Society for Social Work and Research 24th Annual Conference - Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality: Browse by Speaker (H)
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Presenter Index
Browse by Speaker: H
H. McManama O'Brien, Kimberly
The Effects of Victimization, Suicidality, and Race on Marijuana and Alcohol Use Among Sexual Minority Youth
Trajectories of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Adolescent Inpatients Who Drink Alcohol: Examining the 90 Days Leading up to Psychiatric Hospitalization
Ha, Jennifer
Perceived-Barriers to Help-Seeking and Types of Abuse on Older Adult Women
Ha, Jung-Hwa
A Study on the Korean Context of Bullying Among Senior Women at Senior Center: An Ethnographic Research
Ha, Yoonsook
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Child Support Policy in the United States
Inequities in Insurance and Benefits Associated with Parenting
Parental Incarceration and Substance Use of Young Adult Children
(WITHDRAWN) The Ccdbg Reauthorization and the Supply of Child Care and Child Care Subsidy System
Child Care Subsidy Program Rules and Stability in Child Care Subsidy Receipt: A State-Level Analysis
Hackman, Daniel A.
Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality: The Role of Working Memory in the Socioeconomic Achievement Gap in College Completion
Hadar, Keren
Workplace Aggression Among Social Workers in Social Service Departments in Israel
Hadden, Bernadette
(WITHDRAWN) The Racism of Intelligence and Social Work
Hae Rin, Kang
The Moderating Role of Parental Interest in the Relationship between Latent Profiles of Bullying Victimization and School Connectedness: A Cross-National Comparison
Haggerty, Kevin
Using a Self-Directed Caregiver Program to Promote Well-Being Among Foster Teens: Lessons Learned from the Experimental Trial of Connecting
Prevention-Based Intervention with Foster Families: Proximal Outcomes from and Experimental Trial of the Connecting Study
Supporting Foster Parents in Building Supportive Relationships with LGBTQ+ Youth in Their Care: A Self-Guided Training Module
Implementing a Self-Directed Prevention-Based Program with Foster Families: Predictors of Program Initiation and Completion
Hahm, Hyeouk Chris
Feasibility and Efficacy Trial for Asian Women's Action for Resilience and Empowerment (AWARE) Intervention at Three University Health Services Centers
Distress Tolerance, Family Conflict, and Ethnic Identity As Potential Therapeutic Targets of Aware Intervention for Asian American Women
Hai, Audrey Hang
The Efficacy of Technology-Based Interventions for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use Among Women of Childbearing Age: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Haight, Wendy
A Mixed Methods Study of Black Girls' Vulnerability to out-of-School Suspensions
Embittered in the Soul: Cultural Shaping of Moral Injury Among Akan Women
Courtesy Stigma in South Korean Special Education Settings
Hairston, Teah
Closeness, Commitment, Investment: African-Males' Perceptions of Their K-12 Teachers
Hajaraih, Syahidatul
Suicidal Ideation and Depression Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Women in the Immediate Post-Partum Period
Hakiza, Robert
Pathways between Economic Insecurity, Sexual Violence, and Depression Among Urban Refugee and Displaced Adolescents and Youth in Kampala, Uganda
Hakovirta, Mia
What Do We Expect in Shared Custody Child Support Cases: Contrasting Responses in 12 Countries and 5 US States
Hales, Travis
Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization: Facilitators and Barriers in Implementing Change
A Cross-Lagged Panel Design Examining the Relationships Amongst Trauma-Informed Climate Factors, Organizational Commitment, and Burnout
Haley, Anna
Low wage workers, family life and well-being
Haley, William
Care Recipient Immigrant Status and Caregiver Well-Being
Hall, J. Camille
Race and Cultural Competence
A Colorist-Historical Trauma Framework: Culturally Responsive Practice with African Americans
The Strong Black Woman: Asset or Liability
Hall, Martin
Research on Opioids II: Treatment and Life Pathways
Hall, Seventy
A Trauma-Informed Exploration of the Mental Health and Community Support Experiences of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Adults
Hall-faul, Madri
Exploring the Predictors of Well-Being and Advance Directives Among Elder Orphans: A Mixed Methods Study
Hallcom, Donald
Locational and Contextual Attributes of Opioid Overdoses in New Jersey
Hambrick, Nanci
Racial Disparities in Access to, and Utilization of, Jail- and Community-Based Mental Health Treatment
Hamilton, Leah
Human Again: The Experiences of Ontario Basic Income Pilot Recipients
Hamilton-Mason, Johnnie
Health Status of Immigrants
Hamler, Tyrone
Employing a Trauma-Informed, Socially Just Research Framework with Marginalized Populations: Practices and Barriers to Implementation
Social Isolation and Hypertension Among Older African Americans: Are There Gender Differences?
Prostate Cancer and Young Black Men: Can Early Communication Avoid Later Health Disparities?
Emerging Retirement Crisis: When Social Security Is Not Enough
Hammock, Amy
Predicting Campus Sexual Assault Reforms: The Role of Decoupling
Hammock, Kyndal
The Efficacy of Technology-Based Interventions for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use Among Women of Childbearing Age: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
#Blackmamasmatter: A Mixed-Methods Study of African American Women's Attitudes Towards Birth Control
Hammond, Ivy
Engaging Families in Services to Reduce Future System Involvement: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sociodemographic Differences in the Identification of Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation Risk and Victimization
Hamovitch, Emily
Providers' Perspectives on Implementing a Multiple Family Group for Children with Disruptive Behavior
Associations between Organizational Size and Implementation Behavior in Children's Mental Health Care
Han, Jiyeon
Implications of Sharing Social Work Knowledge and Skills between Low-Performing and High-Performing Nonprofit Social Service Agencies in South Korea
The Perception of Social Workers Regarding the Competitive Institutional Environments and Networking Among Nonprofit Social Service Agencies
Han, Kahee
At the Brink of the Budget: How Latent Structure of Financial Well-Being Is Perceived By Americans
Han, Kyungjung
Public Perception of Immigrants and Refugees through Analysis of Twitter Hashtag
Han, Meekyung
Examining Stress in Lives of Immigrants
Challenges during the Postpartum Period, Perceptions of Postpartum Depression and Professional Help-Seeking Attitudes Among Korean Immigrant Women
The Effects of Caregiving, Self-Efficacy and Stigma on Wellness Among Asian-American Family Caregivers of People with Mental Illness
Han, Wen-Jui
Aging & Mental Health among Chinese Older Adults
Parental Precarious Work and Family Poverty Experience in the First Six Years of a Child's Life
Multigenerational Living Arrangements and Older Adults' Subjective Well-Being in China
Han, Yoonsun
Individual- and School-Level Predictors of Latent Profiles of Bullying Victimization : Comparison across Korea, Taiwan, and USA
Han, Yoonsun
Corporal Punishment, Physical Abuse, and Children's Behavior Problems in South Korea
Hanford, Anne
Ichoose: Using Consumer Voice to Inform Technology and Service Innovation
Hanley, Adam
Randomized Controlled Trial of Mind-Body Interventions for Preoperative Pain Management and Postoperative Health
Impact of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement on Craving Among Opioid Addicted Individuals with Chronic Pain in Community-Based Methadone Maintenance Therapy
Hanna, Julie
Evaluating the Implementation of a Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative for Individuals with Opioid Use and Mental Health Disorders: Application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research in a Cross-System Initiative
Hans, Sydney
From Pregnancy through Early Childhood: Providing Sensitive and Effective Interventions for Mothers with Substance Use Disorders and Their Children
Trajectories of Cognitive Stimulation Among Young Low-Income Mothers of Infants and Toddlers
Hansel, Tonya
Social Disparities in Youth Following Disaster: The Unfair Burden of Cumulative Trauma and Prolonged Recovery
Improving Health Equity in Integrated Care through Evaluation Techniques
Hansen, Marissa
Quality of Life and Trauma Among a Low-Income Urban-Dwelling Latinx Population: Understanding Correlates of Distress to Support Recovery and Address Disparities
Hansen, Mary
Back to the Root of the Practice and Problem: Exploring the Indigenous and Anti-Racist Commitments of School-Based Restorative Practices Implementation
Hansen, Nathan
(WITHDRAWN) Ethical Issues in the Study of Labor Exploitation and Health in Low Resource Countries
Hanson, Koren
Implementing a Self-Directed Prevention-Based Program with Foster Families: Predictors of Program Initiation and Completion
Haralampoudis, Alex
State Earned Income Tax Credits and Nonresident Fathers' Material Contributions to Their Children
Haralampoudis, Alexandra
Child Support Enforcement and Nonresident Fathers' Accumulation of Arrears
Haran, Maya
Demographic, Financial, and Motivational Household Characteristics and Participation in the National Child Savings Program in Israel
Harbaugh, Jesh
Complications and Solutions in Conducting Research in Non-Academic Settings
Harburger, Deborah
An Innovative Model to Enhance Youth Engagement and Transitional Planning for Older Youth in out-of-Home Placements
Hardal-Zreik, Hozam
Women Palestinian Community Social Workers - Israeli Citizenship: Between the Personal and the Political
Hardesty, Melissa
From Grassroots Activism to Political Catfishing: The Promise and Perils of Giving Voice to Virtual Bodies
Hardesty, Melissa
Doing Things with Images: Visual Methods Beyond Representation
Hardner, Kimberly
Exploring Protective and Risk Factors for Social Isolation Among College Students with Physical Disabilities
Harlaar, Nicole
Differential Response and Children Re-Reported to Child Protective Services: County Data from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
Harley, Dana
Screening for Social Communication in Schools: Initial Validation of the School-Based Social Communication Skillset Measure
Perceptions of Hope Among Victims of Human Trafficking through the Lens of Photovoice
Harmon, Dana K.
Social Justice Education Framework: Examination of an Integrated Model for Teaching and Evaluating Social Justice Education through Historical Injustices
Harnett, Susanne
Single Stop: Building Pathways out of Poverty through an Economic Empowerment Model
Harper, Gary
Racialized Sexual Discrimination (RSD): Documenting the Experiences of Young Black Gay/Bisexual Men
Harper, Sam
Impact of State-Level Changes on Maternal Mortality: A Population-Based, Quasi-Experimental Study
Harriot, Andre
Social and Structural Contexts for Masculinity, Sexuality and Possibilities for HIV Prevention with Heterosexual Black Men in Toronto, Canada
Harris, Elizabeth
Exploring the Utility of Ecomaps for Practice and Research with Youth in High Crime, High Poverty Communities
Harris, Lesley
Connecting to the Big Picture: Making Meaning of the Choice to Stay in Appalachian Kentucky
Using Positional Maps during Member Checking: Strengths and Limitations
Harris, Marian
Exploring the Complexity of Racial Disparities in Child Welfare Services and Outcomes
Harris, Rachel
Family Factors Related to Major Psychiatric Disorders in Latina/o Americans Nationwide
Harris, Rachel
An Evaluation of the Life Model for Trauma-Affected Foster Children
Harris, Taylor
Homelessness & Housing Pulse Check: Where Are We Now, Where Are We Going?
Satisfaction with Housing and Services Among Formerly Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing Residents
Hart, Maya
Developing a Gender-Responsive Framework for the Delivery of Interventions That Address Criminogenic Risk Factors Among People with Serious Mental Illnesses
Hart, Trevor A.
Changes in Willingness and Eligibility to Donate Blood Among Canadian Men Who Have Sex with Men Under Proposed Deferral Policies
Hartinger-Saunders, Robin
Exploring the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Adult Opioid Use: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Hartley, Carolyn
Civil Legal Aid Participation Improves Income and Decreases Poverty Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence
Hartley, Robert
Evaluating Proposals to Alleviate Child Care Burden for Working Families
Hartlieb, Kristen
ACT Team Participants Who Are Also Parents of Young Children: Assessing Risks and Strengths in Recovery Oriented Care
Hartmann, Jennifer
Associations between Perceived Discrimination and Poverty As Post-Migration Living Difficulties Among Syrian Refugee Women in Non-Camp Settings in Jordan
Hartnett, Helen
Examining the Effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Early Intervention in Rural Schools
Harty, Justin
Emerging into Parenthood While in Foster Care: Determinants of Early Pregnancy and Impregnation By Age 21
Harwerth, Joseph
Psychosocial Impact of Volunteering on Older Adults with Adverse Childhood Experiences
Hasche, Leslie
Elder Abuse & Exploitation: Help-Seeking, Reporting, & Interventions
Hasson, Robert
Educational Inclusion for Special Needs Students in a Refugee Camp: How Is School Setting Related to Children's Wellbeing?
Hasson, Robert
Trauma Symptom Profiles in a Sample of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children: Alignment or Misalignment with the DSM-5
Hastings, Julia
African Americans, Caregiving, and Physical Health Ratings: Does Culture, Religion and Spirituality Provide Support?
Relationship between Religious Support and Major Depressive Episode for Adult Non-Medical Prescription Opioid Users and Non-Users
Hatch Mody, Elizabeth
Data-Driven Outreach to Opportunity Youth: Understanding and Addressing Youth Disconnection Via Population Data and GIS Technology
Risk and Protective Factors Influencing the Enrollment of Homeless Young Adults into School and Vocational Training
Hathaway, Jon M.
Urban Flooding, Social Equity, and "Backyard" Green Infrastructure
Hausmann-Stabile, Carolina
(WITHDRAWN) Suicidal Ideation, Planning and Attempts Among Youth in Latin America: A Critical Review of Reported Prevalences
Contexts, Experiences, and Responses to Suicide Attempts By Colombian Adolescent Females
International Social Work Contributing to the Reduction of Inequalities: Strategies for Development and Implementation
Havlicek, Judith
What Is Known about the Relationships That Aging out Foster Youth Have with Their Birth Parents? Past Research and Future Directions
Design Thinking for Social Work: A Method for Generating New Ideas, Scientific Exploration and Surprising Innovations
Design-Thinking in Social Work: Techniques and Approaches to Bridge Individual-Interventions with Policy Advocacy
Hawkins, Celeste
(WITHDRAWN) Making Youth Matter: Empowering Youth through Photovoice
Hawkins, J David
A Progress Report from the Grand Challenge to Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth
Hawkins, Jaclynn
Older African American Men's Perspectives on Factors That Influence Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Self-Management and Peer-Led Interventions
Hawkins, Robert
Social Capital As a Means of Reducing Inequality for Adolescents
Coping, Resilience, & Women's Health: A 6-Year Ethnography in the Philippines
Hawkins, Summer
Impact of State-Level Changes on Maternal Mortality: A Population-Based, Quasi-Experimental Study
Hayes, Crystal
Incarcerated Women's Perceptions of a Reproductive Life Planning Class: A Qualitative Study
Hayes, Stephania
Outpatient Civil Commitment Reduces Safety-Risks Associated with Episodes of Severe Mental Illness
Haynik, Rachelle
Race, Suspension Rates, and School-Level Academic Outcomes
Just Discipline and Restorative Practice Implementation: Challenges and Solutions
The Just Discipline Project: Year 1 Implementation Results
Haywood, Terri
IPV Survivors' Perspectives on Participating in IPV-Related Research: Implications for Research and Practice
Hazen-Swann, Nacy
Exploring Longitudinal Relations between Mother's Adult Attachment Security, Dissociation, and Children's Depressive Symptoms
He, Amy
The Impact of Racial Discrimination on Intent to Stay in the Child Welfare Workforce
Variation in the Factors Associated with Caseworker Burnout: The Effects of Tenure
He, Jiuyun
Recent Development of Financial Social Work in China
He, Ning
Parenting Behaviors, Immigration, and Adolescent Mixed Depression/Anxiety Symptoms in Fragile Families
Heath, Ryan
Extracurriculars and Teachers As a Substitute for Parents: Do They Support Academic Outcomes for Students with Lower Parental Involvement?
Hedden, Bethany
Racial Disparities in Access to, and Utilization of, Jail- and Community-Based Mental Health Treatment
Hedeker, Donald
Racial Discrimination, Depressive Symptoms, and the Moderating Effects of Racial-Ethnic Socialization Among Asian American Adolescents and Young Adults
Hedeker, Donald
Factors Associated with Caregivers' Frustration in Getting Health Services for Their Young Children
Heinsch, Milena
Exploring Social Work Students' Interest in Research Courses: Comparing Levels of Interest and Its Predictors Among Students in Australia and Switzerland
Heisler, Kurt
Differential Response and Children Re-Reported to Child Protective Services: County Data from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
Held, Mary
Role of Social Workers in Interprofessional Recovery of Burn Survivors: Perspectives from the Field
Climate of Fear: Provider Perceptions of Latino Immigrant Service Utilization
Latino Adolescent Health and Emotional Well-Being: The Role of Social Determinants
Latino Adolescent Relationships with Caregivers, Educators and Interactions with Police: Fragile Families Data
Psychometric Qualities of Measurement Tools Used in Research on Refugee Youth Mental Health: Findings from a Systematic Review
Helton, Jesse
Behavioral Outcomes of Maltreated Children Who Are Psychologically Abused
Helu-Brown, Paula
Latinos with Schizophrenia and Their Family Members' Perceptions of Substance Use in Relation to Mental Illness
Henderson, Maren
(WITHDRAWN) Engaging Youth Voice to Address Racial Disproportionality and School Climate: A Case Study and Content Analysis from a Major Urban School District
Henderson, Marissa
Online SBIRT Training for MSW Students: Confidence and Utilization at 12-Months Post-Graduation
Henderson, MIchael
Empirically Derived Landlord Typology Informs Advocacy to Reduce Healthy Housing Disparities
Hendricks Thomas, Kate
Do Sexual Behaviors and Health Practices Differ Among Student Service Members and Veterans?
Hendrix, Elizabeth
Substance Use and Help-Seeking Among Disadvantaged Fathers
Hendrix, Sara
HPV Awareness and Knowledge Among Adults in Vietnam: Informing Intervention Strategies to Promote HPV Vaccination
Is Pap Test Awareness Critical to Pap Test Uptake?: Findings from Vietnamese Women in Rural Vietnam
Henly, Julia
Politics and Policy of Supporting Employment and Caregiving
Household Food Insecurity, SNAP, and the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Families
Child Care Subsidy Instability and Material Hardship
(Re)Assessing the Work Support and Child Development Goals of Child Care Subsidies
Control over the Number and Timing of Work Hours: Implications for the Wellbeing of Hourly and Salaried Workers
Henry, Brandy
Typologies of Child Abuse & Neglect As Determinants of Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders of People Incarcerated in US Prisons
Adversity & Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders As Predictors and Moderators of Rule Violations in US Prisons
Henson, Michael
Conflicting Selves: Confronting and Negotiating Multiple Identities in Child Welfare Training
Henwood, Benjamin
Need for Social Support Among Formerly Homeless Individuals
Comparing Recent Substance Use Among Homeless Young Adults and Young Adults Residing in Supportive Housing
End homelessness (Grand Challenge) SIG
(WITHDRAWN) Youth Service Engagement Among Housed and Unhoused Young Adults: The Role of Emotional Regulation
Geospatial and Environmental Predictors of Momentary Substance Use in a Sample of Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness
Hereth, Jane
Pathways into the Criminal Legal System Among Young Transgender Women
Patterns of Risk, Resilience, and Arrest Among Young Transgender Women
Herman, Daniel
Feasibility and Efficacy of Critical Time Intervention for People with Substance Use Disorders Transitioning from Residential Treatment
Hernandez, Jennifer
Latinx Childhood Trauma Experiences and Its Effect on Mental and Physical Health
Hernandez, Julia
Father Eligibility for Engagement in Child Welfare Services
Barriers to Father Engagement in the Child Welfare System
Examining Potential Gender Bias in the Child Welfare System: A Comparison of Father and Mother Engagement
State-Level Income and Racial Inequity and Pregnancy Orientation: Differential Effects By Race/Ethnicity
Does Father Engagement Improve Child Welfare Outcomes?: An Examination of the Relationship between Permanency Outcomes and Father Engagement in the Child Welfare System
Hernandez, Luz Maria
Perpetuating Health Inequalities in Mexican Adolescents: A Perspective Using Height for Age Disparities By Region, Gender, and Household Food Insecurity
Hernandez, Marianna
Immigration Detention: The Racialized Response to Violence and Trauma
Hernandez, Mercedes
Latinx mental health
#Blackmamasmatter: A Mixed-Methods Study of African American Women's Attitudes Towards Birth Control
Latinos with Schizophrenia and Their Family Members' Perceptions of Substance Use in Relation to Mental Illness
Hernandez-Tejada, Melba
Understanding Help-Seeking Among Victims of Elder Abuse: A National Population-Based Study
Herrenkohl, Todd
Building Capacity for Trauma-Informed Schools and Education Systems: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice to Promote Safe, Nurturing, and Inclusive Learning Environments for All Students
Violence in Development and Relational Contexts: Studying Processes of Risk Transmission across Settings to Strengthen Prevention and Intervention Efforts
Strengthening Communities and Empowering Families to Lessen and Eradicate Violence
Developing a Youth Protective and Promotive Factor Survey That Centers Race and Racial Equity for the Evaluation of Community-Based Positive Youth Development Programs
Trauma-Informed Programs Based in Schools: Linking Concepts to Practices and Assessing the Evidence
Profiles of Intimate Partner Violence and Harsh Discipline: Understanding Risk and Co-Occurrence
Herrera, Lucero
It's a Debtor's Prison Situation: How Court-Ordered Community Service Perpetuates Racial and Economic Inequality in the Los Angeles County Criminal Justice System
Herriott, Anna
Social-Emotional Development in Young Children of Mothers with Substance Use Disorders
Prenatal Care in the Context of Substance Use Disorders: Perspectives of Postpartum Women and Health Care Providers
Herron, Frieda
Running Toward Recovery: An Exercise and Psychosocial Intervention for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and SUD
Herting, Jerald
Exploring the Importance of Neighborhoods for Health during the Transition to Adulthood: A Scoping Review
Herz, Denise
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Crossover Youth Practice Model for Youth Involved in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems
Heurtin-Roberts, Suzanne
Nih Funding Opportunities for Social Work Researchers Interested in Implementation Science
Heyman, Janna
An Often Forgotten Population: Exploring Homelessness Among Foster Care Youth
Hicks, Danielle
Driving after Use of Marijuana: Young Adults
Public Perception of the Efficacy of Medications for Opioid Addiction Treatment
Hicks, Laurel
Expectant Fathers' Early Fathering Beliefs: The Influence of Egalitarian Sex Role Beliefs and Maltreatment History
Hicks, Megan
Assessing the Efficacy of Mental Health Jail Diversion Programs: A Multi-Site Study
Hikmet, Neset
Physical and Behavioral Health Care Use of Former Foster Youth at Age 21
The Need for Data Integration and the Maintenance of Accurate Health and Educational Records for Children in Foster Care
Hile, Stephen
Evaluation of a Peer-Led, HIV Self-Management Program for People Living with HIV
Hill, Chyna
Can Integrated Mobile Health Teams Address Health Disparities for Youth Experiencing Homelessness?
Understanding Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing Sustainability Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Survival Analysis on Homelessness Management Information System Data
Predicting the Most Important Factors Involved in Supportive Adult Relationships for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Hill, Katharine
Defining Social Work to Socialize a New Generation of Social Workers to End Racial and Economic Inequality
Hillier, Amy
Meet the Scientist Luncheon
Hinson, Josh
Refugee Perspectives on Social Work Interventions during the First Five Years after Resettlement in the United States
Hintz, Carrie
Interprofessional Education Competency Mastery: Blending Teaching Modalities
Hirschi, Melissa
Barriers, Facilitators, and Preferred Interventions of Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Older Asian Americans: A Gender- and Age-Stratified Focus Group Study
Hnilica, Rebecca
Back to the Root of the Practice and Problem: Exploring the Indigenous and Anti-Racist Commitments of School-Based Restorative Practices Implementation
Hodge, David R.
A Structural Equation Model of Spirituality, Employment Hope and Grit Among Low-Income Jobseekers
Encouragement and Health-Related Quality-of-Life (HRQoL) Among American Muslims
Verbal Abuse and American Islamic Community: Which Muslims Are Disproportionately Likely to be Victimized By Name-Calling?
Hodges, Leslie
What Happens When the Amount of Child Support Due Is a Burden?
How Much Child Support Should We Expect from Low-Income Fathers?
Hoekstra, Kiera
Programs for Young Mothers with Child Welfare Involvement in Canada and the United States: A Scoping Review
Hoffman, Steven
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Mexican American and Black American Youth Living Near the US-Mexico Border
Mental Wellbeing and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Youth Living in Central Mexico
Hogan, Kimberly
Gangs and Sex Trafficking of Minors: A Six-Year National Sample
Hogan, Sean
The Relationship between Food Insecurity, Social Capital, and Health Among Foster Youth in Higher Education
Hohn, Kris
The Association of Body Image Discrepancy with Suicidal Ideation in Sexual Minority and Gender Nonconforming Youth
Hokanson, Kim
Who Parents the Parents? Examining Approaches of Frontline Staff in an Integrated Substance Use Disorder and Parent-Infant Mental Health Treatment Program
Participatory Photo Mapping (PPM) to Understand Youths' Experiences in a Public Housing Neighborhood Preparing for Redevelopment
Holguin, Monique
Can Integrated Mobile Health Teams Address Health Disparities for Youth Experiencing Homelessness?
Understanding Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing Sustainability Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Survival Analysis on Homelessness Management Information System Data
Predicting the Most Important Factors Involved in Supportive Adult Relationships for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
How Rapid Is Rapid Re-Housing for Youth Experiencing Homelessness? Who and Who Waits Longer?
Holley, Lynn
Lack of Continuity of Care Experienced By People with Schizophrenia Discharged from Psychiatric Hospitals in South Korea
Holmes, Christian
Protection and Participation: The Role of Children's Voices in Collecting and Maintaining Foster Care Vital Records
Foster Parent Access and Use of Healthcare Resources: Influences of Foster Parent Educational Attainment
Holmes, Megan
Systematic Review of Adolescent Dating Violence Outcomes Among Youth Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence
The Impact of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence on Children's Academic Functioning: A Systematic Review
Holmes, Megan
IPV and Trauma
Development of Internalizing Behavior in Maltreated Children: Timing of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Sibling Structural Factors
Children Prenatally Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review on Physical and Behavioral Health and Health Care Use
Developmental Trajectories of Externalizing Behavior in Maltreated Children: Roles of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Sibling Structural Factors
Holzer, Katherine
Emergency Department Visits for Confirmed Cases of Intimate Partner Violence
Homan, Mark
Defining Social Work to Socialize a New Generation of Social Workers to End Racial and Economic Inequality
Hong, Jeeyeon
Resilience Among Latino Immigrants in the United States: The Role of Social Support in Reducing Social Isolation
Hong, Jhuree
Facets of Trait Mindfulness As Potential Mediators between Dating Violence Exposure and the Development of Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation
Hong, Jun Sung
Internalizing Problems Among Immigrant Adolescents Who Are Bullied: The Moderating Role of Parental Monitoring
Childhood Maltreatment and Adulthood Substance Use in Ukraine: The Role of Depression
From Bully Victimization to Bully Perpetration: Applying the Problem Behavior Theory to Explore the Pathways
Pathways from Community Violence Exposure to Bully Perpetration Among Urban African American Adolescents in Chicago's Southside
Hong, Michin
Public Perceptions Toward Older Adults in Korea: Sentiment Analysis of Tweets
Hong, Philip
Work-Seeking Behaviors and Employment for Disadvantaged Youth
A Structural Equation Model of Spirituality, Employment Hope and Grit Among Low-Income Jobseekers
An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Financial Hope Scale with Low-Income Public Housing Residents
Changing the Narrative Around African-American Fathers: A Mixed-Method Study of a Fatherhood Partnership Program
Hong, Rana
Changing the Narrative Around African-American Fathers: A Mixed-Method Study of a Fatherhood Partnership Program
Hong, Saahoon
A Latent Class Analysis of Cancer Fatalism with Korean American Immigrant Women
Hong, Seunghye
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Intimate Partner Violence Victimization on Health Outcomes Among College Students
Intimate Partner Violence and Survivors' Help-Seeking: Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Hong, Sunghyun
Trauma-Informed Programs Based in Schools: Linking Concepts to Practices and Assessing the Evidence
Hooley, Cole
A Comparison of Provider and Caregiver Recommendations to Modify a Child Mental Health Intervention to be Implemented in Child Welfare Services
Hooper, Lisa
Moderating Effects of Peer and School Attachment on Black American Adolescents' Hopelessness Affected By Parental Psychological Distress in Low-Income Communities
Hooyman, Nancy
Meet the Scientist Luncheon
Hope, Elan
Policing and Neighborhood Cohesion Among Black Caregivers: Investigating the Role of Cultural Race-Related Stress
Hopkins, Karen
Human services workforce
Expanding the Bench: Application of Performance Measurement/Results-Based Accountability Learning with Macro-Oriented Students of Color
Hopp, Faith
Does the U.S. Military Promote Racial and Economic Equality for African American Women? a Qualitative Study of the Military Promotion Process
Advanced Illness, Palliative and End of Life Care SIG
Hopson, Laura
A Systematic Review of Mental Health Interventions in Rural High Schools
Horen, Maria Jose
Assessment of Clinical Symptoms and Maltreatment Risk in Child Welfare Service-Planning
Horn, Daniel
Longitudinal Impacts of Income Volatility on Housing Stability
New Methods in Randomized Controlled Trials: Using SMS and Mixed-Methods to Evaluate a Guaranteed Income Experiment
Horn, John Paul
Applying a Critical Framework to the Experiences of Youth Involved in a Multi-State Foster Care Youth Advisory Board
Horowitz, Veronica
Dual Debtors: Navigating Child Support Arrears and Criminal Justice Debt
Horton, Heather
An observational study of voice hallucinations in deaf people with schizophrenia
Hospital, Michelle
Impacts of Sexual Orientation Microaggressions and Outness Among Emerging Adult Sexual Minorities of Color
Hounmenou, Charles
A Statewide Coalition's Involvement in Human Trafficking Policy Implementation: Member Organizations' Involvement and Perceptions
House, Laura
Racial Socialization Experiences Among Black Youth Transitioning from Foster Care
House, Nathaniel
Behavioral Outcomes of Maltreated Children Who Are Psychologically Abused
Houser, Linda
The Interactive Role of SNAP Participation and Residential Neighborhood in Childhood Obesity
Houston, J. Brian
The Development and Validation of the Disaster Adaptation and Resilience Scale (DARS)
Hovick, Shelly
Race/Ethnic Variations in Predictors of Health Consciousness within the Cancer Prevention Context
Hovmand, Peter
Understanding Mechanisms Driving Family Homelessness: A Community-Based System Dynamics Approach
Howard, Alexis
The Intersection of Familism and Perceptions of Successful Aging Among Older Latino Adults in the Chicagoland Area: Results from a Multimethod, Qualitative Study
Howard, Kirsten
Examination of the Number of Halton Draws Required for Valid Estimation of Random Parameters in Mixed-Logit Models of Data from Discrete Choice Experiments
Howard, Stephenie
Environmental Risk and Protective Factors of Social Isolation Among Black Women
Howe, Melissa
The Intersection of Familism and Perceptions of Successful Aging Among Older Latino Adults in the Chicagoland Area: Results from a Multimethod, Qualitative Study
Latino Older Adults and Their Perceptions of Positive Aging: Results from the Positive Aging Latino Study (PALS)
Howell, Tyriesa
ACEs, Early Sexual Debut, and Substance Use Among Black Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice System
Hoy-Gerlach, Janet
Human-Animal Interaction Research SIG
Hoyos-Torres, Sebastian
Community Organizing in the Digital Age: An Exploratory Analysis of the 2017 #Womensmarch Using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)
Hsi, Jenny
Feasibility and Efficacy Trial for Asian Women's Action for Resilience and Empowerment (AWARE) Intervention at Three University Health Services Centers
Distress Tolerance, Family Conflict, and Ethnic Identity As Potential Therapeutic Targets of Aware Intervention for Asian American Women
Hsieh, Jessica
What Does Success Mean in the Context of Elder Abuse Intervention from the Perspective of Victims?
Hsieh, Wan-Jung
The Child Care Burden, Child Maltreatment and Children's Behavior Problems Among Low-Income Single Mothers
Suicidal Ideation and Depression Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Women in the Immediate Post-Partum Period
Hsieh, Yi-Ping
How Mental and Behavioral Health and Social Environment Contribute to Sleep Problems Among Youth in an Ecological Perspective
Hsu, Hsun-Ta
Understanding Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing Sustainability Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Survival Analysis on Homelessness Management Information System Data
Predictors of Educational Attainment Among Young People Experiencing Homelessness
A Social-Ecological Analysis of Factors Contributing to Help-Seeking Among Trauma-Exposed Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Self-Identification of Mental Health Problems Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Relations to Coping and Mental Health Service Use
How Rapid Is Rapid Re-Housing for Youth Experiencing Homelessness? Who and Who Waits Longer?
Hu, Hongwei
Economic Abuse and Depressive Symptoms: Financial Strain As a Missing Mediator
Hu, Ran
Simulation in Social Work Education: A Scoping Review
Structural Determinants of Mental Health Vulnerabilities and Access to Services Among Asian Immigrant Men in Toronto, Canada
Hu, Zhongxiaohe
Asian Mental Health in Higher Education SIG
Huang, Chien-Chung
Social Innovation and Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from an E-Commerce Intervention in China
Huang, Hui
Substance-Using Parents' Needs and Use of Ancillary Services
Violence Exposure, Beliefs in Using Violence As a Conflict Resolution, and Reoffending Among Crossover Youth
Neighborhood Disorder and Child Behavioral Problems Among Kinship Children: Mediated By Social Support and Moderated By Race/Ethnicity?
Economic Hardship and Economic Pressure, Financial Assistance, and Children's Behavioral Health in Kinship Care and Non-Relative Foster Care
Huang, Jack Xiaoning
What Explains the Gap in Welfare Use Among Immigrants and Natives?
Huang, Jin
Recent Development of Financial Social Work in China
Disparities in Healthcare Affordability Among Childhood Cancer Survivors Persist Following the Affordable Care Act
Huang, Yu-Ju
Building Case Vignettes through Current Events: A Social Justice Approach in Clinical Social Work Practice
Huang, Yu-Te
Perceived Attitudes Towards LGB Issues and Mental Health Among Taiwanese LGB Adults: The Mediating Role of Self-Acceptance
Huang, Yunong
A Qualitative Study of Master of Social Work Students' Experiences of Ethical Difficulties in Field Placements in China
Conditions and Needs of Emotional Support Among the Left-behind Rural Older Adults in China
Hudson, Kimberly
We Are Powerful People: Health-Promoting Strengths of LGBTQ Communities of Color
Huerta, Christina
Political Rhetoric during the 2016 Presidential Election: Understanding the Experiences of Discrimination and Coping Among Latinx Youth
Hughes, Mark
How Does Social Work Research Achieve Impact?
Hughes, Shannon
Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of a Holistic Self-Learning Approach for Mood-Related Distress in Young Adults Compared to Standard Outpatient Psychiatric Care
Psychiatric Medications SIG
Valuing Whole Complex Lives: A Qualitative Examination of Young Adults' Help-Seeking Experiences and Preferences for Mental Health Care
Huguley, James
School Discipline Disparities and Just Discipline Futures: Examining and Disrupting Systematic Exclusion
Reducing Pittsburgh's Racial and Economic Inequality: The Work of Pitt-Assisted Communities and Schools (PACS)
Education as an intervention mode
Race, Suspension Rates, and School-Level Academic Outcomes
Just Discipline and Restorative Practice Implementation: Challenges and Solutions
The Just Discipline Project: Year 1 Implementation Results
Hulvershorn, Leslie
Echo (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) As a Workforce Development Tool for Social Work and Behavioral Healthcare
Hunt, Timothy
Depression, Intimate Partner Violence, Prior Incarceration and the Increased Odds of Homelessness Among Low-Income Women Accessing Emergency Departments in New York City
Who Receives HIV Testing? Exploring HIV Testing and Correlates Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Kazakhstan
Hunter-Jones, Josalin
(WITHDRAWN) 3M: Exploring the Influence of Music and Social Media on African American Mental Health
Hunting, Dan
Data-Driven Outreach to Opportunity Youth: Understanding and Addressing Youth Disconnection Via Population Data and GIS Technology
Hurlburt, Michael
Special Session: Reimagining social work research and doctoral training using futures frameworks and human centered design
Exploring Child Maltreatment Under and Overreporting Drivers
Husain, Altaf
Victimization and Action Among Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups
Husain, Altaf
Encouragement and Health-Related Quality-of-Life (HRQoL) Among American Muslims
Social Work and Research with Muslims SIG
Verbal Abuse and American Islamic Community: Which Muslims Are Disproportionately Likely to be Victimized By Name-Calling?
Husbands, Winston
Social and Structural Contexts for Masculinity, Sexuality and Possibilities for HIV Prevention with Heterosexual Black Men in Toronto, Canada
Huseynli, Aytakin
Financial Capability and Asset Building in International Perspective: Research, Policy, and Practice
The Impact of Alternative Services on Children's Lives: Evaluation Results from Azerbaijan
Asset-Based Policy Diffusion in Post-Soviet Countries: Child Development Accounts for Azerbaijan
Demographic, Financial, and Motivational Household Characteristics and Participation in the National Child Savings Program in Israel
Hwang, Dabin
Participatory Photo Mapping (PPM) to Understand Youths' Experiences in a Public Housing Neighborhood Preparing for Redevelopment
Hwang, So Yeon
Care Recipient Immigrant Status and Caregiver Well-Being
Hyde, Cheryl
The Role of Networks & Coalitions in Policy Implementation
How Do People Who Are Homeless and Sleeping on the Streets Volunteer Their Time?
Shifting Identity Domains: Hybridity and Transformation in a Social Movement Agency
Hyein, KIM
The Moderating Role of Parental Interest in the Relationship between Latent Profiles of Bullying Victimization and School Connectedness: A Cross-National Comparison
Hylek, Lindsay
Engagement in Mental Health Services Among Young Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses
Hylton, Mary
The Political Ideology and Political Engagement of Licensed Social Workers in the Age of Trump
Educating Competent Policy Practitioners: The Policy Practice Academy Model
Hyung Seo, Chang
Testing the Psychometric Properties of a Scale to Measure Transportation Disadvantage Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness