Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference: Browse by Speaker (J)
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Presenter Index
Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).
Browse by Speaker: J
J Lee, Shawna
Title: Parenting Support for Mothers with High Exposure to Violence: Socio-Ecological Contexts Can Promote or Hinder Nurturing, Non-Violent Parenting
J. Brennan, David
Unveiling Implicit Rules: Exploring Hospital-Based Healthcare Provision for People Living with HIV Who Use Drugs
Jabbari, Jason
How and Why Do Technology Apprenticeships Matter: Mixed-Methods Evidence from the Launchcode Program and Equifax
Jaccard, James
The Role of Problem Solving Appraisal and Support in the Relationship between Stress Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms of Military Spouses and Service Member Partners
Childhood Adversities and Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Stress, Dispositional Hope, and Mental Health Hope
Is Personal Recovery Distinct for Young Adults?: (Re)Conceptualizing Dimensions of the Recovery Assessment Scale with Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Jackson, Ashley
Passing Down "the Talk:" a Qualitative Examination of Black College Students' Experiences of Intergenerational Racial Socialization
Smart Decarceration (Grand Challenge for Social Work)
Mental Health Stigma and Police Violence: Exposing Historical and Contemporary Realities
Jackson, Lisa
Dispelling the 3% Storyline: Systematic Review of Secondary and Postsecondary Education Outcomes for Young People with Foster Care Backgrounds
Jackson, M. Sebrena
Harnessing Tech for Social Good (Grand Challenge for Social Work)
Higher Education Policy, Practice, and Research Recommendations: Insight and Advice from Former Foster Youth with Advanced Degrees in Social Work
Jackson, Maya
Young Adult African Immigrants in the United States: Examining Pathways from Childhood Adversity to Prescription Drug Misuse
Jackson, Maya
The Effects of Acculturation and Acculturative Stress on the Social Exclusion of African Immigrants
Jackson, Trinidad
White Racial Justice Organizers: Navigating Ambivalence on the Path to Activism
Jacob, Beth-Anne
Black Community Perspectives on Survivorship and Gun Violence: Qualitative Stories of Trauma and Resilence
"Women's Part of the Story Don't Get Told": Experience and Resilience in the Aftermath of Gun Violence Survivorship
Jacobs, Aly
Is It Safe for You? Evidence of Safety Planning in Chat and Text Crisis Hotline Transcripts
"When Your Village Is on Speed Dial": Parent-Centered Mental Health Screening & Response in Home Visiting Services
Jacobs, Leah
Dissemination for Data Justice
Strategies for Recruiting Diffuse Practitioner Groups: Lessons Learned from a National Survey with Mobile Crisis Workers
"Acting As the Face of a Broken System": Challenges Experienced By Mobile Crisis Workers
The Impact of Service Users' Race and Legal System Involvement on Coercive Mobile Crisis Interventions: An Institutional Racism Prevention Research Study
Jacobson Lopez, Daniel
Best Practices for Engaging Gay Latino Male Sexual Assault Survivors: Ensuring Trauma-Informed and Culturally Relevant Care
Challenges When Reporting Being Sexually Assaulted Among Gay Latino Men : The Effects of Racism and Homophobia
Jacoby, Jessica
The Preliminary Impact of a Cancer-Specific Financial Navigation Intervention Program across Age Groups
Assessing the Acceptability of Implementing the Cost Screener As a Diagnostic Tool in Routine Clinical Practice Among Low Income, Racially Diverse Patients
Jaderholm, Christina
Community Belonging and Mental Health Outcomes: Considering Diverse Identity Groups
Jamal, Aamir
Stories of Men Participating in Violence Against Women Prevention in Turkey: Unraveling Muslim Men's Motivation in Gender Equity Work
Exploring Islamophobia and Its Impact on Identity Formation and Mental Health Among Canadian Muslim Youth
Jamale, Nafiso
Bridging Cultures: Navigating Parenting and Integration Challenges Among Black Immigrant Families in Western Societies
Janczewski, Colleen
Re-Defining Success in Home Visiting Using Concept Mapping
From Care to Custody: Exploring the Incarceration Pathways of Youth in Foster Care
Jang, Eunyoung
Cultural Awareness and the Perception of Refugees in the United States
Child Support Compliance in South Korea: Understanding the Factors in a New Country Context
Jang, Si On
A Study on the Effect of Workplace Bullying on Depression of Korean Young Workers
Jang, Soeun
The Role of Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Older Adults' Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jang, Soo Mi
Loss Experience of Family Survivors of Suicide in South Korea: The Pain of Muganjiok
Jang, Yuri
The Impact of Financial Mistreatment on Mental Health of Older Americans: The Role of Personality Traits
The Independent and Interactive Effects of Family Network and Friend Network on Mental Distress in Older Korean Americans
The Cognitive Health Risk of Social Isolation Mediated By Dietary Risks: A Study with Older Korean Americans
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American College Students and COVID-19-Related Racial Discrimination: Mental Health and the Moderating Role of Ethnic Identity
Janha, Kimberly
From Designing to Implementing Kincarolina: Strategies for Effective Community Engagement in Intervention Research
Jankowski, Aliya
Rethinking Academic Conferences: Carbon Footprints and Sustainable Alternatives in the Climate Crisis Era
Jansen, Sierra M.
Patient Perspectives Support Trauma-Informed, Integrative Care Approaches for Addressing the Psychosocial Side Effects of Chronic Pelvic Pain
Jaramillo, Jamie
Describing the Role of Key Youth-Reported Relationships in Supporting Behavioral Health
An Examination of Sibling Co-Placement and Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Among Youth in Foster Care
Supporting Sibling Activity Planning and Problem-Solving for Youth in Foster Care: A Secondary Appraisal
Post-Traumatic Stress Symptomatology and Service Use Among Youth in Foster Care
Jauregui, Juan
"It Kills the Freedom or the Spirit": Impact of Sexuality-Based Stigma and Discrimination on the Lives of Gay and Bisexual Men in Kenya
Jayagoda, Maddhi
Supporting Vulnerable Women Workers in Accessing Employment Rights and Benefits
Jean, Tyler
The Role of Gender in Non-Reporting Behaviors Following Crime Victimization
Jean-Baptiste, Kiana
A Phenomenological Study of Racial Identity Development Among Multiracial Emerging Adults with Mental Health Concerns
Jelinek, Scott K.
Between Oath and Legislation: Navigating Bioethical Dilemmas in Gender-Affirming Care amidst Anti-Transgender Legislation
Jen, Sarah
Exploring Social Workers' Conceptualizations of Compassion through Thematic Network Analysis
Jenkins, Aimee
The Capability Approach in Mental Health Research: A Scoping Review
Jenkins Alarcon, Cassie
Supporting Strong Parent-Child Relationships through Increasing Fun Interactions: A Randomized Trial of a Group Home-Based Family Intervention on Zoom
Jenkins, David
Experiences of Loneliness, Isolation, and Service Use Among LGBTQ+ Older Adults
Jenkins, Lacey
Foster Care Entry Among Children with Mental Health Needs: Findings from a National Study
Jensen, Sarah
A Parenting Skills Program for Incarcerated Mothers and Fathers: A Study of Acceptability and Preliminary Effectiveness
Jensen, Todd
Assessing Personal and Family Strengths Among Active-Duty Military Members to Predict Self-Directed Harm and Interpersonal Violence
Jeon, Gyeahyung
Uncovering the Impact of Expanded Child Tax Credit on Employment: A Focus on Disadvantaged Groups and Employment Stability
Jeon, Jeesoo
Exploring Associations between Housing Instability and Child Welfare Outcomes: An Analysis of State-Level Factors
Leveraging Integrated Administrative Data to Enumerate Youth Experiencing Homelessness
The Relationship between Residential Instability and Harsh Parenting Behavior: Mediating Role of Neighborhood Social Cohesion
Examining the Responses from Young Adults Who Were Adopted: Well-Being and Family Belonging
The Impact of Clinical Child Behavior Challenges on Child and Family Wellbeing and Post-Adoption Instability: A Multivariable Analysis
Jeong, Bok Gyo
Is Platform Cooperativism an Alternative for the Gig Economy?: The Stories from Domestic Worker Cooperatives in S. Korea
Jeong, Chung Hyeon
Unveiling Barriers to Healthcare after Insured By Affordable Care Act : Experiences of Self-Employed Korean Immigrants
Dismantling Barriers to Equitable Access to Care: Does the Type of Health Insurance Matter?
Jeong, Da Woon
Burnout Among Older Workers Experiencing Multiple Forms of Discrimination in the Job Market: A Latent Class Analysis
Structural Constraints, Psychological Maladjustment, Avoidant Coping Strategies and Social Isolation Faced By Young Workers
Jeong, Eunseok
Parental Racial-Ethnic Socialization and Racial Stereotypes Among Asian American Youth
Integrating Community Experiences and Perspectives of Mental Distress and Help Seeking: Culturally Grounded Assessments and Interventions Addressing Disparities in Mental Health Among Asian Americans
Racial Discrimination and Anti-Racist Action: The Mediating Effects of Cultural Identities in Asian American Young Adult
Development and Testing of a Pilot Brief Peer-Led Culturally Responsive Mental Health Literacy and Engagement Intervention for Asian American Young Adults
Lay Experiences of Mental Health: Assessing Culturally Ground Responses to Mental Distress and Help Seeking Among Asian American Young Adults
The Impact of Cultural and Structural Barriers on Mental Health Service Utilization Among Asian American Young Adults
Jeong, Hae-Jung
Examining Multicultural Acceptability Among Adolescents from Multicultural Families in South Korea: A Growth Mixture Modeling Approach
Jeong, Haelim
Sense of Belonging and Campus Climate? Influences in Upstanding Behavior When Witnessing Emotional Distress/Suicidal Thoughts
Don't Talk like That! Personal Experiences with Discrimination and Its Impact on Upstanding Behavior
The Prevalence of Childhood Violence and Psychological Distress Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV in Zimbabwe
Jeong, Jihyeong
Loss Experience of Family Survivors of Suicide in South Korea: The Pain of Muganjiok
Assessing Risk for Problem Gambling Among Lottery Players: A Machine Learning Approach
The Role of Social and Financial Supports on the Employment of People with Disabilities in Korea: A Moderated Mediation of Household Type
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity Measurement Among a Sample of Non-White Young Adult Immigrants in the United States
Bifactor Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Gambling Motives Questionnaire – Financial Among Lottery Loyalty Program Participants: Associations with Gambling Problems
Jeries-Loulou, Lana J.
From Private to Public: Analyzing the Dynamics of Non-Consensual Sexts in the Digital Age
Jeter, Sandra
The Importance of Social Support in Promoting Positive Mental Health Among Black Youth
Ji, Daniel
Orienting to Practice with Parents and Adolescents in Dispute
Ji, Juye
Embracing Diversity: Recognizing Gender Expression, Discrimination, Victimization, and Mental Health Disparities Among LGB Men and Women
Jiang, Lin
Understanding the Spiritual Needs of Older Adults in Chinese Nursing Homes
Understanding Social Isolation and the Role of Technology Among Mexican American Family Caregivers for Alzheimer's Disease Patients: A Qualitative Study Along the South Texas and Mexico Border
Jiang, Shan
The Impact of Traditional Bullying Victimization on Problematic Behaviors and Cyberbullying Engagement of Adolescents: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Learning Motivation and School Belongingness
Jimenez, Antonio
Anticipating the Impact of Bail Reform on Connecting People Who Use Drugs to Services upon Reentry in Illinois
Jimenez, Maria Paula
Cultural Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Youth Intervention to Address Mental Health Among Youth in Colombia
Jin, Guoping
The Relationship between Elder Mistreatment and Cognitive Functioning: A Systematic Review
Jin, Minchao
The Effectiveness of an Intervention on Child Financial Literacy
Jindra, Ines
Dance Movement Therapy As a Psychosocial Intervention in Social Work: A Scoping Review
Jinyeong, Woo
Relationship Discrimination, Depression, and Parental Support Among Adolescents from Multicultural Families
Jiwatram-Negron, Tina
Application of Syndemic Theory to Examine Intimate Partner Violence, Adverse Mental Health, and Food Insecurity on Polydrug Use Among a Sample of Low-Income Women
Jiwatram-Negron, Tina
Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Incidents and Help-Seeking Behaviors Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Survivors
Jo, Bobae
Commonalities and Differences in Work-Family Reconciliation Policy in Germany, Japan, and Korea: Focusing on the Eligibility of the Parental Leave and Childcare Service Under Three
Joel Tajouoh, Christel
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity Measurement Among a Sample of Non-White Young Adult Immigrants in the United States
John, Rachel
Experiences of Model Minority Stereotype in Asian American College Students
Collaborative Autoethnography and Liberatory Consciousness Framework: Facilitator Perspective
Johns, Shantalea
Evaluation of the Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy (CATTA)
Does Teacher Care Protect African American Youth with Adverse Adolescent Experiences from Risky Behaviors
Johnson, Barbara
Linking Implementation Science and Policy: Tools and Processes for Congressionally Mandated Implementation, Evaluation, and Reporting
Johnson, Erin
Building Community Beyond the Classroom: A Phenomenological Study Exploring Online Group Chats Among Social Work Students
Johnson, Gwen
Examining the Associations between Caregiver Factors and U.S. Adolescents' Mental Health: Latent Class Analyses
Using a Social-Ecological Framework to Examine the Cognitive Development of Elementary School Children in the U.S
Johnson, Ian
Lessons Learned from a Cross-Sector Partnership in Harmonizing Healthcare Utilization and Homelessness Data
Facilitators and Barriers in Serious Illness Care for Unhoused Older Adults
Johnson, Imani
Sibling relationships in kinship care and behavioral impact of kinship care
Exploring Heterogeneity in Kinship Caregivers’ Financial Hardship Experiences and Financial Capabilities
Johnson, Karen
Exploring Social and Structural Determinants of HIV Hotspots in the Deep South State of Alabama
Johnson, Katina
Using Constructivist Grounded Theory to Generate Participatory Research Empowerment Guideposts (PREGs) for African American Communities to Address Racial Health Disparities
Johnson, Kim
A Risk Prediction Model for Virologic Failure Among Adolescents Living with HIV
Mediators of the Impact of an Economic Empowerment Intervention on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adolescents Living with HIV in Uganda
Johnson, Leslie
An Analysis of Change Mechanisms in the Integrating Depression and Diabetes Treatment Randomized Clinical Trial: A Longitudinal Structural Equation Model
Analyzing Behavioral Interventions and Integrated Care Models to Address Co-Occurring Depression and Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Johnson, Liat
Understanding Co-Occurrence of Mental Health Problems in Youth within the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Framework: A Scoping Review Study
Social Determinants of Health in Research of Native American Prenatal Drug Use: A Scoping Review Study
Johnson, Lissa
Gender Transformative Approaches to Financial Health: A Systematic Review of Interventions in Resource Constrained Settings
Building Financial Capability and Assets for All (Grand Challenge for Social Work)
Enhancing Diversion Success through Financial Capability and Asset Building: A Proposed Intervention Approach
Johnson, Natasha
Internet-Based Microaggressions, Mental Health, and Stress: Instrument Validation and Analysis
Johnson, Rebecca
Interviewing and Partnering with Peer Support Providers to Build Peer Support Practice in Exploring and Addressing Substance Use Among Young People with First-Episode Psychosis in Community-Based Mental Health Care
Leveraging Virtual Co-Facilitated Focus Groups for Developing a Theory of Change for Adolescent and Young Adult Peer Support in Community Mental Health Settings
Johnson, Tricia
Social Work-Led Care Management for Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions
Johnson, Vanessa
Accelerating Organizational Change for Health Justice: Implementation Outcomes of Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Among Southern HIV Service Organizations
Johnson, Waldo
Understanding Black Father Involvement in Education in the Context of Systemic Inequities
Johnston, Brian
Assessing for Violence Exposure and Other Health-Related Social Needs in Children By Pediatric Health Care Providers
Johnston, Kenton
Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities with Mental Health and Neurologic Disorders Among U.S. Adult Emergency Department Patients
Joiner, Tracey
Dissemination for Data Justice
Jones, Alice
Immigrants Held in U.S. Government-Funded Facilities during and after COVID-Era Border Restrictions
Jones, Aubrey
Chatgpt and AI in the Classroom: Academic Disruptor or Innovative Educator?
Exploring Social Workers' Conceptualizations of Compassion through Thematic Network Analysis
Healthcare Providers' Attitudes Toward Medications for Opioid Use Disorder during Pregnancy
Socially Cohesive Neighborhoods and School-Age Children with ADHD: Connected Support for School Engagement
Jones, Dylan
Understanding Re-Entry of Older Youth Following Reunification in the USA
Examining the Relationships between State Poverty-Related and Child Welfare Policies and Child Maltreatment Report Rates: A Longitudinal Analysis across US Counties, 2007-2019
Report and Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS): Benefits of Linked Longitudinal Data Combining National Child Maltreatment Report Records and National Foster Care Records
Session 1: The Report and Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS)
Risk and Protective Factors for Adverse Outcomes of Child Maltreatment Reports, United States, 2006-2021
Sequence Analysis of Child Protective Services (CPS) Report and Foster Care Lifetime Trajectories
A Closer Look at Child Maltreatment Reports By Anonymous Reporters: Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes Using National Data
Jones, Dylan
System Pathways and Recidivism: How Does the Timing of System Involvement Predict Risk?
Dual-System Youth and Emancipation: Is the Association between Dual-System Status and Adult Incarceration Dependent on Independent Living Services?
Different Slopes for Different Folks? Diminishing Minority Returns in Child Maltreatment Reporting and Placement
Jones, Ericka
Integrated Social Services: A Case Study of EITC, Vita, and SNAP Among Low-Income Families with Young Children
Jones, Gareth
Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth through Running and Mentorship-Based Diversion
Jones Harden, Brenda
Using Early Childhood Parenting Interventions to Promote the Development of Children Reared in High-Risk Families
Promoting Child Language Development through Attachment-Based Intervention: Impacts of Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up
Jones, Jenny
Black Administrators, Researchers, & Scholars (BARS)
Jones, John
Utilizing Little Pantries to Address Campus Food Insecurity: A Qualitative Exploration of College Student Experiences
Jones, Jori
Using Digital Technology to Address Intimate Partner or Domestic Violence Among Im/Migrant Populations: A Scoping Review
Jones, Kristian
Collaborative Research and Policy Advocacy for System Change for Transition Age Adults Exiting Foster Care: A State Policy Reform Example from the 2024 Legislative Session
Jones, LaCinda
Linking Implementation Science and Policy: Tools and Processes for Congressionally Mandated Implementation, Evaluation, and Reporting
Jones, Loring
Effectiveness of Education Focused Wraparound Services to Improve Academic Success for Foster Youth: A Pilot Study
Jones, Marcus
Social Change Movement in Development of Meaningful Palliative Care and Medical Aid in Dying Policy: Understanding Oral Histories of Lived Experience of Unmitigated Pain and Bearing Witness
Jones, Nev
Facilitating Effective and Equitable Collaboration in Participatory Action Research to Enhance Youth Peer Support Science, Practice and Policy in Community Mental Health
Social Work Contributions to Psychosis & Schizophrenia
The Impact of Service Users' Race and Legal System Involvement on Coercive Mobile Crisis Interventions: An Institutional Racism Prevention Research Study
"We May be at the Table but Not Sure How Much of a Difference It's Making": Unpacking Service User Experiences of Involvement in Participatory Mental Health Services Research Projects
Between Structural Precarity and Disruptive Innovation: Peer Support Workers in Early Psychosis Services
Jones, Rebecca
Exploring Childrenãƒâ¢Ã¢â€Šâ‚¬Ã¢â€Žâ¢s Experiences of Participation in the Family Courts: A Research Placement Case Study of Collaboration with Government
Jones, Steven
Exploring the Social Determinants of Technology Use on Digital Access to Health Information Among African Americans in Alabama
Jones, Toya
"Acting As the Face of a Broken System": Challenges Experienced By Mobile Crisis Workers
Jones-Cobb, Brittany
An Exploration of the Precarities, Outcomes, and Interventions for Older Adults without Care Partners: A Scoping Review
Jonson-Reid, Melissa
Examining the Impact of Termination of Parental Rights on Foster Care Permanency Outcomes: A Propensity Score Weighted Longitudinal Analysis
Navigating the Scientific Learning Collaborative (SLC) Evidence Map: Enhancing Research and Practice in Child Maltreatment through Transdisciplinary Collaboration
System Pathways and Recidivism: How Does the Timing of System Involvement Predict Risk?
The Occupational and Mental Well-Being of Social Work Professionals in Kyrgyzstan
Dual-System Youth and Emancipation: Is the Association between Dual-System Status and Adult Incarceration Dependent on Independent Living Services?
Navigating the Services Maze: Assessing Service Needs, Referrals, Receipts, and Child Welfare Rereport and Foster Care Entry Outcomes
Different Slopes for Different Folks? Diminishing Minority Returns in Child Maltreatment Reporting and Placement
Examining the Relationships between State Poverty-Related and Child Welfare Policies and Child Maltreatment Report Rates: A Longitudinal Analysis across US Counties, 2007-2019
Report and Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS): Benefits of Linked Longitudinal Data Combining National Child Maltreatment Report Records and National Foster Care Records
Risk and Protective Factors for Adverse Outcomes of Child Maltreatment Reports, United States, 2006-2021
Joo, Bohye
Access to Digital Technology, Digital Capacity in Transportation, and Public Transportation Convenience Among Korean Older Adults: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Joo, Soohyung
Supporting Libraries to Serve the Holistic Needs of the Community: Insights from Fathers Served By Social Service Systems
Jordan, Kiva
The Impact of Disparities in Rural Maternal Emotional Health and Wellbeing: Perception of Rural Mothers in a Majority Minority Community
Jordan, Sid
Defending Queer Youth, Refusing Mandated Reporting: Considerations for Research and Practice
Joseph, Bethany
Subtypes and Service Utilization Patterns Among Patients with Opioid Use Disorder at a Community Health Center in a Medically Underserved Urban Area
Joseph-McCatty, Andrea
Navigating School Safety: Exploring Student Perceptions Following a School-Based Police-Involved Shooting
Enhancing Parental Awareness on Childhood Adversities through a Trauma Informed Parenting Training: A Elementary School and University Partnership
Joshi, Pamela
Exploring Job Burnout Among Family Child Care Providers Who Participate in the Child Care Subsidy System
Joyce, Emily
Navigating Together: Advancing U.S. Global Social Work Education during COVID-19 and Beyond
Juarez, Nicolas
When We Fight, We Win!: Strategic Antagonism in Academic Labor Unionism
Grassroots Governance for Sustainable Development: Examining the Barangay As an Exception Case for Participatory Policy Implementation
Julien-Chinn, Francie
Exploring Social Workers' Conceptualizations of Compassion through Thematic Network Analysis
Jump Norman, Vonda
Supporting Strong Parent-Child Relationships through Increasing Fun Interactions: A Randomized Trial of a Group Home-Based Family Intervention on Zoom
Jung, Chungse
Access to the Covid-19 Relief Programs Among Korean Small Business Owners
Jung, Euijin
Understanding the Association between Everyday Discrimination and Self-Esteem Among Young Adults: Mediating Role of Personality Traits
Investigating Child Welfare Outcomes in Kansas: A Prevention Perspective Under the Family First Act (FFPSA)
Jung, Euijin
Generational Divides in Financial Access: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of U.S. Adults' Financial Behaviors Pre-COVID-19
Jung, Gang Seob
Analyzing Three Decades of Youth Suicidality Trends: A Meta-Analysis of Yrbs Data
Predicting Adolescent Suicidal Ideation: The Role of Physical Activity Evaluated through Machine Learning Models
Jung, Hye-Min
What Happens to Imprisonment Rates When a Progressive Prosecutor Is Elected?: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Cook County
Jung, Jeesoo
Young Adults' Resilience after Collective Trauma: Consideration of Gender Differences in the Korean Context
Jung, Juyeong
The Association between Social Capital and Digital Competency in Older Adults: Focusing on the Moderating Role of Gender
Work Integration Social Enterprises with Different Legal Forms: Performance Comparison between Nonprofit, for-Profit, and Cooperative Organizations
Jung Koo, Hyun
Suicide Risk Profiles and Barriers to Help-Seeking Among College Students at Elevated Risk for Suicide and Not Engaged in Mental Health Services
Jung, Soyon
Perceptions of Romantic Relationships Among Korean Transition-Aged Youth (TAY) with Developmental Disabilities (DD) and Their Parents
Jung, Woojin
Contextualized Poverty Targeting through Multimodal Spatial Data and Machine Learning in Congo
Harnessing Community-Informed Geospatial Data to Identify Food Insecure Households
Juntilla, Alyssa
A Scoping Review of Syringe Service Programs and Naloxone Distribution in Rural Areas Following COVID-19
Jwainat, Alexandra
Childhood Adversity and Stress Among African American Social Work Students: Self-Care As a Mediator