Society for Social Work and Research 29th Annual Conference: Browse by Speaker (D)
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Presenter Index
Please note schedule is subject to change. All in-person and virtual presentations are in Pacific Time Zone (PST).
Browse by Speaker: D
D’Angelo, Lori
Examining Demographic and Functional Predictors of Engagement within the Clubhouse Model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Serious Mental Illness
D'Avella, Christopher
Assessing the Acceptability of Implementing the Cost Screener As a Diagnostic Tool in Routine Clinical Practice Among Low Income, Racially Diverse Patients
D'Erasmo, Vanessa
(WITHDRAWN) A Spatial Analysis of the Arrest of Young People across Philadelphia Neighborhoods and the Role of Structural Factors
D'lppolito, Melinda
Integrated Care Among Latine's in Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders
D’Olympia, Jenny
Exploring Associations Among U.S. Women Veterans between Mental Health Diagnoses and Self-Reported Negative Mental Health Days and Wellbeing Indicators
da Luz Scherf, Erick
Migration Policies As Social Determinants of Health Among International Graduate Students in the United States
Daama, Alex
Examining Associations between Mental Health and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (C-NCDs) Among Older Adults in Wakiso in Uganda: A Population-Based Study
Dabelko- Schoeny, Holly
Weather and Aging Resilient Model (W.A.R.M.) for Affordable Housing
Emergency Preparedness Among Older Immigrants and Refugees: Communication Preferences and Trusted Information Sources
Dabelko-Schoeny, Holly
(Moved to Thursday Poster Session I) Experiences of Loneliness, Isolation, and Service Use Among LGBTQ+ Older Adults
Dada, Shaima
Navigating Trauma and Post-Migration Difficulties: Examining the Gender Dimension of Individual and Collective Trauma Among Afghan Refugees
Multi-Level Support and Sense of Belonging in Afghan Refugee Resettlement: Examining the Moderating Impact of Collective Trauma Symptoms
Daftary, Amrita
Exploring HIV Acquisition Patterns and Sexual Risk Among African, Caribbean, and Black Immigrants in Canada: A Mixed-Methods Study
Daftary, Ashley
Re-Thinking Mandated Reporting: Improving Practice to Keep Children, Families and Communities Safe - Considerations for Social Work Education & Research
Daher, Shahd
Social Workers in Schools (SWIS): A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of School Social Work in England, UK
Dajani, Mona
"It's the Whole Picture of a Person": Exploring the Experiences and Meaning of Well-Being through the Voices of First-Time Working Mothers
Dakin, Andrea
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Impact of Clinically Focused Housing Navigation Services on Housing and Behavioral Health Outcomes for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
Dallenbach, MacKenzie
Sense of Belonging and Campus Climate? Influences in Upstanding Behavior When Witnessing Emotional Distress/Suicidal Thoughts
Don't Talk like That! Personal Experiences with Discrimination and Its Impact on Upstanding Behavior
Dalpe, Jessica
Using Implementation Science to Inform the Adaptation of an Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Program for Forcibly Displaced Couples in the United States
Damianakis, Thecla
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Critical Thinking and Transformative Learning: Findings from a Pilot Study Examining Field Instructor Perspectives on Supporting Student Identity Transitions in Practice
Dan, Ferris
Advancing Racial Equity in Practice and Practicum: Organized By the Partnership for Equity and Excellence in Practicum (PEEP) at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work
Danforth, Laura
Examining the Effectiveness of Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) in Arkansas
Dang, Thien
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Exploring Perceived Racism, Body Image Dissatisfaction, and Coping Mechanisms Among Vietnamese American Young Adults
Dangle, Pratiksha
A Global Scoping Review of Research on Parents with Disabilities Involvement in the Child Protection System
Daniel, Leah
The Impact of Disparities in Rural Maternal Emotional Health and Wellbeing: Perception of Rural Mothers in a Majority Minority Community
Daniels, Jennifer
State Factors and Bureaucratic Decision-Making: Examining the Use of Abawd Discretionary Exemptions in the Administration of SNAP
Daquin, Jane
Validation of the Women's Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) within Alabama Prisons: Findings and Lessons Learned from an Agency-Academic Partnership
Darrow, Jessica
Mapping Systems of Care for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children
Snapshots of Joy, Waves of Distress: How Workers Manage the Impact of Isomorphic Pressures in the Care of Unaccompanied Minors
Dasgupta, Anindita
An Integrated Intervention to Promote PrEP and Address Co-Occurring Partner Violence and Heavy Alcohol Use Among Women in Community Supervision: Study Protocol for a Hybrid Type 1 Randomized Controlled Trial
Datta, Mini
Do You Currently Provide a Stipend? : An Exploratory Study of Social Work Internships in Illinois
David, Ifeolu
Exploring Mental Wellbeing in the Pre-and Post-Pandemic Era: Perspectives of Midwestern College Students, Faculty, and Administrators
David, Syndie
(WITHDRAWN) Centering Black Voices : How Narratives Can Help Reframe Mental Health Treatment for Montrealâ₀™s Afro-Caribbean Community
Davidson, Tim
Equitable Resilience: A Southern African Perspective
Davies, Holly
Coping Skills during COVID-19 Among an Indigenous Community
Davis, Alan
Exploration of the Use of Psychedelics and Harm Reduction Strategies Among Spanish-Speaking Sexual Minorities
Psychological Flexibility Mediates the Relationships between Obsessive Passion and Substance Use-Related Consequences Among College Students Who Use Cannabis and Alcohol Simultaneously
A Longitudinal Study of Resilience Among Participants Attending Ayahuasca Retreats in Latin America
Social Workers' Perspectives on the Feasibility, Appropriateness, and Acceptability of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for Adolescent PTSD
Participant-Engaged Methods for Psychedelic Research with Transgender and Gender Expansive People
Davis, Alissa
Research without Borders: International and Community Collaborative Research for Social Impact Among Sexual and Gender Expansive People in Kazakhstan
Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adolescent Well-Being from the Perspectives of Parents: A Qualitative Study
Trans Health Is Public Health: The Prevalence of HIV Among Trans and Gender Expansive People in Kazakhstan
A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial of Pride in HIV Care: A Crowdsourcing and Peer-Actuated Network Intervention to Increase Engagement in the HIV Care Continuum for Sexual Minority and Gender Expansive Men in Kazakhstan
COVID-19 Disruptions to HIV Prevention and Care Are Associated with Diminished Intention to Engage in Community Peer Outreach Among Sexual and Gender Expansive People in Kazakhstan
Davis, Ashley
Continuing Education to Advance Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination in Practice
Davis, Bridgette
Equity in Street-level Social Work: Exclusion through Bureaucratic Decision Making
Organizations and Management
Davis, Curtis
Helping Fathers in the Perinatal Period: Understanding Paternal Mental Health Issues and Relevant Practices for Social Workers
Davis, Janice
Voices of Impact: Amplifying HBCU Perspectives in Social Work Research
Davis, Jill
Policy Practice: Engaging Coalitions to Understand Opioid Policy Landscape to Impact Social Justice and Health Equity in HCS Communities in Ohio
Davis, Kelly Cue
Application of Syndemic Theory to Examine Intimate Partner Violence, Adverse Mental Health, and Food Insecurity on Polydrug Use Among a Sample of Low-Income Women
Davis, Matt
Developing and Evaluating BSW Students' Skills Using the Virtual Home Simulation (VHS)
Davis, Shadonna
Paydays, Not Payday Loans: The Impacts of Guaranteed Income on High-Cost Financial Service Usage Among Low-Income Black Women
Davison, Kirsten
Fathers' and Mothers' Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Their Children's Behavior Problems
Fathers' Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Behavior Problems in Their Children
Dawood, Mehwish
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Community Belonging and Mental Health Outcomes: Considering Diverse Identity Groups
Day, Angelique
Training Fidelity and Knowledge Gain of Resource Parents: The National Training and Development Center Curriculum
Evaluation of Online Training for Court Personnel on Authentically Engaging Child Welfare System-Involved Children and Youth in the Judicial System
Reaching and Serving Informal Kinship Caregivers in Washington State: An Implementation Analysis on the Lived Experiences of Informal Kinship Caregivers and Kinship Navigators
Day, Maddy
Dispelling the 3% Storyline: Systematic Review of Secondary and Postsecondary Education Outcomes for Young People with Foster Care Backgrounds
de Alarcón, María Arquero
(WITHDRAWN) Examining Participatory Research As Methodology: Insights on Neutrality, Compliance, Critical Consciousness, Power, Sustainability and Expertise (in Climate Action Research with Sao Paolo's Informal Settlements)
De Bellis, Bianca
Empowering Trauma-Affected Youth through DREAMs: The Developing Relational, Emotional, and Adaptive Minds Program
De Fries, Stacey
Field Education
De Jesus, Diliana
Integrated Care Among Latine's in Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders
De La Cruz, Monica
"They Look at You like You're Less Than": Black Women's Experiences with Narratives of Deservingness in Public Assistance Programs in California
"Moving Here Wasn't Easy": Pasifika Women's Perspectives on Racism and Experiences with Public Assistance Programs in California
Exploring the Relationship between Attitudes Toward Poverty, Belief in Structural Racism, and Support for Guaranteed Income: Results from a 2024 Nationally Representative Survey
Fostering Joy: Pathways from Guaranteed Income to Improved Perinatal Mental Health
De La Cruz, Pedro Isnardo
Forecasting Disappeared and Missing Persons Cases in Mexico Using the ARIMA Model and Implications for Violence Prevention
de Leon, Cora
COVID-19 Discrimination and Substance Use Among Asian Americans: Moderating Role of Gender
de Leon, Cora
Pilipinx Social Work and Allies Group (P-SWAG)
De Marco, Allison
Overcoming Structural Racism in Housing Stability and Wealth-Building: Laying the Foundation for Community Health and Wellbeing
de Pierola, Ines
(WITHDRAWN) Employer-Provided Paid Family Leave and Inequalities in Material Hardship after Childbirth
de Saxe Zerden, Lisa
Collaborative Approaches to Addressing Oral Health Inequities: Social Work's Role and Impact in Dental Education
De Smet, Lucas
The Life History Calendar As a Tool to Examine Transgender Women's Victimization, Mental Health, and Seeking and Attaining Help: An Example of a Culturally Relevant Adaptation
DeAlmeida, Lisa
Postpartum Parenting for Women in Recovery from Opioid Use Disorder: Life Purpose, Supports and Challenges
Dean, Alyssa
Turning Points and Transitions on the Hero's Journey: Posttraumatic Growth and Transformation in U.S. Veterans
Deas, Kerry
Exploring the Effects of Individual and Organizational Characteristics and Reinforcement Strategies on the Use of Supervisory Coaching in Child Welfare Services
DeCandia, Angela
By Your Side: Prison Doulas and Reproductive Justice
DeCarlo, Matthew
At the Intersection of Social Work Research, Practice, and Policy: Academic Advocacy Efforts to Eliminate the Association of Social Work Boards Exams from Professional Licensure Requirements
DeCoursey, Jan
Activate: A Participatory Approach to Translate Scientific Research and Build a More Evidence-Informed Workforce
Deguchi, Janice
Wage Equity for Social Workers and the Nonprofit Human Services Sector, Sponsored by the Social Policy Committee
Deka, Ankita
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) "I Didn't Think That I Would Have to Go Hungry Some Nights": Bringing Students' Basic Needs to the Table
DeLiema, Marti
Development of a Long-Term Care Planning and Education Tool for Older Adults and Their Caregivers
Assessing Financial Victimization Severity Among Older Victims of Mass Marketing Scams: The Effects of Risky Behaviors and Social Isolation
Dell, Nathaniel
Prevalence of Substance Use Disorder in Emergency Department Visits Involving Survivors of Human Trafficking
Machine Learning Insights into Mental Health Among Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia: Pre- and Post-Migration Stressors in Predicting Major Depressive Episodes
Self-Reported Barriers to Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Support Services: A Latent Class Analysis
Dellor, Elinam
Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing a Collaborative Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Pilot Program with Firefighters
The Relationship between Childhood Emotional Abuse and Maladaptive Parenting Practices
The Mediating Role of Trauma Coping Self-Efficacy in the Association between Firefighter Coping Self-Efficacy and Secondary Traumatic Stress
She Cried after Realizing She Has Support: Practices of Peer Mentors in a Substance Use Treatment Intervention
(WITHDRAWN) Factors Affecting Fidelity in a Cross-Systems Intervention for Child Welfare and Substance Use Treatment: A Coincidence Analysis
DeLuca, Joseph
Evaluating the Impact of an Interprofessional Training on Early-Stage Psychosis: Collaborative Research in Behavioral Health
Denby-Brinson, Ramona
Transforming Careers in Mental Health for Bipoc: Mentoring Strategies to Promote Healing and Social Change
Special Symposium: “Whose facts matter!? – Part Two: Epistemic justice & professional values in faculty recruitment, promotion, tenure, and merit processes”
Presidential Plenary [presented in person]
Fellows and Awards Presentations [presented in person and live streamed]
Membership Business Meeting [presented in person and live streamed]
Denebayeva, Alfiya
A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial of Pride in HIV Care: A Crowdsourcing and Peer-Actuated Network Intervention to Increase Engagement in the HIV Care Continuum for Sexual Minority and Gender Expansive Men in Kazakhstan
Deng, Chen
Family Resilience of Chinese Rural Left-behind Adolescents: The Predictors and Outcomes from a Latent Profile Analysis
Deng, Suo
Reconstructing Welfare Governance through Practice Research: A Qualitative Exploration of University-Agency Collaboration for Child Protection Service in China
Deng, Yali
Trends in Suicide Attempt By Race/Ethnicity Among College Students: Findings from Healthy Mind Study, 2014-2023
(WITHDRAWN) Sociodemographic Differences in Barriers and Facilitators of Mental Health Service Utilization Among College Students at Risk for Suicide: A Systematic Review
DePanfilis, Diane
Exploring the Effects of Individual and Organizational Characteristics and Reinforcement Strategies on the Use of Supervisory Coaching in Child Welfare Services
Derritt, Ladorris
Generational Opportunities to Achieve Long-Term Success: A 2Gen Program Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness
Derzis, Nicholas
Validation of the Women's Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) within Alabama Prisons: Findings and Lessons Learned from an Agency-Academic Partnership
Desai, Anmol
Understanding Resilience Strategies and Occupational Stressors Among Harm Reduction Workers
Despard, Mat
The Impacts of the Child Tax Credit on Financial Resilience and the Use of High-Cost Financial Resources
Desrosiers, Alethea
Cultural Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Youth Intervention to Address Mental Health Among Youth in Colombia
Dettwiler, Troy
Using Sport and Physical Activity to Support the Mental Health and Belonging of 2SLGBTQ People
DeVoe, Ellen
Associate and Deputy Deans of Faculty Affairs, Faculty Development, and Academic Affairs
DeVylder, Jordan
Assessing Intersecting Risk Factors for Psychotic Experiences Using an Expanded Social Defeat Hypothesis
Social Work Contributions to Psychosis & Schizophrenia
DeYoung, Elizabeth
Two-Generation Impacts of Guaranteed Income in Cambridge, MA
DeZelar, Sharyn
Disabled Social Work Students' Lived Experiences with the Implicit Curriculum
Parent Centered Planning: Exploring the Potential Effectiveness of a Brief, Strengths-Based Intervention for Working with Parents with Disabilities
Dhaktode, Nitin
Indian and Nepali Immigrant in the USA, Caste-Based Cultural Practices and Coping Mechanism for Handling Long-Term Trauma
Dhaske, Anamika
"the Path Was Uphill": Experiential Journey of Married Female International PhD Students
Dhliwayo, Georjette
Generational Opportunities to Achieve Long-Term Success: A 2Gen Program Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness
Dhot, Prabjyot
Victims or Perpetrators? Young Mothers Involved with the Child Welfare System in Ontario and Their Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence
Dhungel, Rita
Unpacking the Challenges Experienced By Immigrants and Refugees Living with HIV: A HIV Transformative Post-COVID-19 Model
Di Cesare, Dane Marco
Genuine Data, Genuine Impacts: A Team-Based Systematic Coding Approach for Detecting and Excluding Fraudulent Bot Data from an Online Survey Sample
Diaconu, Mioara
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) The Religious Impact on Adults with Substance Abuse: Examination from U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Associations between after-School Settings and the Cognitive Outcomes of U.S. Elementary School Children: Results from Household Income Differences
Diallo, Mariama
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) A Simulation-Based Research Study Exploring the Role of Supervision in Trauma-Informed Practice and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Dias, Candice
Social Survey Sampling Methodology for Policy and Practice Implementation: Results and Lessons from the Philadelphia Economic Equity Project
Diaw, Serigne M.
Contemplative Coping during COVID, Inclusivity and Accessibility in Meditative Practices for Well-Being
Diaz, April
LGBTQ+ Youth Activists in the U.S.: An Exploration of Their Progress, Challenges, and Aspirations
Diaz, Mery
Invited Journal Editors Workshop II: Forum on Publishing Qualitative Research
Critical Feminisms
Diaz-Strong, Daysi
Identifying Undocumented Students without Causing Fear: Disclosure and the Contradictions Created By Legal Violence during the Transition to College
Diaz-Valdes, Antonia
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Cross-National Prevalence of Risk of Depression Among Older Adults: Are There Gender and Age Differences?
DiChristofano, Alex
The Ties behind Eviction: Using Social Network Analysis to Explore High-Filing Landlord-Attorney Connections
Dickson-Amagada, Mary
Exploring Mental Wellbeing in the Pre-and Post-Pandemic Era: Perspectives of Midwestern College Students, Faculty, and Administrators
Didericksen, Jaxon
Bridging the Justice Gap: Innovative Legal Services Initiatives and Implications for Social Work
Dieterly, Joyce
Invited Symposium II: Funding Collaborative Community Partnered Research: A Discussion with Funders and Researchers
DiGuiseppi, Graham
Youth Experiencing Homelessness and HIV Prevention Communication: A Multi-Level Dyadic Network Analysis
Dillon, Dennis
A Qualitative Exploration of Practitioner Wisdom
DiMarcantonio, Laura
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Male Motivation to Pursue Social Work: A Causal-Comparative Study Investigating the Differences in Male Students Motivational Orientation and Field of Study
Dimoji, Asha
(WITHDRAWN) A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Empower@Home: A Novel Digital Mental Health Intervention for Depression Among Older Adults
Dinc, Yasemin
Predictors of Well-Being Among Syrian Women in Northern and Southern Turkiye
Ding, Kedong
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) "I Wanted to be Proactive, but I Am Too Exhausted": Challenges and Stressors in Navigating End-of-Life Care for Older Parents Living with Dementia in China
Trajectories of Cognitive Decline Among Older Adults in the United States: The Influence of Neighborhood Physical Disadvantage and Education
Ding, Xiao
A Solution-Focused Group Approach for Crisis Prevention and Early Intervention Among Traumatized and Stressed Youth: A Feasibility Trial in Alternative High Schools
Dinh, Duy
Vaccine Hesitancy and Under-Vaccination Among Racialized LGBTQ+ People Living with HIV in North America: A Scoping Review
DiNitto, Diana
Is Substance Use Problem Recognition Influenced By the Type of Substance Use Disorder?
A Solution-Focused Group Approach for Crisis Prevention and Early Intervention Among Traumatized and Stressed Youth: A Feasibility Trial in Alternative High Schools
Disney, Lindsey
A Scoping Review and Analysis of Mental Health Literacy Interventions for Resettled Refugees in High-Income Countries 
Beyond a Zero-Sum Game: Racial Dynamics between Resettled Refugees and African Americans in Two Urban Neighborhoods
Diwan, Sadhna
Exploring Ways to Enhance Culturally Humble Mental Health Practices for Asian Americans and Latino Populations
Dixon-Gardner, Alvalyn
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) I Don't Want Anybody to Know I'm Struggling: Attitudes and Beliefs about Formal Depression Care Among Older, Church-Attending, African American Men
Dixon-Román, Ezekiel
Social Survey Sampling Methodology for Policy and Practice Implementation: Results and Lessons from the Philadelphia Economic Equity Project
Dodd, Sj
It's so Obvious I'm Not Sure What to Type: Social Work Educators, Cis-Supremacist Legislation, and the Question of Professional Obligation
Doering-White, John
Creative Approaches to Advancing Recognition in Social Work Research on Climate and Environmental Justice
Scholars across Anthropology and Social Work
Humanitarian Logics and the Everyday (In)Visibility of Climate-Related Migration Along the Central American Migrant Trail through Mexico
Doering-White, John
Need for Speed: How Transitional Foster Care Practitioners Experience ORR-Mandated Policy for Unaccompanied Migrant Children
Doherty, Fiona
Environmental Arts and Humanities: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Foster Environmental Connection, Understanding, and Action
Emergency Preparedness Among Older Immigrants and Refugees: Communication Preferences and Trusted Information Sources
Doherty, Meredith
Interdisciplinary Interventions to Address Medical Financial Hardship across the Healthcare System: A Social Ecological Approach
The Preliminary Impact of a Cancer-Specific Financial Navigation Intervention Program across Age Groups
Assessing the Acceptability of Implementing the Cost Screener As a Diagnostic Tool in Routine Clinical Practice Among Low Income, Racially Diverse Patients
Dohlman, Camilla
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Community Belonging and Mental Health Outcomes: Considering Diverse Identity Groups
Doko, Sibel
Characteristics, Contributions, and Gaps of Social Work Literature on Gendered Racism
Doll, Kaitrin
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Roller Derbyâââ₀šâ‚€Ã¢â₀žÂ¢s Rainbow Revolution: A Study of Sexual and Gender Diverse Experiences in Sport
Recentering the 'cultural Eye' in Social Work Research and Education: An Academic-Community Organizational Change Approach for Curriculum Reform
Dollar, Desirea
Influence of Protective Factors on the Mental Health of Transitional Age Youth in Foster Care
Dolliver, Matthew
Validation of the Women's Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) within Alabama Prisons: Findings and Lessons Learned from an Agency-Academic Partnership
Domanico, Rose
Instability and Family Belonging: Young Adult Adoptee Experiences
Dominguez, Ezequiel
Financial Wellbeing and Mental Health Among Latinas and Latinos during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Donehower, Allison
Preliminary Efficacy of a Peer-Delivered Psychosocial Intervention for Family Caregivers of Patients with a Life-Threatening Cancer Diagnosis
Dong, Yanjun
COVID-19 Narrowed Down Black-White Older Adults’ Digital Divide in Telehealth: Subgroup Analysis of Gender, Education, and Income
Understanding Older Adults' Self-Directed Ageism and Positive Perception of Aging from an Intersectionality Perspective
Donkin, Victoria
Invisible Wounds: Exploring the Coping Strategies of Black Survivors of Homicide Victims in Canada
Donnelly, Hayoung
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Research Trend Analysis of Suicide Among Adolescents in South Korea
Donnelly, Hayoung
(WITHDRAWN) Longitudinal Substance Abuse Patterns Among Transition-Age Youth in the Foster Care System and Their Subsequent Adulthood Outcomes
Doria, Celina
Social Work and Reproductive Justice
Dorjsuren, Avirmed
Bridging Gaps between Education and Practice: Challenges of the Health Social Workers in Mongolia
Dorsey, Marquitta
Understanding Black Father Involvement in Education in the Context of Systemic Inequities
Well-Being of Black Women and Girls (WBBWG)
Dotolo, Danae
The Experiences and Needs of Asian Family Caregivers for Severe Mental Illness in the United States: A Qualitative Scoping Review and Implications for Practice and Programming
Social Worker Perspectives: Providing High-Quality Palliative Care to Individuals Preferring Languages Other Than English
Doucet, Melanie
The Equitable Standards for Transitions to Adulthood for Youth in Care: A Canadian First Voice Advocate Led Initiative
Finding Our Way Home: A Collaborative Photovoice Research Project with Young People Who Have 'aged out' of Care and Experienced Homelessness in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Douglas, Emily
(WITHDRAWN) Safe Haven Laws in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Knowledge Among University Students
Dowdy-Hazlett, Taylor
First Placement Impact on Foster Parent Communication Satisfaction
Parenting skills in kinship placements and impact on child outcomes
Exploring Social Workers' Conceptualizations of Compassion through Thematic Network Analysis
"Do No Harm Can Get a Little Muddy": Social Workers' Experiences with Moral Distress
Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Foster Parents
Placement Instability: Placement Characteristics and Demographic Factors Associated with Foster Parents’ Intent to Turnover and Disrupt Placement
The Quality Standards Assessment: Connecting Quality Care with Youth Outcomes
Downey, Dget
Examining PrEP Cascade Engagement in a Statewide Sample of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Adults in the United States
"Safe Space Stickers Are Not Enough": Ambiguous and Performative LGBTQ+ Affirmation in Organizations Providing Mental Healthcare to Youth
HIV Treatment Engagement As a Moderator of the Relationship between HIV Stigma and Depression Severity Among Black and Latine Emerging Adults
HIV Testing Frequency & Predictors in a Statewide Sample of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Adults
Downey, Margaret
The Social Diagnosis and Maternal Mortality Review: An Institutional Ethnography
Downing, Kenya
(WITHDRAWN) Kinship Care Effects on Behavioral Outcomes for African American Children
Doyle, Otima
Overcoming Trauma, Racism, and System Involvement: Highlighting the Parenting Strengths of Fathers from Marginalized Backgrounds
Drake, Brett
Rapids: A New Way to Use National Child Welfare Data
Understanding Re-Entry of Older Youth Following Reunification in the USA
Dual-System Youth and Emancipation: Is the Association between Dual-System Status and Adult Incarceration Dependent on Independent Living Services?
Different Slopes for Different Folks? Diminishing Minority Returns in Child Maltreatment Reporting and Placement
Examining the Relationships between State Poverty-Related and Child Welfare Policies and Child Maltreatment Report Rates: A Longitudinal Analysis across US Counties, 2007-2019
Report and Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS): Benefits of Linked Longitudinal Data Combining National Child Maltreatment Report Records and National Foster Care Records
Session 1: The Report and Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS)
Risk and Protective Factors for Adverse Outcomes of Child Maltreatment Reports, United States, 2006-2021
The Trajectory of Behavioral and Emotional Problems Among Children Experiencing Child Maltreatment: Early Childhood Experiences and Family Characteristics
Drake, Brittany
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Navigating Telemental Health: Provider Perceptions and Decision-Making in a Community Mental Health Setting
Analyzing Telemental Health Service Modality Effects on Treatment Engagement Using Electronic Health Record Claims Data
Dreby, Joanna
Immigration Enforcement Episodes during Childhood and Wellbeing of Young Adults: A Mixed Method Study
Dressman, Kimberly
Physical and Emotional Sibling Violence & Adult Attachment in Close Relationships: Comparisons between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Individuals
Drew, Alison
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) A Little Goes a Long Way: Highly Mobile Military-Connected Parents' and Students' Perspectives on School Supports for School Transitions
Driessen, Molly
Collegiate Title IX Coordinators' Experiences of Navigating Changing Social and Political Climates and the Impact on Campus Sexual Misconduct
Driessnack, Martha
(WITHDRAWN) I Wish They Knew Something about My Body: A Participatory Arts-Based Study with Gender Creative Children in the Healthcare Context
Drolet, Julie
Rebuilding Communities and Co-Creating Knowledge in Times of Crisis and Emergency
Droubay, Brian
Religious Congregants' Affirmation of Lesbian and Gay Individuals in Church: The Role of Social Empathy
Du, Meng
Parental Warmth, Family Resilience and Psychological Distress Among Chinese Parent-Child Dyads: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model
Duane, Addison
The Roles of Teachers' Social-Emotional Competence in Integrated and Equity-Enhancing Social-Emotional Learning: Evidence from Preschool to High School Teachers in California
Dugue, Joelle
A Community-Based Approach to Increasing Access to Mental Health Services: The Inclusion of Black Faith-Based Organizations
Duke-Mosier, Sophia
(WITHDRAWN) Unacknowledged Caregivers: A Scoping Review of Research on Caregiving for Asian American Cancer Survivors
DuMont, Kimberly
Acting on a 21st Century Research Agenda for a Child Welfare and Child Well-Being System – Networking Session for Funders and Researchers
Dunkerley, Stacy
"Working on It Together, Collaboratively": Child Welfare Supervisors' Perspectives on Acceptability, Feasibility, and Fidelity with Implementing a Strengths-Based Coaching Program
Dunleavy, Laura
The Technology Landscape for Connecticut Child Care Providers
Dunnigan, Allison
Multiraciality and Intersectionality: An Asian-Centered Exploration of out-of-Home Care
Indigenous and LGBTQ+ Coalition Formation for the Child Welfare Policy Rule-Making Process: A Thematic Analysis Using an Advocacy Coalition Policy Framework
Dupree, Shanelle
Using Interactive Theater As a Methodology to Advocate for Racial Equity and Social Action in Child Welfare
Durand, Brenna
The Life History Calendar As a Tool to Examine Transgender Women's Victimization, Mental Health, and Seeking and Attaining Help: An Example of a Culturally Relevant Adaptation
Life Course Prevalence and Co-Occurrence of Victimization Among Transgender Women
A Mixed Methods Examination of Transgender Women's Help Seeking and Attainment Following Interpersonal Victimization
Durham, Aliya
Developing an Academic-Community Research Partnership with Faith Communities of Color: Challenges, Rewards, and Recommendations
Duron, Jacquelynn
Implementation of Social Emotional Learning Programs in K-12 Schools in the United States: A Scoping Review
Leveraging Community Efforts to Advance the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
Durrance, Christine Piette
The Causal Effects of Foster Care: Why the Intensive Margins Matter
Dvalishvili, Darejan
An Evaluation of Advanced Certification Training for Child Welfare Professionals
Perspectives of Parental Engagement in Child Welfare: Voices of Parents and Frontline Workers
The Quality Standards Assessment: Connecting Quality Care with Youth Outcomes
Dworsky, Amy
(SEE VIRTUAL POSTER GALLERY) Evaluation Findings from a Supportive Housing Intervention for Child Welfare Involved Families
Child Maltreatment Among Children in out-of-Home Care: Secondary Analysis of Ncands and Afcars Data
Dyer, Justin
Maladaptive Perfectionism and Religious Involvement Among Youth in the Western United States
Dyett, Jordan
Illuminating Systemic Harm through Visual Data: Findings from Photovoice Projects with Two Communities
Dysart, Camille
Brutality, Betrayal, and "Bleeding Hearts": A Mixed Methods Exploration of Moral Injury in Correctional Healthcare
Dyson, Bailey
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Schools and Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation: A Rapid Scoping Review
Dzilankhulani, Tiyanjane
Are Laws/Policies Enough? Stakeholders' Views on Implementing Interventions on Ending Child Marriage in Malawi
Dzombo, Millicent
Extreme Weather Events and Mental Health in Climate-Vulnerable Communities: Results from a Large-Scale Survey of Women Living in Informal Settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
Community Participatory Approaches to Climate Justice in Informal Settlements in Nairobi
Navigating Stress: Coping Profiles of Women in Kenyan Informal Settlements
Unraveling the Nexus between Neighborhood Disorder and Intimate Partner Violence Against Women: The Importance of Social Cohesion in Informal Settlements in Kenya