Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference: Special Interest Groups

Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).

Special Interest Groups

Friday, January 17, 2025

7:00 AM-8:00 AM

[Special Interest Groups] Aging Research, Policy, and Advocacy Network (Aspen, Level 2)
Conveners: Leslie Hasche, PhD , Karen Bullock, PhD, LICSW, APHSW-C, FGSA , Tina Maschi, PhD , Duy Nguyen, PhD and Tyrone Hamler, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Tenured Professors (Redwood A, Level 2)
Conveners: LaShawnda Fields, PhD and Renee Cunningham-Williams, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Creating Social Responses to a Changing Environment (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Ballard, Level 3)
Conveners: Praveen Kumar, PhD , Shanondora Billiot, PhD , Dorlissa Minnick , John Mathias, PhD and Amy Krings, MSW, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Grand Challenge to End Homelessness (Jefferson A, Level 4)
Convener: Emmy Tiderington, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Maternal and Infant Mental Health (Jefferson B, Level 4)
Conveners: Rena Bina, PhD , Ruth Paris and Abigail Palmer Molina, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Organizations and Management (Virgina, Level 4)
Conveners: Theresa Anasti, PhD , Bridgette Davis, PhD and James Mandiberg, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Simulation-Based Research on Social Work Education and Practice (Redwood B, Level 2)
Conveners: Kenta Asakura, PhD and Sarah Tarshis, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] South Asian Social Work Educators’ Association (SASWEA) (Seneca, Level 4)
Conveners: Ankur Srivastava, PhD , Sanoop Valappanandi , Rhitamvara Pokharel, MSW , Karandikar-Chheda Sharvari , Abha Rai, PhD , Smitha Rao, PhD and Arati Maleku, Ph.D.

[Special Interest Groups] Universal Basic Income and Guaranteed Income Policies and Research (Willow A, Level 2)
Conveners: Amy Castro, PhD , Stacia West, PhD and Leah Hamilton, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Well-Being of Black Women and Girls (WBBWG) (Willow B, Level 2)
Conveners: Abigail Williams-Butler, PhD, MSW, MS and Marquitta Dorsey, Ph.D.

12:30 PM-1:30 PM

[Special Interest Groups] "Research on Social Work Journal" - Special Interest Group Meeting (Columbia, Level 4)
Convener: Bruce Thyer, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] (WITHDRAWN) Addictive Behaviors and Substance Misuse (Aspen, Level 2)
Convener: Michael Broman, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Abolitionist Social Work (Redwood A, Level 2)
Conveners: Miguel Rodriguez, ABD , Jennifer Kenney, PhD , Olga Koumoundouros, MFA , Sophia Sarantakos, PhD , Melanie Sonsteng-Person, PhD , Sandra Leotti, PhD , Sam Harrell, MSW , Brianna Suslovic, MSW , Grace Pappas, MSW and Josh Lown, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Acting on a 21st Century Research Agenda for a Child Welfare and Child Well-Being System – Networking Session for Funders and Researchers (Ballard, Level 3)
Conveners: Kimberly DuMont, PhD , Cynthia Weaver, Ph.D. , Mary McKay, PhD and Peter Pecora, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Advanced Illness, Palliative, and End of Life Care Special Interest Group (Jefferson A, Level 4)
Conveners: Frances Nedjat-Haiem, PhD and Jen Hirsch, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Black @ SSWR (Greenwood, Level 3)
Conveners: Alizé Hill, AM and Taylor Reed, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Building Financial Capability and Assets for All (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Redwood B, Level 2)
Conveners: Julie Birkenmaier , Jin Huang, PhD and Lissa Johnson, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Building Healthy Relationships to End Violence (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Seneca, Level 4)
Convener: Richard P. Barth, PHD

[Special Interest Groups] Critical Feminisms (Willow A, Level 2)
Conveners: Mery Diaz , Sharvari Karandikar, PhD and Margaret Gibson

[Special Interest Groups] Disability (Willow B, Level 2)
Conveners: Elizabeth Lightfoot, PhD and Lauren Bishop, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Eliminating Racism (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (University, Level 4)
Conveners: Martell Teasley, PhD , Michael Spencer, PhD , Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH , Jandel Crutchfield, PhD, LCSW and Quincy Bloxom, DSW

[Special Interest Groups] Field Education (Jefferson B, Level 4)
Convener: Stacey De Fries, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Gade Social Work Doctoral Education SIG (Virgina, Level 4)
Conveners: Mimi Chapman, Ph.D. , Denise Burnette, PhD and Jonathan Okstad, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Historical Research in Social Work (Cedar A, Level 2)
Conveners: Justin Harty, PhD and Laura Curran, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Immigrant and Refugee Studies (Cedar B, Level 2)
Conveners: Wooksoo Kim, PhD , Mitra Naseh, PhD and Mary Lehman Held, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Kinship Care and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (Boren, Level 4)
Conveners: Nancy Mendoza, Ph.D. and Yanfeng Xu, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] LGBTQ Health Research Hub (Capitol Hill, Level 3)
Convener: Tural Mammadli, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Mixed Methods Research (Juniper, Level 2)
Conveners: Arati Maleku, Ph.D. , Camille R. Quinn, PhD , Rogério Pinto, PhD and Daphne Watkins, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Oncology SIG (Ravenna B, Level 3)
Conveners: Tess Thompson, PhD and Bridgette Thom, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Research and Advocacy for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Communities (Ravenna C, Level 3)
Conveners: Deborah Moon, PhD , Duy Nguyen, PhD , Christina Babusci, MSS , Hyunjin Lee, MSW , Jessica Cho Kim, LCSW and Katie Kim, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Social Work and Neuroscience (Issaquah A, Level 3)
Convener: Lindamarie Olson, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Social Work, Jewish Identity, and Judaism (Issaquah B, Level 3)
Conveners: Corey Shdaimah, PhD , Rafael J. Engel, PhD and Roni Berger, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Suicide Research, Prevention, and Intervention (Kirkland, Level 3)
Conveners: Lindsay Bornheimer, PhD, LCSW and Anthony Fulginiti, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] The LGBTQ Caucus of Social Work Students & Faculty (Leschi, Level 3)
Conveners: Brendon Holloway, MSW , LB Klein, PhD, MSW, MPA , Brittanie Ash, PhD , Vern Harner, PhD , Leonardo Kattari, PhD and Ari Gzesh, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs (Medina, Level 3)
Conveners: Kess Ballentine, PhD, MSW, MA and Dylan Bellisle, PhD

Saturday, January 18, 2025

7:00 AM-8:00 AM

[Special Interest Groups] Arts-Based Research and Praxis (Jefferson B, Level 4)
Conveners: Greer Hamilton, PhD , Rogério Pinto, PhD , Danielle Littman, PhD , Melanie Sonsteng-Person, PhD and M. Candace Christensen, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Ballard, Level 3)
Conveners: Cheng Ren, PhD , Jonathan Alschech, PhD and Kevin White, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Eradicating Social Isolation (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Jefferson A, Level 4)
Conveners: Michelle Munson, PhD , Robert Cosby, PhD. and Suzanne Brown, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Harnessing Tech for Social Good (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Redwood A, Level 2)
Conveners: Jonathan Singer, PhD , Johanna Creswell Baez, PhD , Lauri Goldkind, PhD , M. Sebrena Jackson, PhD , John Bricout , Jennifer Parga, MSW and Steven Anderson, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Health Equity & Families (Redwood B, Level 2)
Conveners: Katrina Ellis, PhD, MPH, MSW and Ann Nguyen, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Pilipinx Social Work and Allies Group (P-SWAG) (Aspen, Level 2)
Conveners: Lalaine Sevillano, PhD, MSW , Joanna La Torre, MSW, LCSW , Cora de Leon, PhD, MPH, LCSW , Kari Tabag, PhD, LCSW-R , Hillary Nicole Peregrina, MA, MSW , Gabrielle Aquino-Adriatico, PhD , Ronna Bañada, MSW, LCSW and Dale Maglalang, PhD, MA, MSW, MPH

[Special Interest Groups] Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (Seneca, Level 4)
Conveners: Danielle Adams, PhD , Leopoldo Cabassa, PhD , Heidi Allen, PhD , Tonya Edmond, PhD and Megan Meyer, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Social Work and Reproductive Justice (Willow A, Level 2)
Conveners: Laura Swan, PhD , Jessica Liddell, PhD, MSW/MPH and Celina Doria, MSW, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Social Workers Advancing Asian American Mental Health (Willow B, Level 2)
Convener: Daniel B. Tanh

[Special Interest Groups] Violence Against Women and Children (Boren, Level 4)
Conveners: Abha Rai, PhD , Leila Wood, PhD , Meredith Bagwell Gray, PhD and LB Klein, PhD, MSW, MPA

12:30 PM-1:30 PM

[Special Interest Groups] Advancements in Translational Biobehavioral Research (Diamond B, Lobby Level)
Convener: Jessica Black, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Advancing Long & Productive Lives (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Ballard, Level 3)
Conveners: Christina Matz, PhD , Cal Halvorsen, PhD , Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD and Ernest Gonzales, PhD, MSSW

[Special Interest Groups] Associate Deans and Directors of Research SIG (Redwood A, Level 2)
Convener: Jodi Frey, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Associate and Deputy Deans of Faculty Affairs, Faculty Development, and Academic Affairs (Jefferson B, Level 4)
Conveners: Shawna Lee, PhD , Julia Henly, PhD , Janet Liechty, PhD, MSW, LCSW , Rebecca Gomez, PhD , Jennifer Manuel , Ellen DeVoe, PhD, LICSW , Rachel Fusco, PhD and David Takeuchi, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Black Administrators, Researchers, & Scholars (BARS) (Redwood B, Level 2)
Conveners: Dashawna J. Fussell-Ware, PhD , Trina Shanks, PhD , Jenny Jones, PhD , James Herbert Williams, PhD , Camille R. Quinn, PhD , Martell Teasley, PhD , Joan Blakey, PhD, LCSW and Michele D. Hanna, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Children & Youth Behavioral Health Policy and Services Research (Seneca, Level 4)
Conveners: Kathleen J. Pottick, PhD , Genevieve Graaf, PhD and Cassandra Simmel, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Community and Neighborhood (Willow A, Level 2)
Conveners: Cheryl Hyde, PhD and Mary Ohmer, PhD, MSW, MPIA

[Special Interest Groups] Disaster and Climate Research (University, Level 4)
Conveners: Regardt Ferreira, PhD and Jennifer First, PhD, MSW, MA

[Special Interest Groups] Harm Reduction (Virgina, Level 4)
Conveners: Kyria Brown, MSW, MPH , Theresa Anasti, PhD and Phillip Marotta, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Indigenous and First Nations Focused Research (Cedar A, Level 2)
Conveners: Shanondora Billiot, PhD and Claudette Grinnell-Davis, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Preventing Gun Violence (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Cedar B, Level 2)
Conveners: Mickey Sperlich, PhD , Deborah Gorman-Smith, PhD , Neil Guterman, PhD and Patricia Logan-Greene, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Qualitative Methods SIG (Boren, Level 4)
Conveners: Quenette L. Walton, PhD, LCSW and Elizabeth Bowen, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Reducing Extreme Economic Inequality (Capitol Hill, Level 3)
Conveners: Jennie Romich and Shanks Trina, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Research Synthesis Methods (Juniper, Level 2)
Conveners: Brandy Maynard, PhD and Cynthia Franklin, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Resilience and Strengths-Based Research SIG (Ravenna B, Level 3)
Conveners: Susan Yoon, PhD , Sheila Barnhart, PhD and Kristen Berg, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Rural Behavioral Health (Ravenna C, Level 3)
Conveners: Aubrey Jones, PhD , Addie Weaver, PhD and Jamey Lister, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Scholars across Anthropology and Social Work (Willow B, Level 2)
Conveners: John Doering-White, PhD , Hannah Norwood, AM , Katherine Schumacher, PhD and Sanoop Valappanandi

[Special Interest Groups] School Social Work and School Based Research SIG (Columbia, Level 4)
Conveners: Annahita Ball, PhD and Tasha Childs, PhD, LMSW

[Special Interest Groups] Smart Decarceration (Grand Challenge for Social Work) (Greenwood, Level 3)
Conveners: Pajarita Charles, PhD , Ashley Jackson, PhD , Matthew Epperson, PhD , Charles Lea, PhD, MSW and Durrell Washington, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Social Work Contributions to Psychosis & Schizophrenia (Issaquah A, Level 3)
Conveners: Lynette Studer, PhD , Shannon Blajeski, PhD , Jessica A. Wojtalik, PhD , Jordan DeVylder, PhD , Lindsay Bornheimer, PhD, LCSW , Nev Jones, PhD , Patricia Turner, MSW , Matthew J. Smith, PhD, MSW, LCSW and Shelly Ben-David, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Social Work Leadership in Addressing Health Disparities through Interdisciplinary Collaboration (Issaquah B, Level 3)
Convener: Venera Bekteshi, PhD

[Special Interest Groups] Social Workers and the Use of Art in Advocacy, Healing, and Self-Expression (Kirkland, Level 3)
Conveners: LaShawnda Fields, PhD and Dora Watkins, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Sport Social Work (Leschi, Level 3)
Conveners: Tarkington Newman, PhD , Lauren Beasley, PhD, LMSW , Matt Moore, PhD , Samantha Bates, PhD , Jerry Reynolds, PhD, LSW , Steven Hoffman, PhD and Levone Lee, MSW

[Special Interest Groups] Youth and Young Adult Homelessness (Medina, Level 3)
Conveners: Anamika Barman-Adhikari, PhD , Alex Wagaman, PhD and Hsun-Ta Hsu, PhD