSW, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Daphne Watkins, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Jamie Mitchell, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Adolescent Mental Disorders and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency/Homelessness
Adolescent Violence/Delinquency/Homelessness
How Female High School Seniors with a Long Trajectory of Aggression Move from Romance to Violence in Dating Relationships: A Developmental Model
Patricia Reeves, PhD, University of Georgia; Pamela Orpinas, PhD, University of Georgia; Heidi Ehrenreich, PhD, Centers for Disease Control; Kristin Holland, PhD, Centers for Disease Control
School and Out of School Time Experiences among Youth
Racial and Gender Disproportionality in out-of-School Suspension: A Preliminary Study
Minhae Cho, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Young Ji Yoon, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Wendy Height, PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Youth Development
Youth Psychosocial Development in Migrant Families: Implications for Community Intervention
Shuang Lu, PhD, MSW, The University of Hong Kong; Renhui Lyu, Master of psychology, The University of Hong Kong
Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Long Term and Palliative Care
Analyzing Plans of Care from the Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program in Long-Term Care
Jean C. Munn, PhD, Florida State University; Margaret M. Holland, MSW, Florida State University; Jung Kim, MSSW, Florida State University
Productive Aging
Older Adults' Internet Use and Depressive Symptoms By Gender: Findings from 2015 National Health and Aging Trends Study
Jeehoon Kim, PhD, Idaho State University; Hee Yun Lee, PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; William Hasenbein, MSW, University of Alabama
Child Welfare (CW)
Child Welfare Services, Systems, and Workforce
The Parent Mentoring Program: Supporting Parents Accused of Child Maltreatment
Ruth Soffer-Elnekave, MSW, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Wendy Haight, PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Kinship/Foster Care/Adoption
Prevalence of Special Health Care Needs Among Foster Youth: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey
Lucy Bilaver, PhD, Northwestern University; Judy Havlicek, PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Prevention and Intervention
Sibling Coercion & Interaction Quality Among Youth in Foster Care
Jamie Jaramillo, MS, Student; Brianne Kothari, PhD, Oregon State University-Cascades; Lew Bank, PhD, Portland State University; Joel Steele, PhD, Portland State University
Understanding Economic Hardship and Each Type of Child Maltreatment: Testing the Temporal Impact
Yanfeng Xu, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Ching-Hsuan Lin, PhD, National Taiwan University
Communities and Neighborhoods (C&N)
Civic Engagement and participation
Social Integration and Health Among People Living Alone: Comparing to People Living with Others
Hyunmin Lee, PhD, The University of Seoul; Mi Sun Choi, MSW, Ohio State University
Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Criminal Justice System
Wait Times for Mental Health Court Program Entry: A Survival Analysis of Time from Referral to Program Entry
Porter Jennings, LCSW, University of Georgia; Orion Mowbray, PhD, University of Georgia; Gregory Purser, MSW, University of Georgia; Edwin Risler, PhD, University of Georgia
Delinquency and Offending
Patterns of Trauma and Their Association with Delinquency and Criminality: A Latent Class Approach
Kimberly DeCelle, MSW, University of South Carolina; Bethany Bell, PhD, University of South Carolina; Maryah Fram, PhD, University of South Carolina; Brooke Chehoski, MSW, University of South Carolina
Disability (D)
Disability Policy, Programs and Services
Emergency Response to Individuals with Developmental and/or Intellectual Disabilities Experiencing a Behavioral Health Crisis
Tonie Sadler, AM, University of Chicago; Harold Pollack, PhD, University of Chicago
Gender (G)
Gender: Bias/Gaps/Disparities
Reproductive Health
The Impact of Reproductive Coercion on Intimate Partner Violence Among U.S. Female Students
Peter Fawson, PhD, Appalachian State University; Rachel Wright, PhD, Appalachian State University; Eva Siegel, MSW, Appalachian State University
Health (H)
Health Promotion and Education
Integrative Health
Examining Health Advocacy As a Model to Empower Victims of Interpersonal Violence and Improve Health Outcomes
Jessica Grace, MSW, School of Public Health; Emily Spence-Almaguer, PhD, School of Public Health
Immigrants and Refugees (I&R)
Immigrant health and mental health
Exploring the Differences in Maternal Risk Factors and Prenatal Care Among Unauthorized Mexican and Guatemalan Immigrants
Mary Held, PhD, The University of Tennessee; Lisa Lindley, PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Immigration policy and enforcement
Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy (IP&SWP)
Consequences of inequality and poverty
A Systematic Review of the Association between Toxic Stress and Poverty
Daniel Brisson, PhD, University of Denver; Sarah McCune, University of Denver; Jennifer Wilson, MSW, IMBA, University of Denver; Stephanie Rachel Speer, MSW, University of Denver; Julie McCrae, PhD, Chapin Hall
Homelessness and Housing
WITHDRAWN: The Prevention of Youth Homelessness: Addressing System Failures
Kaitlin Schwan, PhD, York University; Stephanie Begun, PhD, MSW, University of Toronto
International Social Work & Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Global issues and international social work
Profile of Chinese Young Adults Transitioning out of Foster Care: Stress, Coping Mechanisms, Behavior Problems, and Social Support
Fei Sun, PhD, Michigan State University; Meirong Liu, PhD, Howard University School of Social Work; Zhaoyu Zhang, Michigan State University; Anderson Steve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Shaozhen Tan, Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality
Mental Health (MH)
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Parenting Stress in Young, Low-Income Mothers: Bidirectional or Unidirectional Effects?
Yudong Zhang, AM, University of Chicago; Renee Edwards, PhD, University of Chicago; Sydney Hans, PhD, University of Chicago
Serious Mental Illness
The Ties That Bind and Unbound Ties: Experiences of Formerly Homeless Individuals in Recovery from Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use
Rohini Pahwa, PhD, New York University; Melissa Smith, PhD, University of Maryland, Baltimore; Yeqing Yuan, MSW, LICSW, New York University; Deborah Padgett, PhD, New York University
Systems of Care
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Acute Psychiatric Service Use Among People Diagnosed with Mental Illness in Large California Counties
George J. Unick, PhD, MSW, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Martha Shumway, PhD, University of California, San Francisco; Lonnie Snowden, Ph.D, University of California, Berkeley
Trauma-Informed Care
A Realist Systematic Review of Trauma Informed Practice in Inpatient and Residential Child and Adolescent Settings
Stephanie Bryson, PhD, Portland State University; Emma Gauvin, MSW, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Ally Jamieson, MSW, Choices for Youth
Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (MSVF)
Women in the military
WITHDRAWN: Mental Health Wellbeing of Caregiving Service Women
James Meadows, MSW, University of Alabama; Kelli Godfrey, LMSW, University of Alabama
Organizations & Management (O&M)
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Certified Social Enterprises in Korea: Historical Development, Current Status, and Typologies Based on Social and Economic Performance
YungSoo Lee, PhD, Incheon National University; Hyeonjong Kil, PhD, Korea Labor Institute
Race and Ethnicity (R&E)
Ethnic Minority Wellbeing
Racial Policies, Issues, and Gaps
Research Design and Measurement (RD&M)
Qualitative Research
The Benefits of Qualitative Pilot Studies in Social Work Research: The Case of Fathers in Reentry from Prison
Gabriella Moore, BA, University of Chicago; Pajarita Charles, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Luke Muentner, BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Systematic Reviews
Systematic Review Management Software: An Exploration of Core Functionality and Risks of Automation Bias
Nathaniel Dell, AM, LMSW, Saint Louis University; Brandy Maynard, PhD, Saint Louis University; Madeline Stewart, BA, Places for People, Inc.
Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
School Social Work (SSW)
Access to School-based and Community-based Resources
Mixed Methods Evaluation of Behavioral Health Interventions Addressing School Discipline
Catherine Kramer, LMSW, MPA, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice; Karli Keator, MPH, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
Education, Behavior, and Mental Health Services and Practices
Interprofessional Collaboration in Schools: A Concurrent Mixed Methods Study
Samantha Bates, PhD, Ohio State University; Dawn Anderson-Butcher, PhD, Ohio State University; Elizabeth Mellin, PhD, State University of New York at Binghamton; Lauren Paluta, MPH, MSW, Ohio State University; Karen Sterling, MS, Canyons School District
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI)
Health and Well-being
WITHDRAWN: Relationship between HIV Status and Drug Use during Sex Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Ontario, Canada
Rusty Souleymanov, MSW, University of Toronto; David J. Brennan, PhD, University of Toronto; Maya Kesler, PhD, University of Toronto; Tsegaye Bekele, MPH, University of Toronto
Physical and Mental Health Needs of Ethnic and Sexual Minority Older Adults
David Camacho, MSW, MSG, Columbia University; Ellen Lukens, PhD, Columbia University School of Social Work
Social Work Practice (SWP)
Workforce Development
Examining Sources of Burnout and Organizational Commitment: An SEM Approach
Aaron Brown, LCSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Jayme Walters, MSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Aubrey Jones, MSW, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB)
Addictive Behaviors and Co-Occurring Problems
Distress Intolerance in Patients with Depression and Pain Catastrophizing: Implications for Pain Care and the Social Work Profession
Valerie Hruschak, PhD ABD, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Yan Yuan, MSW, LCSW, University of Pittsburgh; Corinne Beaugard, MSW, University of Pittsburgh; Maria Pacella, University of Pittsburgh; Daniel Rosen, PhD, University of Pittsburgh; Gerald Cochran, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Epidemiology and Etiology
Mental Health, Social Support, and Problem Drinking: A Population-Based Study
Lin Fang, University of Toronto; Yu Lung, University of Toronto
Intervention: Prevention, Treatment, Services, and Recovery
Sustainable Development, Urbanization, and Environmental Justice (SDU&E)
Community adaptation, resilience, and capacity building
Treading Water: Stress and Coping in the Wake of the Flint Water Crisis
Catherine Zettner, BS, Wayne State University; Joanne Sobeck, PhD, Wayne State University
Violence against Women and Children (VAWC)
Children Exposed to Violence
Typologies and Future Signals of School Bullying Using Social Big Data Analysis
Hayoung Kim, BA, Sungkyunkwan University; Yoonsun Han, PhD, Sungkyunkwan University; Taemin Song, PhD, Sahmyook University; Juyoung Song, PhD, Penn State Schuylkill
Human Trafficking
Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Children in South East Asia: A Review of the Literature
Wonbin Her, MSW, University of Illinois at Chicago; Charles Hounmenou, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago
Intimate Partner Violence
How Do Culturally Specific Services Reduce Help-Seeking Barriers for Latina Survivors of Interpersonal Violence?
Debra Patterson, PhD, Wayne State University; Dalila Valdovinos, MSW, CHASS; Shannon Patrick, MPH, CHASS
Intimate Partner Violence
Intergenerational Continuity of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Female Domestic Violence Survivors and Their Children
Donna Amtsberg, LCSW, University of Houston; Sharon Borja, PhD, University of Houston, Downtown; Sheryl Johnson, MS, Northwest Assistance Ministries Family Violence Center; Sandra Jeter, MSW, University of Houston
Power, Control, and Inequality-based Violence
Ending the Gender Binary: A Path Toward Ending Gender-Based Violence
Katie Lauve-Moon, PhD, Texas Christian University; Shelby Enman, Highschool, Texas Christian University; Megan Morris, Highschool, Texas Christian University
Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs (WWLPP)
Jobs, employment � including unemployment and underemployment and job quality
Managing the Cancer-Work Interface: Work Experiences That Influence Unemployment Among Cancer Survivors
Jennifer Swanberg, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore; Derek Falk, PhD, University of Texas at Austin; Fiyinfolu Adetunji, BS, University of Maryland at Baltimore; J. Kathleen Tracy, PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore
Workplace policies and programs (e.g. family leave, labor standards, workplace diversity and equality)
Race/Ethnicity Differences in Intergenerational Economic Mobility between Mothers and Adult Children
Jaewon Lee, MSW, Michigan State University; Fei Sun, PhD, Michigan State University
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